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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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Hello people , i am in dire need for help.
Ive used VMs for like 4 years with unraid now , but only recently have i created a disk.img(500GB) on unassigned ssd(1TB) , and attached it to the VM as secondary disk. it all worked fine for months, untill today i got the "Access denied - drive inaccessible" when trying to access the disk from windows(screen1).
I did make a backup of the disk , and tried to change owner and all that in windows to get the permissions, but its the same issue.
The server did not reboot , the vm i did reboot , but i also tried attaching the disk to the other VM, and its the same issue.
all i did over the time is CP /mnt/disks/UDDevice1Share /mnt/disks/UDDevice2Share for backups.
but its the same issue with the backups now.


Also there is an error when mounting those UD devices , but i assumed its some UI bug , and tested the data and also checked the logs and there was no errors(screen2,screen3)

Is there anything i can do to get the data from the disk?

Attaching unraid diag , and UD Diag files.

Unraid-diagnostics-20240616-1552.zip ud_diagnostics-20240616-155125.zip





Edited by Xcage
added screenshots
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1 hour ago, Xcage said:

Attaching unraid diag , and UD Diag files.

I think you have Shefa500GB.img mapped to /mnt/disks/ which is a mount point for UD disks and not the disk mounted there: PNY_1TB or Storage_PNY_1TB.

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1 hour ago, dlandon said:

I think you have Shefa500GB.img mapped to /mnt/disks/ which is a mount point for UD disks and not the disk mounted there: PNY_1TB or Storage_PNY_1TB.

the .img is in the share PNY_1TB, unless i am totally lost?

here is df -h


root@NewTechSRV:~# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs           63G  1.1G   62G   2% /
tmpfs            32M 1000K   32M   4% /run
/dev/sda1        30G  404M   29G   2% /boot
overlay          63G  1.1G   62G   2% /lib/firmware
overlay          63G  1.1G   62G   2% /lib/modules
devtmpfs        8.0M     0  8.0M   0% /dev
tmpfs            63G     0   63G   0% /dev/shm
cgroup_root     8.0M     0  8.0M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs           128M   27M  102M  21% /var/log
tmpfs           1.0M  1.0M     0 100% /mnt/disks
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/remotes
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/addons
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/rootshare
/dev/md1        932G  466G  466G  51% /mnt/disk1
/dev/md2        932G   80G  852G   9% /mnt/disk2
/dev/nvme0n1p1  932G  266G  665G  29% /mnt/firstvmbtrfs
/dev/nvme4n1p1  932G  281G  650G  31% /mnt/secondvmbtrfs
shfs            1.9T  546G  1.3T  30% /mnt/user0
shfs            1.9T  546G  1.3T  30% /mnt/user
/dev/loop2       20G   11G  9.1G  55% /var/lib/docker
/dev/loop3      1.0G  7.3M  902M   1% /etc/libvirt
/dev/sdd1       932G  6.7G  925G   1% /mnt/disks/PNY_1TB
/dev/sdb1       932G  6.7G  925G   1% /mnt/disks/Storage_PNY_1TB
tmpfs            13G     0   13G   0% /run/user/0

Edit: Oh i see what youre saying , that is because i did a cp into /mnt/disks by mistake , i saw it , but didnt fix it or remove it or touched it because i couldnt mount the proper disk that is supposed to be mounted to VM.

i did cp /mnt/disks/PNY_1TB/xxx.img /mnt/disks/ which was a mistake.

Edited by Xcage
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I have a 6TB NTFS drive formatted on Windows full of data. I wanted to copy the contents to my array through USB by using a SATA dock, but it did not mount. Logs attached.


I have attached the drive directly to the motherboard with SATA cable, and it mounts fine now!


So the dock seems to be the problem. I have tried two completely different SATA to USB solutions without luck. I would prefer to use a dock so i can attach drives more easily, is there a way to make it work?


Thanks for any input!

Screenshot 2024-06-20 194645.jpg

Screenshot 2024-06-20 194134.jpg

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20 minutes ago, sp4rk said:

So the dock seems to be the problem. I have tried two completely different SATA to USB solutions without luck. I would prefer to use a dock so i can attach drives more easily, is there a way to make it work?

You'd have to post diagnostics when you are using the dock so we can see what is happening.

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Is this plugin broken? Cant connect to remote samba share(TrueNAS backup server). Both my unraid and remote truenas has tailscale up and running.  A separate windows machine(also using tailscale) can just browse the remote truenas, WInScp works fine too on windows.
What could be wrong with this plugin or my setup on Unraid?

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15 minutes ago, sonisame said:

Thanks, please see attached
Error with mount:    [//] => Array


ud_diagnostics-20240622-145819.zip 41.97 kB · 0 downloads

Click on the double arrows in the upper right corner of the UD page and see if that doesn't clear things up.  It may take a few minutes for the online status to refresh.


Also, don't enter any slashes in the server name, IP address, or the share name.  UD will take care of all that.  I see where you entered some slashes and it confuses UD.  I recommend you use the server name (click the server search button and let UD find the servers).  Try not to use the IP address for your remote server.


If that doesn't solve the issue, post another diagnostics.

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The USB Disk is newly Part of the Array? He was not listed in the Array Overview.Screenshot_20240623-144153_Firefox.thumb.png.be0a4ede7ea557fde243e06f7d534b4c.png

Is this a Bug? Days ago he was correct a UD for the Backups.


A Reboot have no changes.


After connect the Disk to another Device and connected back to Unraid System he was correct attached as UD with her btrfs FS.

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9 hours ago, Revan335 said:

The USB Disk is newly Part of the Array? He was not listed in the Array Overview.Screenshot_20240623-144153_Firefox.thumb.png.be0a4ede7ea557fde243e06f7d534b4c.png

Is this a Bug? Days ago he was correct a UD for the Backups.


A Reboot have no changes.


After connect the Disk to another Device and connected back to Unraid System he was correct attached as UD with her btrfs FS.

The "Array" marker is because UD thinks the disk was in the array, but dropped out.  It can happen in several ways.  UD marks it so no UD operations can be performed on the disk.  If the file system is not showing, it might be a udev issue.


In the future, click on the double arrows icon on the upper right of the UD page and see if that helps.

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Just wondering if anyone has seen this issue with unassigned devices? I just updated my unassigned to the latest version and found in my first page of unraid WebGUI, under the unassigned disk devices and shares, there is error message saying "Unexpected end of JSON input". Pls see the screenshot attached. Do I need to remove the unassigned and install it again? 



Checked again the plugin status, confirmed unassigned is up-to-date.



Any idea? Thanks.

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Hi have started using this plugin. From my Double Commander I can access the folder on the unassigned disk throught mnt/disks and create the folders, but when using another docker like Sabnzb it gives an error accessing the folder I specify in SAB.

I have mounted the path in the docker template but dont know how to solve it.

Hope someone can help.

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3 hours ago, shellte said:

Done. Here you are. Thanks again for your help.

ud_diagnostics-20240624-065836.zip 24.38 kB · 2 downloads

The problem is some chinese characters confusing php.  You can temporarily fix the problem by editing the /flash/plugins/unassigned.devices/iso_mount.cfg and change the dragon and spider characters to underscores like this:


Don't change anything else or the mount will not work.


I'll have a proper fix in the next release of UD.


Edit: You need to click the double arrows icon on the UD page in the upper right corner after editing the file.

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7 hours ago, dlandon said:

The problem is some chinese characters confusing php.  You can temporarily fix the problem by editing the /flash/plugins/unassigned.devices/iso_mount.cfg and change the dragon and spider characters to underscores like this:


Don't change anything else or the mount will not work.


I'll have a proper fix in the next release of UD.


Edit: You need to click the double arrows icon on the UD page in the upper right corner after editing the file.

I just checked my flash. I do not see any folder called plugins there. Instead I can see /flash/config/plugins. Is that the folder you are talking about?


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