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[support] dlandon - Zoneminder 1.36

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I think I might be making progress. There seems to be too many symbolic links to `/var/lib/mysql` and '/config/mysql'

weirdly /config/mysql seems to be symbolically linked to /config/mysql so the circular reference maybe causing this?


Is there a way to stop the docker restarting due to a SQL issue? i have maybe 9 seconds to connect to the docker and try and explore/fix which i'm not going to lie, is REALLY annoying lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys


I have a few questions, not specified to docker but maybe someone can help me.


For zmninja notification do I really need to make a portfoward? What if I want to use with VPN? 


I installed hook, YOLO 4 ,4 light and face. But I don't seen any settings on the webui. Where and how can I setup the camera to make a record trigger for a 4k CCTV?



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I have two different unraid servers running zoneminder in two different locations.

Location 1 is remote and working fine. Linux 4.19.107-Unraid x86_64 Zoneminder v1.34.20

Location2 is local and working slow, does not record.  Linux 4.19.107-Unraid x86_64 Zoneminder v1.34.21


Both of these machines have been running for a while with few issues. both are setup identically, all tabs in options match  but location 2 is giving me issues now.

How would I roll back to 1.34.20 I assume that I add the tag to the repository, but it failed when I tried.


Any suggestions are appreciated. 


I attempted to tag: dlandon/zoneminder v1.34.20



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On 10/9/2020 at 12:24 PM, kysdaddy said:

How would I roll back to 1.34.20 I assume that I add the tag to the repository, but it failed when I tried.

You can't.  When the docker is started, it installs the latest version from the ZM repository.  The docker is not built with a specific version of ZM.

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I have updated the docker with ES 6.0.4.  This will get rid of the compatibility message on the latest version of ZmNinja, but you have to make changes to the objectconfig.ini if you are using hook processing.  Read the note at the bottom of the first post about how to update objectconfig.ini.  If you are not using hook processing, there is nothing you need to do after the update.

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Anyone having issues installing and running certbot from within the container terminal? The aim to have letsencrypt certificates installed within the docker image, auto-update and auto configure apache. 


Putting certbot on the container using the 'apt install certbot' method;


root@50fce3aa3480:/# certbot --apache
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
The requested apache plugin does not appear to be installed


Then I tried 'apt remove certbot' then 'apt install snapd' 


root@50fce3aa3480:/# snap install --classic certbot
error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snaps/certbot: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: no such file or directory



Found a way to install and run it;


$ add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot

$ install python-certbot-apache

$ certbot --apache





Edited by gfro84
Problem solved
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21 minutes ago, repomanz said:

Hey everyone.  Recently updated and object detection doesn't seem to be working correctly, even after running the update script mentioned from first post.  Anyone else seeing this issue?

snippet inside objectdetection.ini

# driveway

Any suggestions?


Your detection_sequence looks to be incorrect.  The automated script failed to correct one of my instances as well.  Rather than 'yolo' you want 'object'.  The possible options are: object,alpr,face.  


In your logs you likely see something like "Unrecoverable error:Invalid model yolo Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/zm_detect.py", line 850, in <module> main_handler() File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/zm_detect.py", line 351, in main_handler raise ValueError('Invalid model {}'.format(model))ValueError: Invalid model yolo"

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On 10/17/2020 at 2:54 PM, dlandon said:

I have updated the docker with ES 6.0.4.  This will get rid of the compatibility message on the latest version of ZmNinja, but you have to make changes to the objectconfig.ini if you are using hook processing.  Read the note at the bottom of the first post about how to update objectconfig.ini.  If you are not using hook processing, there is nothing you need to do after the update.

Now that the docker installs versions of Yolo, can I safely remove the INSTALL_YOLO docker variables?


Had to re-install the docker for other reasons and those variables are gone.


2020-10-21 08_34_56-Window.png

Edited by PTRFRLL
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Hello, I have some starting problems with Zoneminder, I'm trying to test it so I can use it as my CCTV base software, but sometimes I get errors while loading it and, when it loads I get errors starting the WebUI due to security certificates, and Once I pass that point, I can not see any of My cameras, I'm using to NICS and I don't know if zoneminder is using both.

Do you have any hint that can help me?



Edited by rojarrolla
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Hey @dlandon


Is it possible to update to opencv4.3 in the container? I was wanting to use yolov4 but the opencv version is 4.2 (not supported).


Version 5.15.6 onwards


If you plan to use YoloV4 (full or Tiny) the minimum version requirement is the version after 4.3.0. As of Jul 11,2020, that is the master branch of openCV as 4.3.0 is the latest stable version. The updated version of YoloV4 that requires certain functions that were committed on Apr 30. See here. So if you suddently see an error like: Unsupported activation: mish in function 'ReadDarknetFromCfgStream' popping up with YoloV4, that is a sign that you need to get a later version of OpenCV. Note that TinyYoloV4 was merged after Jul 6, so if you get errors with TinyYoloV4, you’ll need to upgrade Open CV master.



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On 10/24/2020 at 7:01 AM, dlandon said:

I have updated the docker to ES 6.0.5 and opencv to 4.3.  The first run of the hook processing will compile opencv from source.  This can take a long time.  Zoneminder will not be available until it completes.

Hey @dlandon,


Apologies, about 4.3 (not working) I noticed you updated to opencv 4.5 yesterday.  Just confirming back to you that yolov4 is working with opencv 4.5.  Thanks for the support!

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I'm having issues accessing the Webui.

Whenever I connect I get a message that says "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" page.

I've tried removing the image several times and re-installing it, but same issue.

I have installed a couple other containers and I have no problems accessing them.

I've tried in bridge mode and host mode with the same issues.

I can open the console from unraid webui and I can see the IP address from IFCONFIG, but I can't get the page to open.

I've tried switching the ports, and have removed and re-installed this package several times now. No errors in the logs.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by MikeG
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Working on recompiling with GPU support.  I've added the two variables mentioned in the link GPU thread @dlandon include in his GPU support section of the first post.   How can I tell if the ZM container sees the graphics card?

I don't see any ZM related GPU processes using "watch nvidia-smi".  Is there another method? Could this be related to my monitor settings (moddetect/nodetect)?

** update ** I guess I have some other problem here.  Towards the end of the opencv.sh script

| Processes:                                                       GPU Memory |
|  GPU       PID   Type   Process name                             Usage      |
Verify your Nvidia GPU is seen and the driver is loaded.
If not, stop the script and fix the problem.



plex related container working fine:


Edited by repomanz
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23 minutes ago, repomanz said:

Working on recompiling with GPU support.  I've added the two variables mentioned in the link GPU thread @dlandon include in his GPU support section of the first post.   How can I tell if the ZM container sees the graphics card?

I don't see any ZM related GPU processes using "watch nvidia-smi".  Is there another method? Could this be related to my monitor settings (moddetect/nodetect)?

** update ** I guess I have some other problem here.  Towards the end of the opencv.sh script

| Processes:                                                       GPU Memory |
|  GPU       PID   Type   Process name                             Usage      |
Verify your Nvidia GPU is seen and the driver is loaded.
If not, stop the script and fix the problem.



plex related container working fine:


did you add "--runtime=nvidia" to the extra parameters?

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3 minutes ago, repomanz said:

@dlandon - I was curious if the order in the two nvidia variables was to blame.  When watching the re-install after updating parameters I noticed this:



it compiles openCV without GPU support first, then you need to run /config/opencv/opencv.sh once you have added the CUDA and cudnn files to the folder (its mentioned in first post - and the instructions are in the first few lines of opencv.sh

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5 minutes ago, repomanz said:

@dlandon - I was curious if the order in the two nvidia variables was to blame.  When watching the re-install after updating parameters I noticed this:



When the config/opencv/open_cv file contents is 'no', the non GPU opencv is compiled.  When it is 'yes' the opencv.sh script is executed to compile opencv with gpu support.

Edited by dlandon
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5 minutes ago, dlandon said:

When the config/opencv/open_cv file contents is 'no', the non GPU opencv is compiled.  When it is 'yes' the opencv.sh script is executed to compile openccv ith gpu support.

trying this now.  Can you add this point in your GPU support section of the first post?  Also given the ES 6x changes, may also want to point out the yolo configuration attribute "object_processor=gpu # or cpu"

Edited by repomanz
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2 minutes ago, repomanz said:

trying this now.  Can you add this point in your GPU support section of the first post?  Also given the ES 6x changes, may also want to point out the yolo configuration item "object_processor=gpu # or cpu"

It's very clear in the opencv.sh script notes when it is run.  Just read it.


I can't support the ES configuration here, it's too complicated with too many options.  A person needs to go the the ES documentation for support.

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13 minutes ago, dlandon said:

It's very clear in the opencv.sh script notes when it is run.  Just read it.


I can't support the ES configuration here, it's too complicated with too many options.  A person needs to go the the ES documentation for support.

ok -so regardless of opencv with or without gpu support i should still see my graphics card?  I believe I have everything setup properly in the container (got the run time added, go the two variables added).  Is there some kind of debugging I can enable to figure out why my graphics card isn't seen by zoneminder?  as you can see a few posts above are my settings, even showing gpu is working with plex container.

The script displays the gpu if it's seen or not then echos yes into the opencv_ok file if you continue.  My GPU is missing oddly.

Edited by repomanz
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1 hour ago, repomanz said:

ok -so regardless of opencv with or without gpu support i should still see my graphics card?  I believe I have everything setup properly in the container (got the run time added, go the two variables added).  Is there some kind of debugging I can enable to figure out why my graphics card isn't seen by zoneminder?  as you can see a few posts above are my settings, even showing gpu is working with plex container.

The script displays the gpu if it's seen or not then echos yes into the opencv_ok file if you continue.  My GPU is missing oddly.

If the container command:


does not show the nvidia gpu, then you need to find out why and get it resolved.  Do you have the Unraid nvidia plugin installed properly for your gpu?

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