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upstream timed out

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4 hours ago, trurl said:



Sort of grasping at straws here, but are you sure there isn't something going on with your network, or possibly the browser you are using to access the webUI? Have you tried booting in GUI mode and using the webUI directly on the server?

i did try everything and i posted on page one

browser i don't think so (that error i received with internal browser from unraid), because i try different browsers

and regarding network i lost count how many time i did reset my router.

one think i notices is that the when i installed CA plugin and install fist application then the errors start appear, sometimes only when i installed the second application, but even with that error applications work fine, but the problem is you cant manually update them, if i use Auto update i see no errors.

Fix Comon problems show no signs of errors regarding network

i noticed this problem some time after i upgrade to latest Unraid OS, and i thought might be the OS (i downgraded the OS same problem)

all this errors appear with CA application installed only (nothing else)


if you know a way to test network problem please do tell

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8 hours ago, Danuel said:

i noticed this problem some time after i upgrade to latest Unraid OS, and i thought might be the OS (i downgraded the OS same problem)

all this errors appear with CA application installed only (nothing else)

Probably almost everyone is running CA on lots of Unraid versions and not having these problems, so it must be something specific to your setup.

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Definitely not CA.  The auto-update plugin uses the docker page to update the containers, but a subtle difference is that there is no timeouts present (it can take as long as it needs to to do the update, whereas every "page" in the webGUI has a hardcoded timeout of 120 seconds.


What's your rough geographical area?

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Definitely not CA.  The auto-update plugin uses the docker page to update the containers, but a subtle difference is that there is no timeouts present (it can take as long as it needs to to do the update, whereas every "page" in the webGUI has a hardcoded timeout of 120 seconds.


What's your rough geographical area?

Uk, Lancashire


Any way to increase the timeout ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the subject of it not being a common problem otherwise more people would be shouting... I'm getting it too, but on the VM page:

Sep 15 23:01:17 tower nginx: 2020/09/15 23:01:17 [error] 9412#9412: *2290204 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /VMs/UpdateVM?uuid=3812b7f6-435a-b0df-5417-3dab7691c11e HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "tower.local", referrer: "http://tower.local/VMs"

6.8.2, probably been an issue since upgrading from 6.7 (at a guess) - I've had the problem a while, but also presumed it must be something specific to my network.

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  • 3 months later...

Dec 15 21:06:26 Seven nginx: 2020/12/15 21:06:26 [error] 4336#4336: *3183 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/CreateDocker.php?updateContainer=true&ct[]=binhex-krusader HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: "

this container was deleted just because i tried to update 



this is absolutely ridiculous this problem has not fixed in months, further more now i am not able to update any docker container and  automatic docker update not working anymore (i noticed this after a few plugin updates), if i force  update is either making  the container not to work either will be removed automatically, I don't have the time to come here posting every day when i get a error i work 15 hours  a day ,how big the ignorance can be ? specially when i payed for the product.







Edited by Danuel
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this is the error when i try to search for updates

Dec 16 21:34:37 Seven nginx: 2020/12/16 21:34:37 [error] 4336#4336: *189620 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerUpdate.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock", host: "", referrer: ""


the client is my computer, so what is going on here ? because i see same error on any other browser


so any help please ?



also i noticed something at the network in unraid, that Getaway and DNS have same IP meaning the ip of my homepage router, is that normal ?


Edited by Danuel
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On 9/5/2020 at 5:19 PM, Danuel said:

i did reset my router

Regarding the router troubleshooting. When you say 'reset my router' - did you:

a) turn the router off and on again

b) reset the router back to factory settings

c) reset the router back to factory settings AND update to latest router firmware


I found that c) was what worked for me. 


There is one other thing to try, but if you can confirm the above questions we can go from there.




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Regarding the router troubleshooting. When you say 'reset my router' - did you:

a) turn the router off and on again

b) reset the router back to factory settings

c) reset the router back to factory settings AND update to latest router firmware


I found that c) was what worked for me. 


There is one other thing to try, but if you can confirm the above questions we can go from there.




All of them except C regarding firmware update, router i have is a BT HOME HUB, last firmware update was some time ago, i plan on building a pfsense in the future

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My understanding of the root cause is that <something> is impeding your unraid from getting packets to/from servers that host the docker images/updates. That something could be mis-configuration of routes, your ISP playing silly-buggers, lots of things. To take your ISP out of the equation (at least a little bit) you could change the DNS settings from the ISP's default to something like google DNS:

  • IPv4 DNS server:
  • IPv4 DNS server 2:

Or, OpenDNS:

  • IPv4 DNS server:

  • IPv4 DNS server 2:

You can make this change just for unraid: Settings > Network settings > IPv4 DNS server and IPv4 DNS server 2

Alternatively, you can update your DNS servers at the router and make the change to your entire household network.


When I had the same issue that you are facing I found that option C from previous post, in combination with using OpenDNS as my DNS servers (on both router and unraid) fixed my problem.


Good luck


If this doesn't work, I'd suggest the following to narrow down the root cause:

  1. Shut down *everything* else in your network and try again with just unraid and router. Log on to unraid local UI and see if you can get it to update docker images.
  2. If still no good I'd build a second unraid box for testing purposes to see if it can host a docker image and get updates. If the second unraid works AOK you are looking at FUBAR config somewhere in your original unraid... 



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22 hours ago, jaso said:

My understanding of the root cause is that <something> is impeding your unraid from getting packets to/from servers that host the docker images/updates. That something could be mis-configuration of routes, your ISP playing silly-buggers, lots of things. To take your ISP out of the equation (at least a little bit) you could change the DNS settings from the ISP's default to something like google DNS:

  • IPv4 DNS server:
  • IPv4 DNS server 2:

Or, OpenDNS:

  • IPv4 DNS server:

  • IPv4 DNS server 2:

You can make this change just for unraid: Settings > Network settings > IPv4 DNS server and IPv4 DNS server 2

Alternatively, you can update your DNS servers at the router and make the change to your entire household network.


When I had the same issue that you are facing I found that option C from previous post, in combination with using OpenDNS as my DNS servers (on both router and unraid) fixed my problem.


Good luck


If this doesn't work, I'd suggest the following to narrow down the root cause:

  1. Shut down *everything* else in your network and try again with just unraid and router. Log on to unraid local UI and see if you can get it to update docker images.
  2. If still no good I'd build a second unraid box for testing purposes to see if it can host a docker image and get updates. If the second unraid works AOK you are looking at FUBAR config somewhere in your original unraid... 



i only have 1 slot for DNS server in unraid, so i am not sure where i am typing DNS2 and i can not add in my router the DNS since i use a provider router

Edited by Danuel
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42 minutes ago, Danuel said:

what are you docker settings ? do you have enabled "preserved user defined networks" ?

Hi @Danuel,


Have you tired changing the bonding option, you only seem to have a single NIC eth0 but you have bonding enabled.


I am in the UK also, but on EE.


Apart from using a portchannel, these are my settings note I see both eth0 and eth1. Try changing yours to Enable Bond to no as only 1 NIC is showing eth0.



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well on those error what i see in browser is Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Time-out)


but this does not explain why does not make the auto updates even if i don't use any browser, i dont have another router to try so i am not sure if the problem is the router or not since i dont have any other problems with other devices or accessing the internet


and by some miracle i get a mail that a container was updated if i go to unraid to look actually the update was not installed 


Edited by Danuel
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some update regarding this problem, 

i had removed community application plugin and now is working, i can check for updates and update containers

from what i see community application is bugged or might bug the ability to check for docker containers update resulting in the above mentioned error

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