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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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@ich777 Hey, I downloaded and setup your CSMM 7dtd container with reverse proxy pointing to my domain.  I believe I have all that setup correctly as I have no issues hitting the CSMM homepage from both Unraid and externally via the web.  However, when I click "Get Started" to get connected with Steam I get the following error.  Have you seen this before? I wonder if it's actually down for maintenance or it's something else since it's my first time setting this up.  Thanks for any help.


Edit1: I don't see anything in the CSMM logs that point to anything wrong, only that it's trying to redirect to /sdtdserver/addserver since I'm not logged in.


Edit2: Looks like from Googling, steam has maintenance every Tuesday.  I'll wait!



Edited by KillahPwnz
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6 hours ago, KillahPwnz said:

@ich777 Hey, I downloaded and setup your CSMM 7dtd container with reverse proxy pointing to my domain.  I believe I have all that setup correctly as I have no issues hitting the CSMM homepage from both Unraid and externally via the web.  However, when I click "Get Started" to get connected with Steam I get the following error.  Have you seen this before? I wonder if it's actually down for maintenance or it's something else since it's my first time setting this up.  Thanks for any help.


Edit1: I don't see anything in the CSMM logs that point to anything wrong, only that it's trying to redirect to /sdtdserver/addserver since I'm not logged in.


Edit2: Looks like from Googling, steam has maintenance every Tuesday.  I'll wait!



Steam oauth was down for a while - working now!

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27 minutes ago, Marcowich said:

I see you can run multiple servers, is there a guide anywhere on how to set that up? :D

Which game are we talking about?

Just be sure to change the name of the container itself in the docker template and also the Game Directory, the SteamCMD directory can be used for multiple containers at once. ;)

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Question: 7 Days to Die and multiple container instances and/or other existing servers and Bridge mode?

More for curiosity and elegance, I'm trying to figure out how to make a 7DTD container that uses non-standard ports work in Bridge mode.  I've got it to the point where an external user can connect via IP, bit the game is not advertised on the list.  I can also get it to appear on the list, but it times-out trying to connect!

There's (maybe) some magical combination of ports & forwarding that will make it work, but I haven't figured it out yet!



(FYI, Host mode works, but that's cheezy and overkill and can cause other issues...)

Also, I have a 7DTD server running on OMV/Portainer (didstopia/7dtd-server) with bridge mode and it works fine, albeit with the default ports.

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3 hours ago, DockerBubba said:

More for curiosity and elegance, I'm trying to figure out how to make a 7DTD container that uses non-standard ports work in Bridge mode.  I've got it to the point where an external user can connect via IP, bit the game is not advertised on the list.  I can also get it to appear on the list, but it times-out trying to connect!

You have to change all ports in your config to not overlap with the first container and then you have to delete all port mappings in the template and redo it with the same container and host ports.


Most gameservers doesn't like it when you just change the port in the template itself like container 27015 and host 27016 <- if you do it like this you can query the game but you will get a timeout since the game thinks it's on port 27015 and tries to connect throught that port but can't because it's actually 27016, hope this makes sense to you...

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12 minutes ago, ich777 said:

You have to change all ports in your config to not overlap with the first container and then you have to delete all port mappings in the template and redo it with the same container and host ports.


Most gameservers doesn't like it when you just change the port in the template itself like container 27015 and host 27016 <- if you do it like this you can query the game but you will get a timeout since the game thinks it's on port 27015 and tries to connect throught that port but can't because it's actually 27016, hope this makes sense to you...

OK, to get the terminology straight, in your reply, the "config" you refer to is the list of port mappings under "Update Container"?  (been there, done that...)


Where would you see/edit the "template" in Unraid?  Also, I don't follow what "redo it" refers to...


(I had no overlaps since the mappings were all changed to 2790x, etc. and the other instance is running on a different box under OMV)  Oh yeah, under OMV, I don't port-forward 27015/16 and it works fine!  I suspect that 26900 TCP/UDP might actually be the only port needed!

Sorry if the questions seem obvious, but it seems like it should be simple, but there's a core issue I'm not addressing!


Edited by DockerBubba
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1 minute ago, DockerBubba said:

OK, to get the terminology straight, in your reply, the "config" you refer to is the list of port mappings under "Update Container"?

No, the config files for the game that are in the gameconfig folder in your appdata directory.


2 minutes ago, DockerBubba said:

Where would you see/edit the "template" in Unraid?

Click on the Docker Container and edit, that's the template.


2 minutes ago, DockerBubba said:

Also, I don't follow what "redo it" refers to...

Delete the existing one for example let's say 'UDP5 - Registering at server list' and create a new port with the containerport 27016 and hostport 27016 udp (instead of 27105).


4 minutes ago, DockerBubba said:

Sorry if the questions seem obvious, but it seems like it should be simple, but there's a core issue I'm not addressing!

But you are running Unraid or am I wrong? Because you mentioned OMV...

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13 minutes ago, ich777 said:

No, the config files for the game that are in the gameconfig folder in your appdata directory.


Click on the Docker Container and edit, that's the template.


Delete the existing one for example let's say 'UDP5 - Registering at server list' and create a new port with the containerport 27016 and hostport 27016 udp (instead of 27105).


But you are running Unraid or am I wrong? Because you mentioned OMV...

Ah, OK... 

The only port I've ever seen in serverconfig.xml is a single instance of 26900.  Are there other instances that need to be changed, or does it assume that's the base port and does +1, +2, etc. internally?

Check on the "delete and replace", vs. simply trying to update the template. The last entry (UDP5) warns about that and if you change the serverconfig.xml, it follows...

I'm just messing around with both platforms!  OMV/Portainer works, but is a helluva lot more work to figure out and is sheer hell to try to get access to the /players directories! (Linux permissions are almost impassible and WinSCP is about the only option for file changes/additions)  I just uploaded the Portainer image to show that a functioning server does not use 27015/16 in bridge mode.


Thanks for the quick replies!

Edited by DockerBubba
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3 minutes ago, DockerBubba said:

The only port I've ever seen in serverconfig.xml is a single instance of 26900.  Are there other instances that need to be changed, or does it assume that's the base port and does +1, +2, etc. internally?

Yes, here is a link to how you edit the settings or in general changing the settings (not differnt to a default dedicated Server on a root server): Click


5 minutes ago, DockerBubba said:

Check on the "delete and replace", vs. simply trying to update the template. The last entry (UDP5) warns about that and if you change the serverconfig.xml, it follows...

It says that you should also specify a different container port, please keep in mind that I created the container on request and I actually didn't own the game personally, but it works from outside, it's queryable and you can connect to it but you have to create completely new port entries (please also don't forget to select the right protocoll TCP/UDP) and also change the game config.


Especially steam ports don't like it if you set the containerport to 27015 and the hostport to 27016 or something else, I run on my server for example 3 servers (not 7DtD) with the first container owning the port 27015 and the last one 27017 (this has to be done manually).


9 minutes ago, DockerBubba said:

I'm just messing around with both platforms!

Just asking because anyone here that uses Unraid knows what a template is (in terms of Docker Containers). ;)



You can also run my containers on portainer I also run for example a Minecraft server on Portainer on a Odroid N2+ but you have to create everything from scratch...

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i was able to get my ark servers up and running for a cluster using @Cyd xml files from October 9th post. Our original Island map saves work but when loading into any of the other maps cross ark player data and inventory didnt work. this is my first cluster setup and i used saves from before setting up the cluster. the only settings i changed from the xml files are server name and passwords.


so i would like some help with player cross ark inventory etc. 

also still figuring out the dynamic config. what settings go there?

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4 hours ago, ich777 said:

Especially steam ports don't like it if you set the containerport to 27015 and the hostport to 27016 or something else, I run on my server for example 3 servers (not 7DtD) with the first container owning the port 27015 and the last one 27017 (this has to be done manually).



This is the part that's a bit strange to me...  In your example, you set a container port to say 27016, but how does the game know to use that port unless it's specified somewhere? (I'm assuming the default is 27015)  That's why I was asking about the "+1" idea with the serverconfig.xml; if you simply set the serverconfig to say 26905, does the game know to move-up the port numbering to find the rest of the ports used?  Does the game "scan" though a range of ports? (seems unlikely...)


In any case, when I duplicate (but shift +5 to 26905) my -working- OMV ports, the Unraid-hosted server can be seen by the in-game browser, but you get a timeout trying to connect.  Something is missing, but I don't know what! 


FYI, switching to host mode works fine with the example attached (26905 and note the container ports shifted to match), but that's really not a "solution"!

What makes it more complicated is that you really need to test connectivity though a VPN since servers on your LAN will appear to work fine, with settings that will fail for external clients.



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Setting up CSMM on 7DTD server - Do I need to add the web server port that Alloc's creates to the Container page? (i.e. TCP4 - Allocs, Container Port:#)


I have Alloc's installed on the server and working, created the webtoken to be able to add the server to CSMM.  However, I can't resolve serverip:webserverport and adding the server to CSMM fails.  Thoughts?

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6 hours ago, DockerBubba said:

What makes it more complicated is that you really need to test connectivity though a VPN since servers on your LAN will appear to work fine, with settings that will fail for external clients.

If that's the case something is wrong with the port forwarding if you can reach it from your local network but not from 'outside'.


6 hours ago, DockerBubba said:

FYI, switching to host mode works fine with the example attached (26905 and note the container ports shifted to match), but that's really not a "solution"!

You don't have to switch to host mode, I always run the games in bridge mode and it works just fine (sometimes I'm choosing a wrong protocoll and I troubleshoot for hours :D ).

Eventually @Spectral Force can help here.


6 hours ago, KillahPwnz said:

Do I need to add the web server port that Alloc's creates to the Container page? (i.e. TCP4 - Allocs, Container Port:#)

What are we talking about exactly?

Have you installed my CSMM for 7DtD or from something else?

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1 minute ago, ich777 said:

If that's the case something is wrong with the port forwarding if you can reach it from your local network but not from 'outside'.


You don't have to switch to host mode, I always run the games in bridge mode and it works just fine (sometimes I'm choosing a wrong protocoll and I troubleshoot for hours :D ).

Eventually @Spectral Force can help here.


What are we talking about exactly?

Have you installed my CSMM for 7DtD or from something else?

Hey, yes, your container. I was able to get it to work by forwarding the web server port at the router.  Otherwise, I wasn't able to connect to the live map.  I was hoping to get the live map to work with swag for SSL, but I couldn't get that piece going.  The CSMM server is behind SSL though.  Not sure if it's because I have two different network types (one for reverse proxy containers, and the other bridged.  Swag and my CSMM container are on the proxy network type and the 7DTD server is bridged.

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10 minutes ago, KillahPwnz said:

Hey, yes, your container. I was able to get it to work by forwarding the web server port at the router.  Otherwise, I wasn't able to connect to the live map.  I was hoping to get the live map to work with swag for SSL, but I couldn't get that piece going.  The CSMM server is behind SSL though.  Not sure if it's because I have two different network types (one for reverse proxy containers, and the other bridged.  Swag and my CSMM container are on the proxy network type and the 7DTD server is bridged.

Here also @Spectral Force can help.

What have you done exactly in swag? Something might be missing in the configuration itself.


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8 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Here also @Spectral Force can help.

What have you done exactly in swag? Something might be missing in the configuration itself.


I didn't do anything differently for the web server (allocs) in the config.  Just pointing my domain to the CSMM container.  I couldn't figure out how to get the web server behind swag as well since it's the same domain I'm using (my own).  Kept popping up with "duplicate errors" when I'd try to create two .conf files for the same domain, or when I'd try to add both configs to the same conf.  i.e. Config A: point CSMM Container to my domain | Config B: point 7DTD Container (hosting the web server) to my domain.

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12 minutes ago, KillahPwnz said:

Config A: point CSMM Container to my domain | Config B: point 7DTD Container (hosting the web server) to my domain

Don't understand that part completely you should put your domain in the variables of the template from CSMM (eg: csmm.yourdomain.net), then you should configure reverse proxy in swag to point to your internal IP:PORT to CSMM and then it should work fine.

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46 minutes ago, thymon said:

I can not launch Conan Exiles Server.

I have some error, but I don't know why...

These are some typical WINE errors and should not affect the server in any kind of way, can add the server in the Steam Server Browser and see if it's there?

How much RAM and CPU does the container consume?

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6 hours ago, ich777 said:

These are some typical WINE errors and should not affect the server in any kind of way, can add the server in the Steam Server Browser and see if it's there?

How much RAM and CPU does the container consume?

Yes my server appear in steam Server Browser. But with ping at 9999, and I can't join it.

Infinity loading...







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Hey @ich777 My CSMM-7DTD container had issues reconnecting to discord after the container was down for 23 minutes this morning for an appdata backup.  I was talking with Catalysm, he believes this is due to the start-server script not explicitly setting the redis server to --appendonly on start.  Is this something you can change on your end? I can't find this start script in appdata.


He linked this yaml for ref: https://github.com/CatalysmsServerManager/7-days-to-die-server-manager/blob/master/docker-compose.yml#L47-L48

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14 hours ago, thymon said:

But with ping at 9999

Have you clicked Refresh in tge Server Browser after you addet it?

From the system usage perspective it looks like everything is running, I will take another look ASAP.


8 hours ago, KillahPwnz said:

My CSMM-7DTD container had issues reconnecting to discord

Will take a look at it ASAP.

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Hey there, maybe one of you guys can help me. When ever I try to start my server with the param "-automanagedmods" it will crash with an "LowLevelFatalError [File:F:\build\Live320\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Linux\LinuxPlatformProcess.cpp] [Line: 652]", but without it the server starts just fine without any mods. Is there a fix or solution for this problem?


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