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Local master (Solved)

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4 hours ago, John_M said:

I don't think you can force a particular host to be a local master - the best you can do is include your preferred candidate in the election. It's that way by design.

Hey John thanks for the update, yeah I'm not a linux or command line guy so I don't even know what the local master even means I just found it odd that it was a piece of hardware that was being applied as opposed to my network NAS I do read the forums like religion now so always learning but it did go back to the extender again? thing about it is I've had my box up and running for quite awhile and only recently did it do this so I was kinda shocked as I don't think I did anything to change that?

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52 minutes ago, mrbilky said:

but it did go back to the extender again? thing about it is I've had my box up and running for quite awhile and only recently did it do this so I was kinda shocked as I don't think I did anything to change that?


Are you using the Dynamix Local Master plugin on your unRAID server?  This plugin tries to keep the unRAID server always elected as the local master.


Windows likes to elect as the local master a device on the network that is always available.  Maybe that is why it keeps going back to the extender.


If your unRAID server is on 24x7, the plugin will keep it elected as the local master.  The Yoda icon appears by the server name when it is the local master.  Even if the server is not on 24x7, the plugin tries to force it to become local master when powered on.  In my case the server runs 24x7 so it is always the local master.



Edited by Hoopster
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22 minutes ago, Hoopster said:


Are you using the Dynamix Local Master plugin on your unRAID server?  This plugin tries to keep the unRAID server always elected as the local master.


Windows likes to elect as the local master a device on the network that is always available.  Meybe that is why it keeps going back to the extender.


If your unRAID server is on 24x7, the plugin will keep it elected as the local master.  The Yoda icon appears by the server name when it is the local master.  Even if the server is not on 24x7, the plugin tries to force it to become local master when powered on.  In my case the server runs 24x7 so it is always the local master.



Hey Hoop yeah it's on 24/7, I'll have to look into the windows thing but it was always my NAS as the local master until recently so maybe windows is somehow taking precedent and yes I am using the dynamix master plugin, I guess right now what confuses me is what role is the extender playing, like what does it imply during my routine use of my server? As far as I know other its just a network extender providing lan support and wifi for which I don't use as all my rigs are hardwired?

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5 hours ago, John_M said:

I don't think you can force a particular host to be a local master - the best you can do is include your preferred candidate in the election. It's that way by design.


But there ways to virtually guarantee the your server will win the election.  Add these lines to box in the SMB Extras   (  Settings    >>>   NETWORK SERVICES  >>>  SMB     >>>  SMB Extras    )  I believe you have to start and stop the array for them to take effect.  (MS  will raise the value of the os level with each new OS software release to help assure that the computers running the latest OS will have preference in winning the election. )   


domain master = yes
preferred master = yes 
os level = 255


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20 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

But there ways to virtually guarantee the your server will win the election.


That's interesting to know. I opened the SMB Settings page on three unRAID servers to try that and discovered something interesting. This shows three browser pages (one for each server) open simultaneously and screen grabbed all in one go. Any idea why each one believes it has won the election?




From a Windows 10 Command prompt I typed

nbtstat -a LAPULAPU > masters
nbtstat -a NORTHOLT >> masters
nbtstat -a OPON >> masters

and here's what the masters file contains (edited to remove the irrelevant interfaces):

Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []

           NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table

       Name               Type         Status
    LAPULAPU       <00>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    LAPULAPU       <03>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    LAPULAPU       <20>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    __MSBROWSE__   <01>  GROUP       Registered 
    WORKGROUP      <00>  GROUP       Registered 
    WORKGROUP      <1D>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    WORKGROUP      <1E>  GROUP       Registered 

Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []

           NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table

       Name               Type         Status
    NORTHOLT       <00>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    NORTHOLT       <03>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    NORTHOLT       <20>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    __MSBROWSE__   <01>  GROUP       Registered 
    WORKGROUP      <00>  GROUP       Registered 
    WORKGROUP      <1D>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    WORKGROUP      <1E>  GROUP       Registered 

Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []

           NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table

       Name               Type         Status
    OPON           <00>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    OPON           <03>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    OPON           <20>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    __MSBROWSE__   <01>  GROUP       Registered 
    WORKGROUP      <00>  GROUP       Registered 
    WORKGROUP      <1D>  UNIQUE      Registered 
    WORKGROUP      <1E>  GROUP       Registered 

So which one is actually in charge?

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21 minutes ago, John_M said:

That's interesting to know. I opened the SMB Settings page on three unRAID servers to try that and discovered something interesting. This shows three browser pages (one for each server) open simultaneously and screen grabbed all in one go. Any idea why each one believes it has won the election?


Nope.  But why would you want to allow all three of your servers to become the Local Master?  (You might have a good reason.)  The basic reason for wanting one computer to always be the Local Master is that all of the SMB_using_computers seem to always check on a reboot/startup for the Local Master that was active when they were shutdown to see if it is still the Local Master.  Always having the same computer be the Local Master seems to minimize issues when a workstation_Client/SMB_server comes on online, it quickly shows up across the network.  (I have two servers and I only allow one to even participate in the election.)   

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51 minutes ago, John_M said:

That's interesting to know. I opened the SMB Settings page on three unRAID servers to try that and discovered something interesting. This shows three browser pages (one for each server) open simultaneously and screen grabbed all in one go. Any idea why each one believes it has won the election?




Are you running Dynamix Local Master plugin on three servers on the same LAN?  Not sure how they all agree on which is really the true local master.  Maybe other SMB computers on the LAN don't care as long as they can talk to any one of the three and the network information is properly presented across the LAN.


I am curious if you have seen any negative side effects to having (supposedly) multiple local master browsers.

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37 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

Nope.  But why would you want to allow all three of your servers to become the Local Master? 


If one is powered down for maintenance or otherwise I'd like one of the others to take over. The same reason that people have multiple DNS servers. To be honest, it's more of an academic interest than anything. I'm not even a big Windows user - my everyday computer is a Mac which uses mDNS/Bonjour/Avahi to seek out other hosts on the network.


Edited by John_M
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  • 4 years later...

I wondered why my file server was being so odd with smb, turns out I also have 3 servers set to not monitor elections and just be master.

setting them to something more sensible instantly fixed my issue with smb  (on, off, off)


Update::: no that just shifted the problem over to the other server but as that server isn't one I use smb on very often I'll take it.

Edited by mdrodge
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  • 11 months later...

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