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[Support] QDirStat, Jcloud - cryptoCoin templates

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In average you will get about $3-$4 for TB of used space + downloads back to the renter.
There is details: https://docs.storj.io/docs/storj-share-gui#section-8-payments

I'm toying with adding 8TB I've got spare - not a huge amount of money, but it's kind of nice to think that at $24-32/pm my server would be paying for its own broadband connection.

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1 hour ago, DZMM said:

I'm toying with adding 8TB I've got spare - not a huge amount of money, but it's kind of nice to think that at $24-32/pm my server would be paying for its own broadband connection.

Yeah this is amusement and learning how to use Docker for me. So the earnings are extra to me -- I'm curious about the numbers I'll see, but any fiat money is gravy to me. I have empty space on my array, so, "why not?" for me. Simple Docker; almost as good as "hello world" learning how to use Docker.

Edited by Jcloud
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2 hours ago, Jcloud said:

Yeah this is amusement and learning how to use Docker for me. So the earnings are extra to me -- I'm curious about the numbers I'll see, but any fiat money is gravy to me. I have empty space on my array, so, "why not?" for me. Simple Docker; almost as good as "hello world" learning how to use Docker.

They are making a min of $15/TB stored though, so I think only paying 20% is a bit miserly. 


Now, if they paid 50% things could get interesting @$7.5TB, that'd be $180 over 3 months roughly paying back the cost of a 8TB drive in 3 months and 1st year profit would be $540 for a $180-200 dollar outlay.


Assuming you could do multiple docker instances to get past the 8TB limitation, a 10 drive system would bring in $5.4k in year 1 and $7.2k in yr2  - I'd happily buy a cheap case, mobo, some ram and something to run docker on to do that, as once built it would hopefully just sit in a corner unattended

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6 hours ago, Jcloud said:

Looks right. If you don't want it throught uPnP see Nuhll note about editing confi.jason file. Might be worth double checking, peaking at the config.jason file to make sure everything looks right in there. It's all waiting now. :)   For web interface, not with what Storj provided, and I'm not that good at programming to write my own at this time. I like to use console history to just re-exec the command, or could make it into a shell script simply enough.



Are you going to add those settings to the interface? the json ones, or add them by default in the config file?


It looks like the best way is explained in 3.3.2. Advanced Configuration


Right now is possible to configure it with noip.com from the interface?



Is anyone getting ALLOCS ?

Edited by L0rdRaiden
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16 hours ago, DZMM said:

They are making a min of $15/TB stored though, so I think only paying 20% is a bit miserly. 

Well it is an ICO, so on hand sketchy already, and Storj still has to prove the concept both technically (easy) and as a business  (much harder) in reality.  But, I don't disagree with your point, for me I'm sitting on empty space, so miserly rate is easily accepted on my end. ;)


16 hours ago, L0rdRaiden said:

Are you going to add those settings to the interface? the json ones, or add them by default in the config file?

I don't know if the container supports it, but if it does I may.


16 hours ago, L0rdRaiden said:

It looks like the best way is explained in 3.3.2. Advanced Configuration


Right now is possible to configure it with noip.com from the interface?

First off that's for the Storj GUI client, in case you missed that, but everything covered there is more about networking between your Storj node to the internet. We're unRAID community, I doubt you have host sitting on the edge of the network on the public side, So it's going to use Tunnel or UPnP. I have ports forwarded on my router to host for Storj and status still reports "UPnP,."


16 hours ago, L0rdRaiden said:

Is anyone getting ALLOCS ?

│ Share                                       │ Status  │ Uptime   │ Restarts │ Peers   │ Allocs        │ Delta   │ Port     │ Shared    │ Bridges      │
│ 09ecfee3004001336fc2050531a55695ed326ee3    │ running │ 8h 44m … │ 0        │ 101     │ 21            │ 20ms    │ 4000     │ 9.1GB     │ connected    │
│   → /storj/share                            │         │          │          │         │ 2 received    │         │ (uPnP)   │ (0%)      │              │

If you're expecting digits to just start flooding in, it's more like watching digital paint drying. If status = running AND Bridges=connected AND Peers > 0; Storj is working and on the Storj cloud. "Shared" is cumulative and, for me, moves at the rate of paint drying or grass growing. The important thing now, as far as I can tell, is being UP (uptime).

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Guys, "problem" with monezising this, is, you need extra cpu and ram per node and the nodes are limited in space.


Also you wont get much money for storing, more for uploading :)


It may be you host 200tb and get (i dont know 50€ for it) and it may be you host 100mb but it get downloaded/watched 24/7 (and you get 60€). 


Also all is split random across the (too large) network.


So dont expect much, atleast at the moment. I guess traffic would explode if someone invents some sort of file sharing for this kind of service... xD




I think you need to change like i do. It could happen it uses proxy or upnp or what ever even if the port is forwarded Oo


@TE would be cool if u could add https://github.com/calxibe/StorjMonitor so you would have advanced statistics on https://storjstat.com/


My stats (ive set to 1TB):

│ Share                                       │ Status  │ Uptime   │ Restarts │ Peers   │ Allocs        │ Delta   │ Port     │ Shared    │ Bridges      │
│ 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0    │ running │ 15h 20m… │ 0        │ 109     │ 10            │ 19ms    │ 4000     │ 272.66MB  │ connected    │
│   → /storj/share                            │         │          │          │         │ 0 received    │         │ (TCP)    │ (0%)      │              │



Edited by nuhll
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Oho, something is happening... :D 400mb from 1tb used so far. (but i must say server was 2 days offline)


It would be cool if we could add multiple nodes with your docker. Because i think more (with less space) is more profitable because all data is random dropped. (more chance to get something with 2 nodes then with 1)







│ Share                                       │ Status  │ Uptime   │ Restarts │ Peers   │ Allocs        │ Delta   │ Port     │ Shared    │ Bridges      │
│ 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0    │ running │ 33m 4s   │ 0        │ 145     │ 2             │ 29ms    │ 4000     │ 304.64MB  │ connected    │
│   → /storj/share                            │         │          │          │         │ 0 received    │         │ (TCP)    │ (0%)      │              │


Edited by nuhll
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How would I get this container to run storjshare load automatically after the container restarts?  I have it running 4 nodes and when my appdata backup schedule hits, it stops the container and restarts it but it only loads the first node and not the other 3 unless I load the snapshot with "storjshare load".  Full command is docker exec Storj storjshare load.



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7 hours ago, physikal said:

when my appdata backup schedule hits,

Is that using CA Backup/Restore appdata plugin? If so I'd just add Storj to the exclusionary list. AFAIK everything about the docker is kept in the /storj share.  I don't know about you by my /mnt/user/appdata/storj directory is empty.


You could also try adding:

--exec="Storj storjshare load"

In the "Post Arguments" field in the advanced view of the template, docker container runs with this, but I don't know if its actually running the exec, so give it a shot if you like.  I'll keep digging for a better answer.


I hope this helps.

Edited by Jcloud
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What does it means 3 dots in the delta column?


@Jcloud why config.json gets reset sometimes? I did some changes and I lost the afer a reboot.

Could you add more parameters to the interface to ensure settigns doesn't change?

Like: rpcAddress, rpcPort, doNotTraverseNat, maxConnections, offerBackoffLimit

I way to delete logs files would be nice, I have tried to delete them even with docker down but it didnt work.

Edited by L0rdRaiden
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On 3/10/2018 at 3:08 PM, Jcloud said:

Is that using CA Backup/Restore appdata plugin? If so I'd just add Storj to the exclusionary list. AFAIK everything about the docker is kept in the /storj share.  I don't know about you by my /mnt/user/appdata/storj directory is empty.


You could also try adding:

--exec="Storj storjshare load"

In the "Post Arguments" field in the advanced view of the template, docker container runs with this, but I don't know if its actually running the exec, so give it a shot if you like.  I'll keep digging for a better answer.


I hope this helps.

Thanks Jcloud - I tried both of these and neither worked for some reason :\

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22 hours ago, L0rdRaiden said:

What does it means 3 dots in the delta column?


I have this issue all the time, I have a good delta at the begining but it end up with the 3 dots after a while.

root@MediaCenter:~# ntpdate -u pool.ntp.org
12 Mar 20:53:28 ntpdate[18442]: adjust time server offset -0.005556 sec


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Question, question, and more questions -- I may have gotten over my head. >.<


6 hours ago, L0rdRaiden said:
On 3/11/2018 at 2:09 PM, L0rdRaiden said:

What does it means 3 dots in the delta column?


I have this issue all the time, I have a good delta at the begining but it end up with the 3 dots after a while.

I think delta is latency between your node and the bridge (not 100% certain on this fact), but if you're getting 3 dots after a while then your network is closing off your connection and it's timing out. I don't think you'll get any Allocs until this is resolved.  In a past post you mentioned something about a pfsense VM what sort of router(s)/routing platforms are you currently using?


On 3/11/2018 at 6:37 AM, nuhll said:

how you add multiple nodes with one docker?


Storj's instructions are here: https://docs.storj.io/docs/storj-share-daemon-cli looks like starts around section 3.4. The general idea I get from it is to make a series of subdirectories with modified copies of config.json file; once the storj daemon is running, you can load additional config-files/nodes. I dub thy @physikal expert in this, since judging by his question he's already made it this far. :D  I haven't bothered this far yet, life and energy has gotten in the way.


9 hours ago, physikal said:

Thanks Jcloud - I tried both of these and neither worked for some reason :\

I didn't think the docker command would work, but it was the first thing I could think off off the top of my head. Presently, I don't have an answer for you sorry man.


On 3/11/2018 at 2:09 PM, L0rdRaiden said:

why config.json gets reset sometimes?

Not sure why, if you are going to "edit" in unRAID webui and then clicking on Apply this might be your source of the config file changing on you.



Lastly, I want to apologize for my sub-par support, I'm a user too, and you guys are asking some good questions.

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20 hours ago, Jcloud said:

Question, question, and more questions -- I may have gotten over my head. >.<


I think delta is latency between your node and the bridge (not 100% certain on this fact), but if you're getting 3 dots after a while then your network is closing off your connection and it's timing out. I don't think you'll get any Allocs until this is resolved.  In a past post you mentioned something about a pfsense VM what sort of router(s)/routing platforms are you currently using?



Storj's instructions are here: https://docs.storj.io/docs/storj-share-daemon-cli looks like starts around section 3.4. The general idea I get from it is to make a series of subdirectories with modified copies of config.json file; once the storj daemon is running, you can load additional config-files/nodes. I dub thy @physikal expert in this, since judging by his question he's already made it this far. :D  I haven't bothered this far yet, life and energy has gotten in the way.


I didn't think the docker command would work, but it was the first thing I could think off off the top of my head. Presently, I don't have an answer for you sorry man.


Not sure why, if you are going to "edit" in unRAID webui and then clicking on Apply this might be your source of the config file changing on you.



Lastly, I want to apologize for my sub-par support, I'm a user too, and you guys are asking some good questions.


│ Share                                       │ Status  │ Uptime   │ Restarts │ Peers   │ Allocs        │ Delta   │ Port     │ Shared    │ Bridges      │
│ 4f7eaebc1293194bab7eb27247ec7263e6032f00    │ running │ 2h 52m … │ 1        │ 158     │ 4             │ 8ms     │ 4000     │ ...       │ connected    │
│   → /storj/share                            │         │          │          │         │ 0 received    │         │ (TCP)    │ (...%)    │              │

I have the port open in the router, I'm using an asus router, pfsense for now is off.

It looks like delta is behaving better now but still I get many allocs, I have had at some point more than 30 but alwyas 0 received. I have had storj open around 72 hours, the last 48 almost without any issue but still nothing.


I have open the port in the router and I'm using duckDNS




lastSeen	"2018-03-13T22:58:39.032Z"
port	4000
address	"HIDEN"
userAgent	"8.7.1"
protocol	"1.2.0"
spaceAvailable	true
responseTime	10487.266912038152
reputation	162



I have attached the log



Response Time: 10454.3882845237
Last Timeout:
Timeout Rate: 0

Your node is reachable.

Delta: 45 | Good

Status: Your address is public and traversal strategies are disabled. Good.

Receiving: ...

You have received 1 alloc requests. | Good.

You have sent 1 alloc responses. | Good.

No shards have been reaped. (Removed)

I have change the log configuration to produce more detail, lets see tomorrow what I can read.

Delta was a problem but since yesterday I applied this changes to unraid (minpoll 6 and maxpoll 10) and now is working better  <- @limetech



I don't know what else I can do? any idea on what could be wrong?

It is normal that the shared column is empty?    ... (...%)





BRW don't worry for the support, you have done enough already makind this avaiable in unraid :)

Edited by L0rdRaiden
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I have seen that some configs have a comma after


"storageAllocation": "XTB"





The Storage space allocation in the config file is by default set to bytes when you add a new node within Storj Share. You can change it to whatever size you want, e.g.:

"storageAllocation": "1TB",

Warning: (1) Don’t forget the quotes around the size, (2) Don’t forget the comma after the last quote, (3) for size use MB, GB or TB.



I don't have the comma, does it matter??


  "loggerOutputFile": "/storj/log",
  // Directory path to store contracts and shards
  "storagePath": "/storj/share",
  // Amount of space to lease to the network, as human readable string
  // Valid units are B, KB, MB, GB, TB
  "storageAllocation": "1TB"
  // Max size of shards that will be accepted and stored
  // Use this and make this lower if you don't have a strong internet connection
  // "maxShardSize": "100MB"

I have the feeling that I should start from scratch because something is broken, I will see how it goes until tomorrow

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As far as i know they wont use delta atm.


Thats what they said in chat to me as i startet this node.


Also they dont use many other things like dont make transfers between asian and europe (slow) or australia... Oo


Why u think something is broken? Looks fine to me. (just because the dots? I wouldnt care)

Edited by nuhll
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4 hours ago, L0rdRaiden said:

I don't have the comma, does it matter??

Mine is the exact same. It looks like the size field doesn't have the comma, because it's the last uncommented item in the list; so if you were to add something below it, then yes it would need a comma -- you could always try adding one though, and restart the storj service, couldn't hurt (AFAIK).

Edited by Jcloud
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3 hours ago, nuhll said:

As far as i know they wont use delta atm.


Thats what they said in chat to me as i startet this node.


Also they dont use many other things like dont make transfers between asian and europe (slow) or australia... Oo


Why u think something is broken? Looks fine to me. (just because the dots? I wouldnt care)


I haven't gotten a single bit to store after many days right now I have 40 allocs 0 received a 0 stored, everyone else is getting something after a few hours or a day

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