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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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Hi, first of all, thank you @ich777 for you great work here, that is really nice and true community work!


I am struggeling with running two Ark Survival Ascended containers in parallel.

A couple of months ago I startet with the first ASA Server, it still works fine. I also do have quite some expierince with ASE servers running on linux or windows, and by that I am also aware of different ports etc. when running more than one server instance.


As I wanted to start a second server, I installad a 2nd container. But apparantly I have some kind of misunderstanding how ports etc. work in combination with docker and bridged connection.

First server is standard with port 7777 UDP.

Second server, based on my previous expierience, I try to setup with 7779 UDP.


But whatever combination I try with Container port mappings app to host (7779 to 7779, 7777 to 7779) and Game start parameter (?Port=7777 or ?Port=7779), it results in

Both servers are listed in the Ark Server Browser, with different maps etc.. so this are the two different servers.

If I connect to the second server (7779), my connection "is routed" to the first server, and I join the game there.


All relevant ports are also forwarded in my router, to the unraid machine.


Not sure if this is sufficent information, but I hope I can get some help to understand what I am doing wrong. :)


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43 minutes ago, David7 said:

All relevant ports are also forwarded in my router, to the unraid machine.

You need to set ?Port=7779 , then delete the old port mappings in the docker template and the you have to create new ones (UDP) with the host and container port set to 7779.

If that still doesn't work double check your config files if there isn't specified another port, what does the log say, does it actually say that it started the server port 7779 or does it still say that it started on 7777?


If you've followed that everything should work as expected.

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Thanks! None of that worked actually.. ;) but it led me to the right track:


First, there is no port mentioned in the log. I remember that it was with ASE, but not in ASA.

Also there are no ports set in the GameUserSettings.ini - I also remember that they are taken over from comand line options for ASE server, but apparently not with ASA.

I then added port=7779 manually to the .ini - still same issue.


While googeling for some more information on what actually works in the .ini and what not (official wiki might be wrong..?) I came across this post:


And that was the solution. I removed the spaces in the "Server Name" setting in the Docker Container settings, and I can now successfully connect to the 2nd server!


Btw, I also tried to put the "Server Name" in the container settings also in quotation marks, but it seems that they are not "transferred". In the GameUser Settings.ini it's then still without quotation marks.


So long story short: If you are running more than one ASA server, do not use blanks / spaces in the server session name. :)

Edited by David7
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Howdy Yall,


I am stumped rn, I have just about beaten The Island with my gf.  I want to get two servers going so that we can move things over and I can let my friends finish The Island while her and I make the great ascension.  I tried to add a new container for Ark sense we can run multiple of the the steam directory. I keep the steam file the same, change the file data location, change the ports and add ?Port=7779, and a few other changes.  When I go to add it removes the old game container and add the new one.  What am I doing wrong lol.  Any help is appreciated.



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9 minutes ago, Blizzard95 said:

and a few other changes. 

What changes? Can you please post a screenshot from your template what you did exactly?


I assume we are talking about Ark Survival Evolved? Or do we talk about Ark Survival Ascended?

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