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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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*rust wipe schedule help*

anyone in need of help 

user script 


map wipe only 

docker stop RUST
cd /mnt/user/appdata/rust/server/my_server_identity
rm -f *proceduralmap* 
docker start RUST

0 14 * * 1 = Monday wipe



docker stop RUST
cd /mnt/user/appdata/rust/server/my_server_identity
rm -f *player* *proceduralmap* *sv*
docker start RUST

0 14 7 11 4


next wipe day 0 14 7 11 4 = must change monthly 


Minute (0-59) Hour (0-23)  Day Of Month (1-31)  Month (1 -12)  Day Of Week (0-6) (Sunday = 0)





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Hey there, just installed a fresh DayZ docker, and I get the "Connection Failed: Client is a newer build than the server | Client: 158898 > Server: 158752" error. Searched and saw someone else have this and there didn't seem to be a resolution so checking in again. 

My client doesn't seem to be opted into anything special, and I restarted the container a couple times. And again the container is brand new as of today. 


Edit: oh wait, just saw this disclaimer on the container: Keep in mind that you have to connect with the experimental branch Client to this Docker container!. I don't think I'm on experimental, let me try that


Edit 2: yeah that fixed that problem but now I'm stuck loading into the world and get kicked for "client not responding". That may just be a DayZ issue idk

Edited by Cressio
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10 hours ago, syko91 said:

rm -f *proceduralmap* 

I would strongly recommend that you put a check here if the directory exists just to be sure not to delete a wrong directory/file, something like:

if [ -d /mnt/user/appdata/rust/server/my_server_identity ]; then
  cd /mnt/user/appdata/rust/server/my_server_identity
  rm -rf <YOURFILE>
  echo "Directory not found"
  exit 1


Take the example with a grain of salt since I don't know if this is actually a directory or a file and you might have to change the routine a bit.

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8 hours ago, Cressio said:

Edit 2: yeah that fixed that problem but now I'm stuck loading into the world and get kicked for "client not responding". That may just be a DayZ issue idk

If this is the case then the port forwarding is maybe not correct, have you yet tried to do a direct connection with your LAN IP?

Is your Hair Pin NAT working properly?

Are you maybe behind a CG-NAT?

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6 minutes ago, Donnerschlag said:

Hi, im very new to docker containers and SteamCMD. I am running a Satisfactory server for a few friends of mine and the game was updated a few days ago but the docker image has not been.


I get 'Version mismatch detected between game and server.

Game Version: 372858

Server Version: 368883"


How do I update the game on the docker image?



Just restart the container. it will update the server files.

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1 hour ago, Donnerschlag said:

Ive done that multiple times and it will not work. Is there way to force it through the terminal?

Do you have LANCache, PiHole or any other AdBlocking software installed? I even had a few users who reported that some rules on Unifi network gear prevented the update.

You can enable force update in the template by setting it to 'true' (without quotes), but please be aware that for some users even that won't work.


If that doesn't work for you then you have to Backup your save folder (to somewhere on your local computer <- through SAMBA, SFTP or whatever you prefer), remove the container, remove the folder for Satisfactory that lives in your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App.

After you did that, stop the container, delete the save folder form the new container, put the Backup save folder form your old container in place and start the container again.

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16 hours ago, ich777 said:

I would strongly recommend that you put a check here if the directory exists just to be sure not to delete a wrong directory/file, something like:

if [ -d /mnt/user/appdata/rust/server/my_server_identity ]; then
  cd /mnt/user/appdata/rust/server/my_server_identity
  rm -rf <YOURFILE>
  echo "Directory not found"
  exit 1


Take the example with a grain of salt since I don't know if this is actually a directory or a file and you might have to change the routine a bit.



thats the player data and map files and sv 

*player* *proceduralmap* *sv*

make sure to have the right location 


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2 hours ago, Hippoboy9 said:

When starting the docker it says ---Start Server--- does that mean that the server is started or does it mean I can start it if it is the latter how do I start it

A bit more information would be nice.

About which container are we talking about?


After that line the container should be started, issue is that some game server have very little to no log output after they are started, eg: Astroneer.


How much RAM and CPU resources does the container use?

Depending on which container are you using, have you yet tried to connect with the local IP?

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okay i need help with rust, so endgame wipe is wrong 

Timezone: GMT (ID=Europe/London, IANA=Europe/London)

the server thinks im GMT but im in indiana how do i change this

no matter what i add to rust it changes back to GMT after reboot do i add somthing to the docker

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2 minutes ago, syko91 said:

okay i need help with rust, so endgame wipe is wrong 

Timezone: GMT (ID=Europe/London, IANA=Europe/London)

the server thinks im GMT but im in indiana how do i change this

no matter what i add to rust it changes back to GMT after reboot do i add somthing to the docker

ive added -e TZ=America/Indiana/Indianapolis Extra Parameters: it still shows GMT 

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12 minutes ago, syko91 said:

ive added -e TZ=America/Indiana/Indianapolis Extra Parameters: it still shows GMT 

Thats not a docker thing, thats a Rust thing. Rust states that you need to tell the rust server itself to overwrite the time zone. "wipetimer.wipeTimezone America/Indiana/Indianapolis" for example

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10 minutes ago, Hippoboy9 said:

I dont know how much ram and CPU its getting Sorry about the limited information this is my 1st time setting anything up in docker

Go to the Docker page, click on Basic View in the top right corner (to enable Advanced View) and look how much CPU and RAM that the container utilizes when the container is running.

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