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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You should post your diagnostics when cores are pegged
  2. The thresholds in SMART is when the manufacturer outright states that the drive is failing. However, they tend to be very skewed towards the manufacturer's best interests on some attributes. In particular attribute 5 the value vs the threshold shows that the drive is no where near failing. However 23000 reallocated sectors already (and more coming) shows that the drive is basically toast. Many users think that a single reallocated sector is grounds to replace a drive. I can deal with ~100 before I start to get worried. Over a hundred and I'll order a new drive online. At 23000, I'd be going to the nearest brick and mortar store. Do you have notifications set up? The OS would have warned you about this presumably a long time ago.
  3. The cache drive is fully allocated causing the issue. Device size: 232.89GiB Device allocated: 231.88GiB Device unallocated: 1.00GiB Device missing: 0.00B Used: 164.85GiB Free (estimated): 67.18GiB (min: 67.18GiB) Free (statfs, df): 67.18GiB Data ratio: 1.00 Metadata ratio: 1.00 Global reserve: 206.70MiB (used: 0.00B) Multiple profiles: no Data Metadata System Id Path single single single Unallocated -- --------- --------- --------- -------- ----------- 1 /dev/sdf1 230.87GiB 1.01GiB 4.00MiB 1.00GiB -- --------- --------- --------- -------- ----------- Total 230.87GiB 1.01GiB 4.00MiB 1.00GiB Used 164.69GiB 160.11MiB 48.00KiB I *think* you just need to run a balance to fix this up, but admittedly I'm not a btrfs guy (that's @JorgeB)
  4. When you see this next, press enter then login normally at the command prompt, followed by diagnostics The diagnostics file will get saved onto the flash drive (logs folder) powerdown then pull the flash and upload the entire applicable zip file here
  5. Without a set of diagnostics showing the VMs and the containers shutdown, there's nothing much to discern.
  6. Don't see what the 2 have to do with each other. But, rm /boot/config/network.cfg rm /boot/config/network-rules.cfg powerdown -r Your server will be set back up as DHCP etc.
  7. IPADDR[0]="" GATEWAY[0]="" Not that this kind of setup is wrong, but it is uncommon having the gateway on a different subnet than the server... Nothing at all in the syslog related to what you're seeing.
  8. As mentioned, update your firmware. But wouldn't be a bad idea to reseat the cabling (power and sata / sas) to the drives.
  9. Yeah, we actively encourage authors / maintainers to NOT publish the direct URLs and to instead install everything via Community Applications. Then there are controls in place to ensure that you only wind up installing stuff that's compatible, works (bugs aside), and is secure.
  10. One biggie is that some USB enclosures while they will show 2 separate drives, they will assign each drive the identical serial number which throws everything for a loop. Not sure if there's a list or anything like that of what suffers from this bug kicking around
  11. https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/
  12. XFS vs BTRFS - mainly a personal preference Directory - No preset size limitation. It takes up as much or as little space as necessary and will grow and shrink accordingly
  13. No. They will only spin up when a write to any of them happen
  14. That folder is in RAM, and maxes out at 128M which should be sufficient for years of uptime if there are no issues anywhere Post your diagnostics
  15. Looks like your system share only existed on the cache drive. The libvirt image is required (which was stored on it). Copy it back and reboot and you *should* be ok
  16. ok. I did it a different way that redirects WG* to be VPNmanager
  17. You'd have to talk to @dlandon in the unassigned devices thread. I don't believe it's supposed to hang up the system waiting for this to happen.
  18. By adding in the appropriate entries to smb-extra.cfg eg: [USR] path=/usr/local/emhttp/ valid users = andrew write list = andrew force user = root
  19. Never noticed that. Yes CA works on it own completely separate CSS, and inadvertently overwrote the color for the "i".
  20. Does the same thing happen if you start in safe mode? If not, first guess would be to uninstall Preclear and see what happens
  21. Just the way things work. That setting was part of the WGx files which are unable to load inidividually. "Tunnel" is what you want. Remember that this is somewhat a "hack" on the system
  22. https://github.com/hectorm/docker-qemu-win2000 Tried it and it works out of the box (connect via RDP to your server's IP address) Who'd have thunk this would have been possible. my-qmu-win2000.xml
  23. Its because that particular page (WG1 / 2 /...) is dependent upon another page being loaded (WG0) Updated to remove scanning WG1-X
  24. Have you been leaving Main / Dashboard open all this time on any device to monitor the progress?
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