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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Unraid does not natively support sleep. But there is a S3 sleep plugin. But, bear in mind that Synology is in complete control of their hardware whereas Limetech is not, so support via the plugin may not always work. After setting up the plugin to sleep under various conditions, you can usually also set up the BIOS to automatically wake up at certain times. Or, you could also just use user scripts to power off the system at a certain time powerdown and then if your bios supports it power the system back on at another time
  2. Sometimes you also just don't want any communication between different networks. eg: I'm cheap and can't be bothered to buy a switch that supports VLANs, but I do have various routers available, and have set up things like my Ring Door Bell, and the Alexa's to all run off of a separate router so that the IoT devices (which I do not completely trust from a security standpoint) have zero access to the rest of the network. Even some so-called "trusted devices" (ie: my wife's phone / tablet) I keep off the main network since I'm not 100% in control of them. I don't know about you, but I seriously doubt that any manufacturer for a smart-plug is ever going to release any firmware update for them....
  3. Nope. It only supports a single appdata share for the time being.
  4. You can always create a new stick with a trial key until support responds
  5. I don't see 10.5 being a valid tag https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/mariadb/tags?page=1&ordering=-name
  6. The usual reason for setting static IP addresses on the router instead of on each device is that by default every device is already set to DHCP, and all of the management can then be handled in one place. The other is that assuming that at some point you change your router. The replacement hands out addresses of 192.168.1.x and the original handed out 192.168.0.x Any device that you had set on the device itself with a static IP would now be unable to communicate when connected to the replacement router. By doing the management on the router itself, all devices would still work (albeit not on the IP address you want), and you can simply adjust the settings there, rather than on the device which may be a pain to get at if you can't access it due to the wrong subnet. Beyond all that, I'm a fan of always having static IPs for every device that's permanently connected (ie: ethernet) and only utilizing DHCP for mobile devices. Changing the pool of available addresses for DHCP is so that any static addresses you may set do not possibly conflict with an address being handed out via DHCP. But, truth be told I've never seen a router that ever hands out a conflicting address, and if I did I'd probably immediately replace the router as it is too completely brain-dead for me to trust it to do anything right at all.
  7. The default if you didn't change it scans /mnt/user, so all your shares
  8. You can switch the docker tab to advanced view, see if there's any orphans in there which can be deleted. Or delete the entire image and start it over again (painless and easy process), Or switch the system to instead utilize a folder which doesn't have any inherent limitations on the maximum size it can grow to (except for the size of the drive it's on)
  9. Add that script to the user scripts plugin. Set it to run on a schedule of your choice. And also set ClamAV to not autostart (doesn't hurt, but not necessary)
  10. But does the modem have a built-in router? You will either have to put the modem into bridge mode and reconfigure the router slightly (but many ISPs now explicitly don't allow this on their modems without paying for a business account), or put your router into the modem's DMZ)
  11. That's just how it is. The flash should never be removed. You need to reboot. The reboot will be "unclean" because it can't write to the flash drive, but you can simply cancel the parity check.
  12. If you don't have a root password set, then there is no logout (as there's no point)
  13. No need to since you're backing up shares in Unraid, not folders within the app. Unraid.net will automatically backup the flash drive to the cloud as it changes. You can also use the appdata backup plugin to backup the flash and appdata to a destination of your choice.
  14. No. There's a script in the OP you can run on a schedule to have the app scan you system and notify you about any issues.
  15. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to post your diagnostics... Also, pinging @ljm42
  16. They only appear in a failed install. Not from time to time. And, in a failed install if you fix the error and then reinstall it it'll automatically reuse the image, so it won't appear anyways.
  17. ca.mover.tuning.plg - 2021.04.16 Verify your settings for the plugin... Apr 17 12:28:59 Tower root: cat: /boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/ca.mover.tuning.cfg: No such file or directory Probably need to make a change, revert it and apply it to get rid of this error.
  18. Without diagnostics as a start, no one will be able to give you a hand
  19. They are the images that are created when the docker run command produces an error (ie: you had an error in the template and the app couldn't run)
  20. Delete all the orphan images by clicking on them
  21. What are you talking about here? The webUI for Unraid, or the UI for Plex?
  22. Settings - VM Settings, disable the service. Then delete libvirt.img from the system share. If it won't allow you, you'll have to reboot first
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