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Everything posted by Squid

  1. What does that mean exactly? Is the VM sleeping / stopped? vfio-pci.ids=8086:a3f0 Likely not related to you issues, but isolating via syslinux is deprecated. The prefered way is via Tools - System Devices.
  2. Did you switch the vDisk location to Manual?
  3. Make sure that safari is up to date. Clear out your cookies etc. Try a different browser.
  4. Those errors should be impossible that are appearing. So I'm not quite sure what's going on. Either way, you've at least got to reboot. I don't see any real recovery otherwise.
  5. Try restarting in Safe Mode. Some of the errors Dec 1 14:08:49 unraid emhttpd: error: share_luks_status, 5995: Operation not supported (95): getxattr: /mnt/user/vm_nocache Are showing up before the array is even started, which should be impossible...
  6. Another reason (that I don't agree with) is that some people prefer to have a setup where on any given drive, only a certain media type is present. Movies on disks 1-3, TV on disks 4-5 etc
  7. Still post the diagnostics, but did you wait for the balance to complete? (Last time I did this was on a fresh cache-pool with basically no data on it)
  8. What it appears to be is that as soon as you try to do anything on the cache drive it drops offline. Reseat the cabling (and power) to it (both ends) reboot and try again.
  9. If it's listed as being official within dockerHub (eg: MySql or library/mysql) If the author of the container is equivalent to the repository of the container (eg: shaarli/shaarli:master) This is all because of how dockerHub searches work, where there is an outright "official" flag for the first item. I'm seeing how this works with regards to the 2nd item. If people complain about labelling one as "official" vs others (when the other may be the "recommended" container to install, then this feature will get removed as it's way way too much work on my part) Note that "official" does not mean "its the best" etc. It's simply a recognition that this is the container that the author of the app themselves created.
  10. The mce happened during processor initialization, and is a fairly common occurrence with certain hardware combinations and is quite safe to ignore.
  11. The default setting for a cache pool is RAID-1 which means the pool is redundant. You want to set the pool to be RAID-0 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?tab=comments#comment-480421
  12. To each their own. Yes, certain things as mentioned in the post prior to yours are missing on an automatic basis, but are easily handled via the GUI manually. Each NAS solution has its pros and cons. IMO the pros of this OS far outweigh its cons. (But that's probably an obvious comment since I've been a user of it since 2012)
  13. What happened? Plex was stopped automatically due to the backup happening, but the backup did not finish at the time of your grabbing the diagnostics.
  14. Why? what happens? What do you mean? The issue that you've brought up thus far is that the containers are stopping when a parity check begins. What do you mean that it cannot be stopped? Tools - Update OS and you have the option to restore a previous version Can you point them out? I'm curious to investigate as there is no correlation between starts / stops of containers and a parity check happening.
  15. Can you restart the server and then post the diagnostics again. Your existing logs are 100% and basically have stopped. Primarily I would think due to Nov 26 22:58:39 iron inetd[12345]: accept (for ftp): Invalid argument Nov 26 22:58:39 iron inetd[12345]: accept (for telnet): Invalid argument Nov 26 22:58:39 iron inetd[12345]: accept (for ftp): Invalid argument Which seem to start before the server is even started up.
  16. Prob best to bring this up in the UD support thread
  17. Yeah, that's normal and expected behaviour when using SSH
  18. Mount the drive via Unassigned Devices. It'll automatically mount it when it sees it (and share it if the settings allow). Then it'll be available over the network so the VM can see it
  19. No, you'll still wind up with a couple templates in there via the limetech folder, but it's really no big deal
  20. I swear that worked when I tried it... But, use this https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/next/unRAIDServer-6.10.0-rc2-x86_64.zip
  21. Wouldn't have anything to do with mover. I'd suggest a reboot.
  22. The templates repository page no longer exists on the OS starting with 6.10 On 6.9 it's still there, but effectively been deprecated since 2015 due to the release of CA But, the folder you're looking to clean up would be /config/plugins/templates on the flash drive. (TBH, if I had my way the entire drop down would get removed)
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