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i'll have to try that.  i noticed that a newer version is available as well, so i'll try rolling forwards and backwards.  I'm just trying to figure out why the same download works for some, but not others, or why for some it throws java errors for missing libraries, and other times it doesn't.  the java files are either there or they aren't.

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YAMJ version 1660 (version that came with the "unraid yamj" bundle):


Updating data for: American Psycho
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /usr/lib/java/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so: libXext.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)


YAMJ version 2.0 (1668, newest version) yielded:


Updating data for: American Psycho
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /usr/lib/java/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so: libXext.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)


YAMJ version 1.9 (1500, newest version) yielded:


Updating data for: American Psycho
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /usr/lib/java/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so: libXext.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)


Still utterly confused why some people don't get java errors when the libXest.so.6 is not included in the java version in the bundle, or the java version the YAMJ write ups tell me to get.

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I have tried different YAMJ version and from two identical unRAID systems, the one work and the other don't!

are the two "identical" unRaid systems not really identical in that one has a monitor and one doesn't?  Found a tip in the installation notes for linux:


Thanks to miklos.klaar for this tip: If you are running YAMJ on a linux server with no X11 or monitor (headless) installed you have to add:




to the java command line after the java command in MovieJukebox.sh. This will tell java not connect to the X11 server and allow the process to finish.


Changing my moviejukebox.sh file to read:


java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -classpath .:./resources:./lib/* com.moviejukebox.MovieJukebox "$@"


did the trick.


Hope this helps someone else out.  Certainly was frustrating for me.  Just glad to have this setup.  On to getting AEON setup (and some sleep).





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I have tried different YAMJ version and from two identical unRAID systems, the one work and the other don't!

are the two "identical" unRaid systems not really identical in that one has a monitor and one doesn't?  Found a tip in the installation notes for linux:


Thanks to miklos.klaar for this tip: If you are running YAMJ on a linux server with no X11 or monitor (headless) installed you have to add:




to the java command line after the java command in MovieJukebox.sh. This will tell java not connect to the X11 server and allow the process to finish.


Changing my moviejukebox.sh file to read:


java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -classpath .:./resources:./lib/* com.moviejukebox.MovieJukebox "$@"


did the trick.


Hope this helps someone else out.  Certainly was frustrating for me.  Just glad to have this setup.  On to getting AEON setup (and some sleep).






Dude!!  Nice job!  Definately one for the "notes".  Thanks for sharing.

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These threads and proven extremely helpfull in getting my unRAID and my A-200 up and running ;D.  One question i'm hoping some of you may be able to answer is are any of you running a music juke box and a picture juke box along with the YAMJ?  If so can you email or message me so info/links so I don't hijack this thread.  I'm finding it hard to find information about these with regards to unRAID.

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I have tried different YAMJ version and from two identical unRAID systems, the one work and the other don't!

are the two "identical" unRaid systems not really identical in that one has a monitor and one doesn't? 


Both are headless.


Does adding




to MovieJukebox.sh solve the problem for you??

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I have tried different YAMJ version and from two identical unRAID systems, the one work and the other don't!

are the two "identical" unRaid systems not really identical in that one has a monitor and one doesn't?


Both are headless.


Does adding




to MovieJukebox.sh solve the problem for you??


Took me some time to verify - yes, it works! This java.awt option must be made default on unRaid, it doesn't hurt when video is attached but is vital when run headless.


Thanks much, good finding!


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I've got this working using a networked share in my c-200.  But, I'm thinking of adding another and the word on the street is that the best performance is obtained by streaming using http.  Anyone have this working?  Care to share a few of the details?  I have bubbaraid installed, so I already have a webserver running on my Tower, so I'm hoping just a few nudges in the right direction will get me going...




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I succesfully installed and rendered the menu for my HD movies, but however i'm unable to play any media files through the menus. When i try to play a file the screen goes black for like 2 seconds before returning to the movie page.


My menu structure looks like this:


//Tower/Movies/HD Movies/name of movie (2010)/name.of.movie.2010.bluray.dts.mkv


My My_Library.xml looks like this:


    <exclude name="YAMJ/, Jukebox/, Concerts/, HD Demos/, SD Movies/, test/, Unsorted/"/>



And my My_YAMJ.sh file looks like this:


# Include path to Java binary directory

# Change into YAMJ directory and execute the MovieJukebox script
# The -o option specifies where to put the generated index.htm and Jukebox directory.
cd /mnt/user/Movies/YAMJ ; ./MovieJukebox.sh My_Library.xml -o /mnt/disk1/Movies 


I suspect it has something to do with the paths?

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This is really frustrating, i tried:





without succes  :-[


I always deleted my jukebox folder between all those tries.


I also put my movies right in the //Tower/Movies share just like the guide suggests

example: //Tower/Movies/Name Of Movie (1999)/name.of.movie.mkv

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Has anyone else run into disk spin-up issues with this?  Everything seems to work fine if I start with the disks spun up, but if I try to load the index or move around in it when the disks are spun down it locks up the popcorn hour.


Am I the only one seeing this?

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That happened to me once.  But only once.  I had to hard restart the popcorn hour and then everything worked fine, I suspect because the initial attempt had spun up the disks.  Every time after that, I get a message saying 'buffering' and then things run like a champ.


There are other threads about that subject.  I haven't really investigated them, but I know some solutions involved things like a script that ran every X seconds looking for the player to be active on the network.  If the script found the player, it just spun up the drive.



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  • 4 weeks later...


I have some problems getting my YAMJ to work on UNRAID 4.5.6.

Whenever i try to run My_YAMJ.sh i get "./MovieJukebox.sh: line 5: java: command not found"


I am a total linux-newb, but I am pretty shure I did install everything correctly.

At first I did try to use another movie-folder than 'Movies', which i could not. Now, I have made a Movies share, and changed My_Libraries.xml and My_YAMJ.sh back.

When I try to run yamj-rescan now I get '/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory.


What to do?!

Syslog attached


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When I try to run yamj-rescan now I get '/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory.


This indicated you used a text editor that added LF and CR (in other words a windows text editor).  You will need something like notepad++ or editpad lite to edit the files on the unRAID server.

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I have some problems getting my YAMJ to work on UNRAID 4.5.6.

Whenever i try to run My_YAMJ.sh i get "./MovieJukebox.sh: line 5: java: command not found"


I am a total linux-newb, but I am pretty shure I did install everything correctly.

At first I did try to use another movie-folder than 'Movies', which i could not. Now, I have made a Movies share, and changed My_Libraries.xml and My_YAMJ.sh back.

When I try to run yamj-rescan now I get '/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory.


What to do?!

Syslog attached

First problem is you probably did not install the Java Runtime-Environment (and that is why it is saying "java not found")


The second is you used a windows editor and it added carriage returns to the ends of the lines of the script you edited.  That is why it is saying that

"/bin/bash^M" is a bad interpreter.  


The "^M" is the "control-M" character, which is a "carriage-return"

See this item in the wiki: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=FAQ#Why_do_my_scripts_have_problems_with_end-of-lines.3F

and this one for editors that will work properly: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=UnRAID_Topical_Index#Editors


Joe L.

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