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[DEPRECATED] dyonr - qbittorrentvpn

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1 hour ago, Dyon said:


Is one of these lines an IPv6 address instead of IPv4?

remote [MASKED VPN server address] [MASKED port]


Try deleting the line with an IPv6 address, and keep these removed;

redirect-gateway ipv6


All IP addresses are IPv4.

Edited by tmor2
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21 hours ago, Dyon said:


Is one of these lines an IPv6 address instead of IPv4?

remote [MASKED VPN server address] [MASKED port]


Try deleting the line with an IPv6 address, and keep these removed;

redirect-gateway ipv6


Thank for the try.


This app does not work.


It cannot be configured to run with either Wireguard or OpenVPN, with a major VPN provider.


App deleted.

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10 minutes ago, tmor2 said:


Thank for the try.


This app does not work.


It cannot be configured to run with either Wireguard or OpenVPN, with a major VPN provider.


App deleted.


Would you mind telling me what VPN Provider it is? I could perhaps look into it more detailed then and optimise my container for that provider, if they would be generous enough to provide me with a trial subscription. If it is PIA or AirVPN, I can remember that these two parties use out of the ordinary methods for OpenVPN and WireGuard configs. However, Binhex's qbittorrentvpn has support for both of these providers, so I recommend you use his instead then

Edited by Dyon
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Hi everyone,


Right now I’m trying to get qbittorrent with wireguard to work in portainer, but no luck so far.. If I checked the log, everything seems to be running just fine. However, I cannot access the webui when the vpn is enabled. If I disable the vpn though, I can access the webui. The vpn service that I’m using is called Azirevpn.


Can anyone please help me? It would be amazing if there is a way to get this working!


This is my log:


2021-01-18 17:39:22.080533 [INFO] VPN_ENABLED defined as 'yes',
2021-01-18 17:39:22.127134 [INFO] LEGACY_IPTABLES is set to '',
2021-01-18 17:39:22.192560 [INFO] Not making any changes to iptables,
2021-01-18 17:39:22.240643 [INFO] VPN_TYPE defined as 'wireguard',
2021-01-18 17:39:22.287951 [INFO] WireGuard config file is found at /config/wireguard/wg0.conf,
dos2unix: converting file /config/wireguard/wg0.conf to Unix format...,
2021-01-18 17:39:22.323671 [INFO] VPN remote line defined as 'se1.wg.azirevpn.net:51820',
2021-01-18 17:39:22.363273 [INFO] VPN_REMOTE defined as 'se1.wg.azirevpn.net',
2021-01-18 17:39:22.430258 [INFO] VPN_PORT defined as '51820',
2021-01-18 17:39:22.472754 [INFO] VPN_PROTOCOL set as 'udp', since WireGuard is always udp.,
2021-01-18 17:39:22.509408 [INFO] VPN_DEVICE_TYPE set as 'wg0', since WireGuard will always be wg0.,
2021-01-18 17:39:22.584396 [INFO] LAN_NETWORK defined as '',
2021-01-18 17:39:22.633083 [INFO] NAME_SERVERS defined as ',',
2021-01-18 17:39:22.704211 [INFO] Adding to resolv.conf,
2021-01-18 17:39:22.757649 [INFO] Adding to resolv.conf,
2021-01-18 17:39:22.791761 [INFO] Starting WireGuard...,
Warning: `/config/wireguard/wg0.conf' is world accessible,
wg-quick: `wg0' is not a WireGuard interface,
2021-01-18 17:39:22.882714 WireGuard is down already,
Warning: `/config/wireguard/wg0.conf' is world accessible,
[#] ip link add wg0 type wireguard,
[#] wg setconf wg0 /dev/fd/63,
[#] ip -4 address add dev wg0,
[#] ip link set mtu 1420 up dev wg0,
[#] resolvconf -a wg0 -m 0 -x,
[#] wg set wg0 fwmark 51820,
[#] ip -4 route add dev wg0 table 51820,
[#] ip -4 rule add not fwmark 51820 table 51820,
[#] ip -4 rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0,
[#] sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1,
[#] iptables-restore -n,
2021-01-18 17:39:23.735903 [INFO] Docker network defined as,
2021-01-18 17:39:23.811566 [INFO] Adding as route via docker eth0,
2021-01-18 17:39:23.878440 [INFO] ip route defined as follows...,
default via dev eth0 , dev wg0 proto kernel scope link src , dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src , via dev eth0 ,
2021-01-18 17:39:24.056052 [INFO] iptables defined as follows...,
-A INPUT -i wg0 -j ACCEPT,
-A INPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT,
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp --sport 51820 -j ACCEPT,
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT,
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 8080 -j ACCEPT,
-A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 0 -j ACCEPT,
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT,
-A OUTPUT -o wg0 -j ACCEPT,
-A OUTPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT,
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 51820 -j ACCEPT,
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT,
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 8080 -j ACCEPT,
-A OUTPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT,
-A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT,
2021-01-18 17:39:24.115881 [WARNING] ENABLE_SSL is set to , SSL is not enabled. This could cause issues with logging if other apps use the same Cookie name (SID).,
2021-01-18 17:39:24.152739 [WARNING] If you manage the SSL config yourself, you can ignore this.,
2021-01-18 17:39:24.219540 [INFO] A group with PGID 100 already exists in /etc/group, nothing to do.,
2021-01-18 17:39:24.268412 [INFO] An user with PUID 998 already exists in /etc/passwd, nothing to do.,
2021-01-18 17:39:24.314918 [WARNING] UMASK not defined (via -e UMASK), defaulting to '002',
2021-01-18 17:39:24.380596 [INFO] Starting qBittorrent daemon...,
Logging to /config/qBittorrent/data/logs/qbittorrent.log.,
2021-01-18 17:39:25.452738 [INFO] qBittorrent PID: 213,
2021-01-18 17:39:25.466108 [INFO] Started qBittorrent daemon successfully...,
2021-01-18 17:39:25.522140 [INFO] HEALTH_CHECK_HOST is not set. For now using default host one.one.one.one,
2021-01-18 17:39:25.586384 [INFO] HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL is not set. For now using default interval of 300,
2021-01-18 17:39:25.628396 [INFO] HEALTH_CHECK_SILENT is not set. Because this variable is not set, it will be supressed by default,


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@Pieterz As you said, you use Portainers instead of Unraid, which is fine. I'll still try to help.

Looking at your log I do not see anything wrong, it's basically identical to the log of when I run it, so that seems fine.


I do want to verify a few things.

1. Double check that your LAN_NETWORK is indeed and not for example, minor mistake I've seen made before.

If that is indeed correct, and you have not changed it, please do the following;


2. What is the IP-address of your Portainer? For example my Unraid is hosted on, thus I would need to access qBittorrent on (HTTP, since you have not defined ENABLE_SSL). Double check that your ports and IPs are indeed correct.

If you are certain that is also correct, please do this;


3. What does your wg0.conf look like? Below is mine (censored obviously), which is the minimal that would be requied.

Some VPN companies add additional rules to block traffic, which interferes with the qbittorrentvpn Docker. So if your wg0.conf has more lines than mine below, please make it look alike based on your config and try again

Example of mine:






Edited by Dyon
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Hi @Dyon, thank you so much for your help, even though I’m not using Unraid. I really appreciate it!


So I checked LAN_NETWORK and it is indeed configured as

I am running the portainer on top of a OMV server, could that be a problem? (Even though the other containers are running fine?)


The IP-address of my OMV goes like 192.168.1xx.xx, so should cover this right?

I’m trying to connect on that same IP-Address using port 8080.


I checked my wg0.conf as well and it appears to actually have even less lines than your example.

Could it be that something is not configured right here?


PrivateKey = @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Address =

PublicKey = @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = se1.wg.azirevpn.net:51820


Thank you again for your help!

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25 minutes ago, Pieterz said:

Hi @Dyon, thank you so much for your help, even though I’m not using Unraid. I really appreciate it!


So I checked LAN_NETWORK and it is indeed configured as

I am running the portainer on top of a OMV server, could that be a problem? (Even though the other containers are running fine?)


The IP-address of my OMV goes like 192.168.1xx.xx, so should cover this right?

I’m trying to connect on that same IP-Address using port 8080.


I checked my wg0.conf as well and it appears to actually have even less lines than your example.

Could it be that something is not configured right here?


PrivateKey = @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Address =

PublicKey = @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = se1.wg.azirevpn.net:51820


Thank you again for your help!

A /24 CIDR suffix will not cover the address you specified. If your address is, for instance, it's not included in that subnet mask. basically means 192.168.1.xxx. The third byte in the subnet mask is set to 1, so you'd need to increase the mask size if you want to cover more addresses. Sorry if that's confusing; I won't go into more detail on that to keep us on topic, but I'm happy to explain if you're curious. There's also plenty of google-able info if you want to know more, but for the time being I suggest just using a subnet. That covers anything in 192.168.xxx.xxx. Any IP address starting in 192.168 can't be public anyways, so unless you're trying to block it off from another local network (in which case you should be using a firewall anyway), a /16 should be fine.


Also, if you're using stack deploy or docker-compose, make sure you don't have any conflicting variables set in Portainer. Portainer likes to use its own interface/syntax for setting that stuff, so it's easy to get conflicting dupes. (I still like it better than UnRAID's silly Docker menu though, haha)


Just as an aside to @Dyon, I couldn't help noticing these log lines:

Warning: `/config/wireguard/wg0.conf' is world accessible,
wg-quick: `wg0' is not a WireGuard interface,
2021-01-18 17:39:22.882714 WireGuard is down already,
Warning: `/config/wireguard/wg0.conf' is world accessible,
[#] ip link add wg0 type wireguard,
[#] wg setconf wg0 /dev/fd/63,
[#] ip -4 address add dev wg0,
[#] ip link set mtu 1420 up dev wg0,
[#] resolvconf -a wg0 -m 0 -x,
[#] wg set wg0 fwmark 51820,
[#] ip -4 route add dev wg0 table 51820,
[#] ip -4 rule add not fwmark 51820 table 51820,
[#] ip -4 rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0,
[#] sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1,
[#] iptables-restore -n,

It's kind of odd that the wg0 interface is being called upon before wg-quick can create it -- do you know what might be trying that? It doesn't seem to be breaking anything, but I find it odd that it's happening so early 🤔

Edited by Cassidy
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@Pieterz as @Cassidy explained you should change to are the IPs from - are all the IPs from -

So indeed, you should change it to /16 and then it might work.


WireGuard config looks fine indeed



The reason wg0 gets called before wg-quick up is because of this:

wg-quick: `wg0' already exists · Issue #18 · DyonR/docker-qbittorrentvpn (github.com)

Which refers to this line in the code:

docker-qbittorrentvpn/start.sh at master · DyonR/docker-qbittorrentvpn (github.com)

So that is intended behaviour 😉

Edited by Dyon
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8 minutes ago, Dyon said:

The reason wg0 gets called before wg-quick up is because of this:

wg-quick: `wg0' already exists · Issue #18 · DyonR/docker-qbittorrentvpn (github.com)

Which refers to this line in the code:

docker-qbittorrentvpn/start.sh at master · DyonR/docker-qbittorrentvpn (github.com)

So that is intended behaviour 😉

Ahh, that's really interesting! I opened a PR to test to see if the interface exists, if you care about getting rid of that warning. Seems like an easy fix :)



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A new version of my qbittorrent-vpn Docker has been pushed (should be available within 1 hour after posting this message). Most of these changes won't be noticeable, since qBittorrent still is qBittorrent 😉 However some background work has been done. The issue that @tmor2 had, should be fixed with this new version.

Together with resolving that issue, the other new big change is the decision to switch to Libtorrent 2.0 instead of Libtorrent 1.2.xx.

Hereby the changelog:  

* Switch to the Libtorrent RC_2_0 tag instead of RC_1_2.
* Self-compilation of Boost to stay up to date with the newest software.
* Forcing a fix of the IPv6 Issues people were reporting with certain VPN providers. This is done by adding `--pull-filter ignore route-ipv6 --pull-filter ignore ifconfig-ipv6` to the openvpn command when running it.  
Code cleanup:  
* Fixed 'if... then;' consistency in the the SSL Certificate section of the qbittorrent start.sh script  
* Removal of an unnecessary `wg-quick down` message (Contribution of @Cassidy)
* Removal of obsolete info in README.md


Mullvad was kindly enough to provide me with a short trial of their service so I could look more in depth into the IPv6 issues and test multiple scenarios of which I thought would be able to fix these issues.

To everyone using Mullvad, or any one that did modify their OpenVPN config files by adding 'pull-filter ignore route-ipv6' and 'pull-filter ignore ifconfig-ipv6', please revert it back to it's original state and check if the updated version of my Docker qbittorrentvpn works as desired.

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  • 1 month later...

I was encountering the 'Cannot openTUN /TAPdev /dev/net/tun' error, which I was finally able to resolve by following the Configuration section of https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/tuntap.txt these instructions on the unraid host OS and then adding --device /dev/net/tun to the Extra Parameters when setting up the container.


During this process I also turned off Privileged mode for the container and added --cap-add=NET_ADMIN to the Extra Parameters. My understanding is that this is more restrictive than enabling full Privileged mode, but still allows the VPN to function.


I'm now able to use the container without privileged mode enabled, and have been using qbittorrent without issue. If my understanding is correct, it may be worthwhile to change the template for the docker to remove privileged mode, as it does open some security concerns, and use the NET_ADMIN setting instead.

Edited by alby
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2 hours ago, alby said:

I was encountering the 'Cannot openTUN /TAPdev /dev/net/tun' error, which I was finally able to resolve by following the Configuration section of https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/tuntap.txt these instructions on the unraid host OS and then adding --device /dev/net/tun to the Extra Parameters when setting up the container.


During this process I also turned off Privileged mode for the container and added --cap-add=NET_ADMIN to the Extra Parameters. My understanding is that this is more restrictive than enabling full Privileged mode, but still allows the VPN to function.


I'm now able to use the container without privileged mode enabled, and have been using qbittorrent without issue. If my understanding is correct, it may be worthwhile to change the template for the docker to remove privileged mode, as it does open some security concerns, and use the NET_ADMIN setting instead.


I believe that is corrent indeed, for OpenVPN atleast. I've also played around with that in the past.

However, I don't think this would work if you use Wireguard. And since WireGuard and OpenVPN both would need different settings (the --device /dev/net/tun or something else for WireGuard), the privileged mode is an universal 'fix'. Unless there won't be a conflict running the container with multiple --device parameters. But I wouldn't know which one WireGuard would use.

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  • 1 month later...

First off, thank you Dyon for the container, it's the only one that worked for me out of the box. That's no doubt an indicator of my skill level then anything else, but I appreciate the ease!


I can't, however, figure out how to make the connection status green, mine stays on yellow. I can still connect to some peers, but I wonder if it's reducing the number I could connect to.


I'm using Wireguard, but the Wireguard server is hosted on a remote dedicated server I have. I installed Wireguard server via the Swizzin package. I'm not sure what information is relevant so here's a bunch and hopefully it's what is needed to diagnose my issue.





Client wg0.conf

Address =
PrivateKey = blahblah
ListenPort = 21841
# The DNS value may be changed if you have a personal preference
# Uncomment this line if you are having issues with DNS leak
#BlockDNS = true

PublicKey = blahblah
Endpoint = remote server IP:51000
AllowedIPs =

# This is for if you're behind a NAT and
# want the connection to be kept alive.
#PersistentKeepalive = 25


Server wg1000.conf


Address =
SaveConfig = true
PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg1000 -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -i wg1000 -o ens3f0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -i$
PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i wg1000 -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -i wg1000 -o ens3f0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD $
ListenPort = 51000
PrivateKey = blahblah

PublicKey = blahblah
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = home server IP:21841


qBittorrentvpn log


2021-05-06 14:41:25.848740 [INFO] VPN_ENABLED defined as 'yes'
2021-05-06 14:41:25.867428 [INFO] VPN_TYPE defined as 'wireguard'
2021-05-06 14:41:25.903058 [INFO] WireGuard config file is found at /config/wireguard/wg0.conf
dos2unix: converting file /config/wireguard/wg0.conf to Unix format...
2021-05-06 14:41:25.929569 [INFO] VPN remote line defined as 'remote server ip:51000'
2021-05-06 14:41:25.943054 [INFO] VPN_REMOTE defined as 'remote server ip'
2021-05-06 14:41:25.956539 [INFO] VPN_PORT defined as '51000'
2021-05-06 14:41:25.968862 [INFO] VPN_PROTOCOL set as 'udp', since WireGuard is always udp.
2021-05-06 14:41:25.982070 [INFO] VPN_DEVICE_TYPE set as 'wg0', since WireGuard will always be wg0.
2021-05-06 14:41:25.995477 [INFO] LAN_NETWORK defined as ''
2021-05-06 14:41:26.009269 [INFO] NAME_SERVERS defined as ','
2021-05-06 14:41:26.022935 [INFO] Adding to resolv.conf
2021-05-06 14:41:26.036698 [INFO] Adding to resolv.conf
2021-05-06 14:41:26.049156 [INFO] Starting WireGuard...
Warning: `/config/wireguard/wg0.conf' is world accessible

[#] ip link add wg0 type wireguard
[#] wg setconf wg0 /dev/fd/63
[#] ip -4 address add dev wg0
[#] ip link set mtu 1420 up dev wg0
[#] resolvconf -a wg0 -m 0 -x
[#] wg set wg0 fwmark 51820
[#] ip -4 route add dev wg0 table 51820
[#] ip -4 rule add not fwmark 51820 table 51820
[#] ip -4 rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0
[#] sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
[#] iptables-restore -n
2021-05-06 14:41:26.321899 [INFO] Docker network defined as
2021-05-06 14:41:26.343784 [INFO] Adding as route via docker eth0
2021-05-06 14:41:26.356951 [INFO] ip route defined as follows...
default via dev eth0 dev wg0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth0
2021-05-06 14:41:26.426497 [INFO] iptables defined as follows...
-A INPUT -i wg0 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp --sport 51000 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 8080 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 0 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o wg0 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 51000 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 8080 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT
2021-05-06 14:41:26.541351 [INFO] ENABLE_SSL is set to yes
2021-05-06 14:41:26.553849 [SYSTEM] If you use Unraid, and get something like a 'ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE' in your browser, add https:// to the front of the IP, and/or do this:
2021-05-06 14:41:26.566600 [SYSTEM] Edit this Docker, change the slider in the top right to 'advanced view' and change http to https at the WebUI setting.
2021-05-06 14:41:26.586665 [INFO] /config/qBittorrent/config/qBittorrent.conf already has the line WebUICertificate.crt loaded, nothing to do.
2021-05-06 14:41:26.599626 [INFO] /config/qBittorrent/config/qBittorrent.conf already has the line WebUIKey.key loaded, nothing to do.
2021-05-06 14:41:26.614125 [INFO] /config/qBittorrent/config/qBittorrent.conf does have the WebUI\HTTPS\Enabled already set to true.
2021-05-06 14:41:26.627386 [INFO] A group with PGID 100 already exists in /etc/group, nothing to do.
2021-05-06 14:41:26.640458 [INFO] An user with PUID 99 already exists in /etc/passwd, nothing to do.
2021-05-06 14:41:26.653809 [INFO] UMASK defined as '002'
2021-05-06 14:41:26.667501 [INFO] Starting qBittorrent daemon...
Logging to /config/qBittorrent/data/logs/qbittorrent.log.
2021-05-06 14:41:27.714238 [INFO] Started qBittorrent daemon successfully...
2021-05-06 14:41:27.720915 [INFO] qBittorrent PID: 256





Many thanks

Edited by Benji
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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've been using this container for more than a year, but last week I've seen some weird behaviour from the notification system I have in place, which would not detect qbittorrent every few minutes.

Inspecting the problem I found kind of what is happening, which is the following process:

- container loads fine, with normal speeds, no warnings from it about wireguard or anything else

- after one or two minutes speeds start to diminish, soon reaching 0

- after a few more seconds with all downloads stale, qbittorrentvpn logs read:


[ERROR] Network is down, exiting this Docker


What should I do to start troubleshooting this?




EDIT: it is happening to other containers so I believe it's something to do with the VPN itself. I will check and report back


EDIT2: Can confirm that this is happening with whatever personal VPN I (as in VPS-turned-VPN-server) I try. Can someone think of anything I might be missing here?


EDIT3: apparently openvpn works with the very same provider so I don't really know what the problem might be. For the time being I'll stick to it.

Edited by b3lc
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  • 3 months later...

I'm gonna humble myself and ask for some help here. After many sleepless nights, and hours upon hours of YT, I am lost. I've got everything working on my newish unraid server, but I can't get your app to DL anything. It shows a green connection icon, (currently showing 180 nodes). But all torrents stall. All the *arrs are working great through your container, etc. This is my last hurdle with this machine. Any help would be great. Let me know what you need from me.

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17 hours ago, JonathanM said:

What path are you telling it to download to, and what is the corresponding host path mapped in the container config?

I think that may be the issue. I set this container up before anything else, just to test it out. Got it working, and like it, so I jumped and set up everything else (hardlinks, *arrs, etc). And forgot that I never set up qbit with the correct path. Now, I just edited qbit and it failed. Somehow it broke all my other containers. I'm restoring from a backup now. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

I am trying to set up the docker with Wireguard but I feel like I am missing a key step somewhere.     I setup wireguard and that seemed to go fine...  added the proper port forward to my router, set up a peer with Remote Tunneled Access, downloaded the peer config file and renamed it to wg0.conf.    Placed it in the \appdata\qbittorrentvpn\wireguard directory.     There isn't much to the config file:


DNS=[My Router DNS]


#Home VPN


Enable vpn in the docker, set VPN_TYPE to wireguard and start the docker.   Everything seems to be okay and I am able to log in to qBittorrent and shortly after it disconnects.   Log says [ERROR] Network is down, exiting this Docker and the docker restarts. > Repeats.   Docker Extra Parameters are set to --restart unless-stopped


I feel like I'm missing a step somewhere....  any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

EDIT: More environment variables were found when I expanded "Show more settings". Deleting redundant environment variables solved the problem.


I have issues with disabling SSL encryption. I have tried to set the environment variable ENABLE_SSL to "no" to no effect as it is being overwritten when the container is stared. No extra paramters regarding SSL are being set. How can this problem me mitigated?

Please see screenshot below for configuration.





root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='qbittorrentvpn' --net='bridge' --cpuset-cpus='2' --privileged=true -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'VPN_ENABLED'='yes' -e 'VPN_TYPE'='wireguard' -e 'VPN_USERNAME'='' -e 'VPN_PASSWORD'='' -e 'LAN_NETWORK'='' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'ENABLE_SSL'='no' -e 'ENABLE_SSL'='no' -e 'ENABLE_SSL'='yes' -e 'NAME_SERVERS'=',' -e 'UMASK'='002' -e 'HEALTH_CHECK_HOST'='one.one.one.one' -e 'HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL'='300' -e 'HEALTH_CHECK_SILENT'='1' -e 'INSTALL_PYTHON3'='no' -e 'ADDITIONAL_PORTS'='' -p '8082:8080/tcp' -p '8999:8999/tcp' -p '8999:8999/udp' -v '/mnt/user/Downloads/':'/downloads':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/qbittorrentvpn':'/config':'rw' --restart unless-stopped 'dyonr/qbittorrentvpn'

The command finished successfully!

Edited by Klench
Add some more information about how I solved the problem
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