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Everything posted by Squid

  1. AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Sounds like C States or PS Idle issues see here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-819173
  2. I'd suspect that in the past you've had problems with the docker image filling up (you've got it set to be 256Gig now), and whatever you've done to try and mitigate that has resulted in you storing stuff within RAM itself.
  3. The WiFi isn't going to be utilized at all, and you'll save money by getting a board that doesn't have it built-in.
  4. One thing is to set up the shares you're using for downloads to be cache-prefer and not cache-only, and to also make sure the cache floor limit is set appropriately so the system knows when to overflow to the array. (And also don't directly reference /mnt/cache in any path mappings but always use /mnt/user/... so that the rules are obeyed You might also want to have a look at the system event log (bios) to see if anything noteworthy is in there as to the lockups
  5. Yes, you can use a SATA drive with a SAS controller. You just need the appropriate forward breakout cables to connect them. No BIOS changes are required. Just look for a HBA (recommended is LSI based) that's already in IT mode (instead of IR mode), although this can be changed with flashing it's BIOS. But, you're not going to see any advantages over using the already present SATA ports on the motherboard, and if you only need one or two more ports you may be better off getting a ASM1061 SATA card.
  6. Nope. On average every other year CA's GUI gets a makeover by a UX designer and support for the old GUI goes by the wayside. What are you missing about the old layout?
  7. This appears to be the start of it Jan 20 04:29:00 ServerPC kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdj1): corrupt leaf: root=2 block=3314483200 slot=95, unexpected item end, have 428459034 expect 13148 Are you running ECC memory? I would start investigating by downloading memtest (and setting up a separate boot stick) from https://www.memtest86.com/ (the up to date versions will catch ECC errors, but due to licencing restrictions can't be included with the base OS) This can also have been caused by filling up the cache pool to 100% (btrfs does not respond well in that circumstance)
  8. There are differences in overhead between filesystems. But, that 28G would imply that there is a docker image on the drive whereas the cache drive when in BTRFS didn't have the image on it.
  9. What is the share name, and what do you mean by "download directly" Also, disk 3 and the unassigned 5TB drive should have their cabling reseated to them (continual resets)
  10. VT-x and VT-d technically have nothing to do with each other. VT-x is a function of the processor and is required to run any virtual machine. VT-d is a function of the processor and the chipset and is required for passthrough. Even there, on a processor that was originally released in Q1 2010 If it did support VT-d (Intel's spec sheet implies it doesn't) I'd be surprised if it worked correctly since there has been massive progress on device passthrough over the years
  11. Just a note regarding template updates. Since Unraid 6.2, the OS has automatically updated templates to always reflect the currently available version. (IE: It will add in any missing path, port, variables that the user's template does not have). This was done on the theory that a new update to the container may also require any missing new entries. This behaviour has been troublesome for certain templates and how some users configure their systems. A flag to indicate to the OS to not update the templates has been in place to avoid this: <TemplateURL>false</TemplateURL> Starting however with the release of Unraid 6.10-rc3+ the system will no longer automatically update user's templates. Effectively this means that should you issue an update to the container which requires an update to the template you will need communicate this to the users via your support venues. Currently, CA (and FCP) will still ensure that the templates are still being updated on versions of the OS < 6.10. If this change in the OS proves to lessen support requests to the maintainers, then CA and FCP will be modified to prevent those legacy versions of the OS from also updating the templates. IE: If you were using the above flag to signal to the system to not update the templates, you should continue to do so.
  12. Restore the USB from a backup (or manually download the OS version and save all of the bz* files in the zip to the flash drive). Worse case scenario you would have to set up a new boot device
  13. Here's why Jan 19 19:49:13 Enderman root: /usr/sbin/libvirtd: error: Unable to initialize network sockets. Check /var/log/messages or run without --daemon for more info. I'm not a network guy, but something looks like it changed (br0 not available???)
  14. Are you re-gifting your prize from Community Applications a while back? https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/116/?tab=comments#comment-814942
  15. 6.10 reloads the page automatically after a certain time period to solve this
  16. Happened during processor initialization. This affects certain combinations of hardware on occasion and is not an issue.
  17. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086
  18. Actually, that display is correct at the time the diagnostics were taken. The syslog has a total size of 0 bytes. Have you by chance deleted /var/log/syslog (or doing anything with it)
  19. I'd go with Netdata instead of system stats. If it doesn't give you the data you need / want then your option would possibly be the Ultimate Unraid Dashboard project https://forums.unraid.net/topic/96895-ultimate-unraid-dashboard-uud/
  20. Yeah, it's something weird happening there. They're letting requests go through to github (lsio's lscr.io which mirrors back to ghcr) but blocking access to dockerHub itself. (Or its your modem doing this)
  21. Yeah, use the drop downs to assign the drives. You can set up as many shares as you like. Separate ones for photos, movies, television, save stuff, documents, etc etc etc Its all how you choose to organize things
  22. Was a parity check in progress at the time? See if any of the suggestions here help
  23. Permissions aren't changed by Fix Common Problems. They are changed if you run New Permissions against the appdata share (Docker Safe New Permissions won't touch appdata)
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