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[support] dlandon - Zoneminder 1.36

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Seeing a lot of this: ".WAR-/usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php/778 [ZM_OPT_CAMBOZOLA is enabled, but the system cannot find /usr/share/zoneminder/www/cambozola.jar]" in the logs. Can anyone explain Cambozola significance?


On maybe a unrelated note, I was using IpCamViewerPro on my iPhone to remotely, through VPN, watch cameras. Today I had to turn SSL off in the app to see cameras. I have never put a signed HTTPS certificate, but to best of my knowledge it's always worked in IPCamViewer with SSL enabled and now it requires me turn OFF SSL. Does anyone happen to have any idea if recent update with Zoneminder could've caused that/been related?

Link to comment
6 hours ago, blaine07 said:

Seeing a lot of this: ".WAR-/usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php/778 [ZM_OPT_CAMBOZOLA is enabled, but the system cannot find /usr/share/zoneminder/www/cambozola.jar]" in the logs. Can anyone explain Cambozola significance?

Got to Options->Images and turn off Cambozola.jar.  Click n the '?' next to the option for explanation.  Cambozola.jar has been removed from the latest Docker.

6 hours ago, blaine07 said:

On maybe a unrelated note, I was using IpCamViewerPro on my iPhone to remotely, through VPN, watch cameras. Today I had to turn SSL off in the app to see cameras. I have never put a signed HTTPS certificate, but to best of my knowledge it's always worked in IPCamViewer with SSL enabled and now it requires me turn OFF SSL. Does anyone happen to have any idea if recent update with Zoneminder could've caused that/been related?

The Zoneminder Docker has been updated to Zoneminder 1.34.  This may have changed your iPhone app access.  Why don't you use zmNinja?

Link to comment

1.34 isn't working for me.... Can't seem to load anything


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/05_set_the_time.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/06_set_php_time.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_syslog-ng.init...
Jan 19 09:56:26 c6570ff7876c syslog-ng[16]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.13.2'
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/20_apt_update.sh...
Hit:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease
Hit:2 http://ppa.launchpad.net/iconnor/zoneminder-1.34/ubuntu bionic InRelease
Hit:3 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease
Hit:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease
Hit:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports InRelease
Hit:6 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ondrej/php/ubuntu bionic InRelease
Reading package lists...
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Calculating upgrade...
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/30_gen_ssl_keys.sh...
using existing keys in "/config/keys"
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/40_firstrun.sh...
Using existing conf folder
File zm.conf already moved
File zmeventnotification.ini already moved
File secrets.ini already moved
Event notification server already moved
Using existing ssmtp folder
Using existing mysql database folder
Copy /config/control/ scripts to /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control/
Copy /config/conf/ scripts to /etc/zm/conf.d/
Creating symbolink links
usermod: no changes
usermod: no changes
usermod: no changes
Using existing data directory for events
Using existing data directory for images
Using existing data directory for temp
Using existing data directory for cache
no crontab for root
Setting shared memory to : 50% of 16344776 bytes
Starting services...
* Starting MariaDB database server mysqld
Jan 19 09:56:32 c6570ff7876c /etc/mysql/debian-start[733]: Upgrading MySQL tables if necessary.
Jan 19 09:56:32 c6570ff7876c /etc/mysql/debian-start[737]: /usr/bin/mysql_upgrade: the '--basedir' option is always ignored
Jan 19 09:56:32 c6570ff7876c /etc/mysql/debian-start[737]: Looking for 'mysql' as: /usr/bin/mysql
Jan 19 09:56:32 c6570ff7876c /etc/mysql/debian-start[737]: Looking for 'mysqlcheck' as: /usr/bin/mysqlcheck
Jan 19 09:56:32 c6570ff7876c /etc/mysql/debian-start[737]: This installation of MySQL is already upgraded to 10.1.43-MariaDB, use --force if you still need to run mysql_upgrade
Jan 19 09:56:32 c6570ff7876c /etc/mysql/debian-start[744]: Checking for insecure root accounts.
Jan 19 09:56:32 c6570ff7876c /etc/mysql/debian-start[748]: Triggering myisam-recover for all MyISAM tables and aria-recover for all Aria tables

Initiating database upgrade to version 1.34.0 from version 1.32.3

Upgrading database to version 1.34.0
Loading config from DB 230 entries
Saving config to DB 230 entries
Upgrading DB to 1.33.0 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.0.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.1 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.1.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.2 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.2.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.3 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.3.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.4 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.4.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.5 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.5.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.6 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.6.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.7 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.7.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.8 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.8.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.9 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.9.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.10 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.10.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.11 from 1.32.3

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.33.11.
Upgrading DB to 1.33.12 from 1.32.3
ERROR 1932 (42S02) at line 15: Table 'zm.Logs' doesn't exist in engine
Command 'mysql -hlocalhost -uzmuser -p"zmpass" zm < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-1.33.12.sql' exited with status: 1

Freshening configuration in database
Migratings passwords, if any...
Loading config from DB 230 entries
Saving config to DB 230 entries
* Starting Apache httpd web server apache2
Starting ZoneMinder:
Jan 19 09:56:35 c6570ff7876c zmpkg[847]: INF [Sanity checking States table...]
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'zm.Logs' doesn't exist in engine at /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Logger.pm line 600.
Jan 19 09:56:35 c6570ff7876c zmpkg[847]: ERR [Can't execute log entry 'INSERT INTO Logs ( TimeKey, Component, ServerId, Pid, Level, Code, Message, File, Line ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL )': Table 'zm.Logs' doesn't exist in engine]
Jan 19 09:56:35 c6570ff7876c zmpkg[847]: INF [Command: start]
Jan 19 09:56:35 c6570ff7876c zmpkg[847]: FAT [Version mismatch, system is version 1.34.0, database is 1.32.3, please run zmupdate.pl to update.]
ZoneMinder failed to start

*** /etc/my_init.d/40_firstrun.sh failed with status 255

*** Killing all processes...
Jan 19 09:56:35 c6570ff7876c syslog-ng[16]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.13.2'

Link to comment
1 hour ago, johnnyfive said:

Upgrading DB to 1.33.12 from 1.32.3
ERROR 1932 (42S02) at line 15: Table 'zm.Logs' doesn't exist in engine
Command 'mysql -hlocalhost -uzmuser -p"zmpass" zm < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-1.33.12.sql' exited with status: 1

There was an error updating your databases.  Are you using an external database?

Link to comment
The Zoneminder Docker has been updated to Zoneminder 1.34.  This may have changed your iPhone app access.  Why don't you use zmNinja?

Maybe IpCam app, after reading description seems very possible, was using Cambozola and that’s where my issues start and end.

Meh, will definitely take a look at zmNinja.

Link to comment
37 minutes ago, blaine07 said:


Maybe IpCam app, after reading description seems very possible, was using Cambozola and that’s where my issues start and end.

Meh, will definitely take a look at zmNinja.



Cambozola is old technology and will probably be removed in the next version of Zoneminder.

  • Like 1
Link to comment
5 minutes ago, thegizzard said:

Hey guys for some reason zmninja isnt working properly after the update.  It logs in but montage images are empty and the events do not play.   I updated the ffmpeg option and turned off cambozola.  Did I miss anything else?

Does the Docker log have anything that gives a clue to what's going on?  Check your camera setups and be sure you have the correct resolution.  Choose one of the pre-set resolutions.

Link to comment

Alright so I just deleted all my zoneminder files and restarted everything... I'm not sure all my previous configs.


I'm getting this error though for one of my cameras 



2020-01-22 16:30:14zma_m24620ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:30:14zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:29:13zmwatch976ERRMemory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0zmwatch.pl

2020-01-22 16:29:10zma_m24578ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:29:10zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:29:05zma_m24557ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:29:05zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:29:04zma_m24551ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:29:04zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:28:05zma_m24534ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:28:05zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:28:00zma_m24532ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:28:00zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:27:59zma_m24531ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:27:59zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:26:59zma_m24432ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:26:59zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:26:58zma_m24427ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:26:58zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:25:45zma_m24375ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:25:45zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:23:51zma_m24282ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:23:51zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:23:48zms_m24280ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:23:48zms_m24280ERRUnable to connect to monitor id 2 for streamingzm_stream.cpp48

2020-01-22 16:23:48zms_m24280ERRUnable to connect to zmc process for monitor 2zms.cpp259

2020-01-22 16:23:46zma_m24276ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:23:46zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:23:45zma_m24275ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:23:45zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:22:45zma_m24213ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:22:45zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:22:44zma_m24212ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:22:44zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:22:11web_js883ERRUncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceededzm/tools/mootools/mootools-core.js1

2020-01-22 16:21:54zma_m24150ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:21:54zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:48:33zma_m23548ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:48:33zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:29zma_m23525ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:47:29zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:24zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:23zma_m23523ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:47:22zmwatch976ERRMemory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0zmwatch.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:22zma_m23522ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:47:22zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:18zma_m23514ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:47:18zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:13zma_m23513ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:47:13zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:12zma_m23512ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:47:12zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:46:03zma_m23493ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:46:03zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:46:02zma_m23492ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:46:02zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:45:01zma_m23471ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:45:01zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:44:07zma_m23451ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:44:07zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:44:02zma_m23449ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:44:02zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:44:01zma_m23448ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:44:01zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:44:00zmwatch976ERRMemory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0zmwatch.pl

2020-01-22 14:43:56zma_m23440ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:43:56zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:43:51zma_m23439ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:43:51zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:43:50zma_m23438ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:43:50zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:42:41zma_m23423ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:42:41zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:42:40zma_m23422ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:42:40zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:41:50zma_m23405ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:41:50zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:48:48zma_m21793ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:48:48zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:48:47zma_m21792ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:48:47zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:47:47zma_m21774ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:47:47zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:53zma_m21753ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:46:53zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:48zma_m21752ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:46:48zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:46zmwatch976ERRMemory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0zmwatch.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:46zma_m21751ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:46:46zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:42zma_m21743ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:46:42zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:37zma_m21742ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:46:37zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:36zma_m21741ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:46:36zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:45:37zma_m21726ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:45:37zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:45:36zma_m21725ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:45:36zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:44:25zma_m21708ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:44:25zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:31zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:31zma_m21687ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:43:26zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:26zma_m21686ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:43:25zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:25zma_m21685ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:43:24zmwatch976ERRMemory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0zmwatch.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:20zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:20zma_m21677ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:43:15zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:15zma_m21676ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:43:14zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:14zma_m21673ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:42:05zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:42:05zma_m21655ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:42:04zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:42:04zma_m21654ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:50:05zmdc909ERR'zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:50:05zma_m1943ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor RaspPizm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 07:44:40zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:44:40zma_m220534ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:44:39zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:44:39zma_m220533ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:43:28zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:43:28zma_m220514ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:41:27web_js20394ERRUncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceededzm/tools/mootools/mootools-core.js1

2020-01-22 07:21:49zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:21:49zma_m220236ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:21:48zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:21:48zma_m220235ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:20:48zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

Most Common ones are: 

Got empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?    zm_monitor.cpp    574

Shared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePan    zm_monitor.cpp    498

Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0




When this occurs the camera is getting disabled for a several minutes and then works again and after some times the errors occurs again.


I have two cameras running.  The camera that is having difficulty was running on record, just switched it to mocord.  Other camera seems fine but is on modetect

Edited by johnnyfive
Link to comment
2 hours ago, johnnyfive said:

Alright so I just deleted all my zoneminder files and restarted everything... I'm not sure all my previous configs.


I'm getting this error though for one of my cameras 



2020-01-22 16:30:14zma_m24620ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:30:14zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:29:13zmwatch976ERRMemory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0zmwatch.pl

2020-01-22 16:29:10zma_m24578ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:29:10zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:29:05zma_m24557ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:29:05zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:29:04zma_m24551ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:29:04zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:28:05zma_m24534ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:28:05zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:28:00zma_m24532ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:28:00zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:27:59zma_m24531ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:27:59zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:26:59zma_m24432ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:26:59zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:26:58zma_m24427ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:26:58zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:25:45zma_m24375ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:25:45zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:23:51zma_m24282ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:23:51zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:23:48zms_m24280ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:23:48zms_m24280ERRUnable to connect to monitor id 2 for streamingzm_stream.cpp48

2020-01-22 16:23:48zms_m24280ERRUnable to connect to zmc process for monitor 2zms.cpp259

2020-01-22 16:23:46zma_m24276ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:23:46zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:23:45zma_m24275ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:23:45zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:22:45zma_m24213ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:22:45zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:22:44zma_m24212ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:22:44zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 16:22:11web_js883ERRUncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceededzm/tools/mootools/mootools-core.js1

2020-01-22 16:21:54zma_m24150ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 16:21:54zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:48:33zma_m23548ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:48:33zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:29zma_m23525ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:47:29zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:24zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:23zma_m23523ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:47:22zmwatch976ERRMemory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0zmwatch.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:22zma_m23522ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:47:22zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:18zma_m23514ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:47:18zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:13zma_m23513ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:47:13zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:47:12zma_m23512ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:47:12zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:46:03zma_m23493ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:46:03zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:46:02zma_m23492ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:46:02zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:45:01zma_m23471ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:45:01zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:44:07zma_m23451ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:44:07zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:44:02zma_m23449ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:44:02zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:44:01zma_m23448ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 14:44:01zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:44:00zmwatch976ERRMemory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0zmwatch.pl

2020-01-22 14:43:56zma_m23440ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:43:56zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:43:51zma_m23439ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:43:51zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:43:50zma_m23438ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:43:50zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:42:41zma_m23423ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:42:41zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:42:40zma_m23422ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:42:40zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 14:41:50zma_m23405ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 14:41:50zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:48:48zma_m21793ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:48:48zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:48:47zma_m21792ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:48:47zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:47:47zma_m21774ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:47:47zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:53zma_m21753ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:46:53zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:48zma_m21752ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:46:48zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:46zmwatch976ERRMemory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0zmwatch.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:46zma_m21751ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:46:46zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:42zma_m21743ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:46:42zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:37zma_m21742ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:46:37zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:46:36zma_m21741ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:46:36zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:45:37zma_m21726ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:45:37zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:45:36zma_m21725ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:45:36zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:44:25zma_m21708ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:44:25zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:31zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:31zma_m21687ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:43:26zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:26zma_m21686ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:43:25zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:25zma_m21685ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePanzm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 09:43:24zmwatch976ERRMemory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0zmwatch.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:20zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:20zma_m21677ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:43:15zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:15zma_m21676ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:43:14zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:43:14zma_m21673ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:42:05zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:42:05zma_m21655ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 09:42:04zmdc909ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 09:42:04zma_m21654ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:50:05zmdc909ERR'zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:50:05zma_m1943ERRShared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor RaspPizm_monitor.cpp498

2020-01-22 07:44:40zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:44:40zma_m220534ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:44:39zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:44:39zma_m220533ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:43:28zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:43:28zma_m220514ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:41:27web_js20394ERRUncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceededzm/tools/mootools/mootools-core.js1

2020-01-22 07:21:49zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:21:49zma_m220236ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:21:48zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

2020-01-22 07:21:48zma_m220235ERRGot empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?zm_monitor.cpp574

2020-01-22 07:20:48zmdc861ERR'zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255zmdc.pl

Most Common ones are: 

Got empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?    zm_monitor.cpp    574

Shared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor WyzePan    zm_monitor.cpp    498

Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0




When this occurs the camera is getting disabled for a several minutes and then works again and after some times the errors occurs again.


I have two cameras running.  The camera that is having difficulty was running on record, just switched it to mocord.  Other camera seems fine but is on modetect

Your best bet for help is at the Zoneminder forums.

Link to comment

Since playing with the set up, I wonder if someone could help with 2 questions:

1. How would i change what is sent to MQTT? I'm using Node-red so can parse the JSON pretty easily, but the "name" is a little obscure right now:

"name": "CameraName:(413) [s] detected:person:38% Motion mudroom"

is it possible to add more lines to the JSON after


to break out say "object": "person" and "percentage" : "38"

2. Is there a way either in the detection script or via ZM API to save the image or video of a successful detection somewhere (or use its current locaiton)? Ideally I would like to use iOS notification to send the image in an alert in HA.  

Link to comment

I run this ZM docker using an external mariadb database and encountered a few issues when upgrading to 1.34.


The first issue was:

Upgrading DB to 1.33.7 from 1.32.3
ERROR 1419 (HY000) at line 3: You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

this was fixed by changing a setting in the mariadb mysql instance:

mysql -u root -p
set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;

The second issue was:

Upgrading DB to 1.33.7 from 1.32.3
ERROR 1728 (HY000) at line 117: Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted

This was fixed by running the mysql_upgrade on the mariadb instance:

mysql_upgrade -u root -p


After that, the upgrade went smoothly. Hoping this helps anyone who might be in the same boat

Link to comment
On 1/29/2020 at 9:52 AM, Jaburges said:

Since playing with the set up, I wonder if someone could help with 2 questions:

1. How would i change what is sent to MQTT? I'm using Node-red so can parse the JSON pretty easily, but the "name" is a little obscure right now:

is it possible to add more lines to the JSON after

to break out say "object": "person" and "percentage" : "38"

Answering so others can track. Update as per Zoneminder forum and Github issue:



On 1/29/2020 at 9:52 AM, Jaburges said:

2. Is there a way either in the detection script or via ZM API to save the image or video of a successful detection somewhere (or use its current locaiton)? Ideally I would like to use iOS notification to send the image in an alert in HA.  

Using the following URLs, you can send either a video or an image in an iOS notification in HomeAssistant:







In case anyone finds this useful, I use a really basic Node-Red flow.

MQTT input: from "zoneminder#"


Change Node: (swaps the numbers for the names of the camera location)

Function Node:

    "data": {
    "message": "Motion at the {{payload.monitor}}",
     "data": {
        "attachment": {
                  "url": "https://url/zm/index.php?username=blah&password=blah&action=login&view=view_video&eid={{payload.eventid}}#&fid=snapshot&width=600",
                  "content-type": "MPEG4",
                  "hide-thumbnail": "false"

Call HA service Node

Edited by Jaburges
Link to comment
4 hours ago, Jaburges said:

@dlandon not sure if this broke in the update, but my token.txt (despite my iOS device registering and ZMninja showing the logs that iOS is reporting all monitors as included [1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

only shows 1 monitor and interval 0, ie:


Try the Zoneminder forum for help.

Link to comment
4 hours ago, dlandon said:

Try the Zoneminder forum for help.

That’s where I found the answer, was letting you know just in case anyone else has the same issue with the docket/it was the upgrade that had caused the problem/you wanted to add it to any docs? 
I manually added my extra monitors and the intervals to token.txt



and it solved the issue

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