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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Fix Common Problems hasn't run again since you installed mcelog, but it's not particularly necessary in this case. (Very) Bad Memory, Replace it. Once the ECC can no longer correct the errors, your BIOS will most likely simple halt the entire system out of the blue without any warning or notification.
  2. Also, while many BIOS's have "boot from USB", best results always come from explicitly selecting the flash drive in the Hard Drive Boot Order
  3. That's not the issue. The problem is that your BIOS itself doesn't even recognize the NICs, which is way before any driver gets involved. Update the BIOS? Verify there's no way in the manual to disable the NICs via a jumper or something. If the BIOS itself can't recognize the NICs, there's zero chance of any OS recognizing them (and as trurl pointed out Unraid doesn't see the card at all, because the BIOS doesn't)
  4. diagnostics It'll get saved to the flash drive (logs folder)
  5. The plugin's settings are backed up by it's USB backup (and the MyServers flash backup feature) Nothing's stopping you from editing the config files, so long as you maintain the proper json formatting
  6. It's currently extracting. How long did it sit? Also if you close the window and start it again without it completing, the original process will stay running in the background (which is why CA outright doesn't let you easily abort the install / update process) which will make it even worse. This could be docker.img issues also
  7. Maintainers can't simply change the URL (or the repository on the template) and suddenly have installed instances begin to pull from a different repository. Doing that winds up having CA treat the replacement repository as a different app
  8. If you want, I could delete the entire CA thread. That'll probably save a ton of space with the joke pictures, anecdotes etc.
  9. PSA: Going forward the minimum OS version CA will support will be Unraid 6.9.0. If you haven't already updated to the latest stable version of the OS, I encourage you to do so. But, existing installations of CA will still operate and be compatible with the application feed for the foreseeable future.
  10. The primary support means for all of the lsio containers is via their discord https://www.linuxserver.io/
  11. Yup. @SpencerJ Same problem again 😪
  12. https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Release_Notes/Unraid_OS_6.9.0#Better_Module.2FThird_Party_Driver_Support
  13. Install the dynamix schedules plugin
  14. Best place for support on these containers is hotios discord
  15. What did you exactly do and what exactly happened? Are all containers missing now or only some of them?
  16. Yes it trims all supported filesystems on the OS
  17. I wouldn't mind if your also add filesystem check (reverse the order of the words). What can I say, I'm used to typing things in a certain order
  18. The first one. But not a big deal as the system will automatically download any missing icons
  19. I'm not seeing anything from the last 5 hours in the Unread section, and yet there are posts since then... Actually, it looks like all activity streams don't return any results past ~5-6 hours ago. @SpencerJ@trurl @JonathanM @JorgeB @ljm42 @eschultz
  20. Switch to Advanced mode on the Docker Tab. Delete any Orphaned Containers that appear
  21. Just noticed your changelog. Personally, I wouldn't bother with translations in the syslog. Nothing else does it
  22. It's all actually correct. dockerMan itself creates those icons because the plugin uses them and if the image isn't mounted it creates it in memory. The same thing that the logs for the plugin are also stored in memory if docker isn't mounted. By and large, this is a edge case because it's doubtful that anyone will ever run the script without docker running, but it has to handle that situation.
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