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[Support] knex666 - FileBrowser

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I'm having issues setting this up. I'd like to set up a reverse proxy, so I need to add this to my existing custom network. It works fine on the default br0 network.


But on my own custom network, if I try to open the WebUI, it only opens



If I add a forward from port 80 to an external port, then I get

404 Not Found


Any idea what might be going on here?



EDIT: I found a solution.


It turns out, the 404 Not Found error was because it was trying to access port 80 by default, which is currently being used by Nginx. I fixed this by changing the WebUI link in the advanced settings of the container to



Where 1234 is my port.

Edited by ggrey
Found a solution
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  • 4 weeks later...

Is there any way to get rid of the "noindex" tag with FileBrowser? I'm trying to use this app as a means to get around the file:// protocol issue with SharePoint search. The file:// protocol won't allow you to download, open or edit a file. Unfortunately the noindex tag stops SharePoint search form indexing the files. There's no way to get SP to bypass that tag. 


Edited by mattm1121
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On 4/1/2019 at 6:12 PM, ceyo14 said:

like alturismo said, First set to Bridge mode then click "+ Add another Path, Port,...." once there do the following:


Config Type: Port

Name: blank or whatever you want

Container Port: 80

Host Port: What ever port you want to set ( I have 100 for example)

Connection Type: TCP

Description What ever you want


After this, press ADD Button and test.



thank you very much for your post. It is useful even after 5 years :) 

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