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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Faster now on what I hope is the last update for a bit, along with being able to index the settings for Unassigned Devices (I can never find where Destructive Mode is )
  2. Mount the share via Unassigned Devices, and then add another path mapping to the app (eg: /WindowsSMB mapped to /mnt/disks/whateverUDmountedItAs), and then add /WindowsSMB to your library
  3. You've got some big files that you're creating yourself -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 379021 Mar 28 14:18 internet_uptime.log -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 180933 Mar 28 13:48 plex_empty_trash.log your script creating the latter is also logging what it's doing every hour. You've got atop installed via NerdPack, which usually isn't recommended as it can be a pig on steroid's that just had a dinosaur for lunch. Also some smbd errors which I'm not quite sure what to make of.
  4. If you're not running any VM with passthrough hardware, then you should probably disable all of the ACS override settings
  5. It's looks like a log for docker is taking up the space. Unfortunately it didn't show up in the diagnostics, but you do have some docker.img errors. Best to delete and recreate and then see what happens (after a reboot) https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  6. You have a docker container that is referencing /mnt/user/disks You should be able to see that on the docker page and hitting the caret to expand any of the path mappings.
  7. Updated it to support searching for individual settings within the GUI. ie: You can search for "font" and it'll offer up Display Settings
  8. Mar 28 13:17:33 Monterrey root: cat: /boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/ca.mover.tuning.cfg: No such file or directory Make a change to the settings for mover tuning (apply), then try again. After that, either uninstall the mover tuning plugin or post in it's support thread.
  9. All on the same motherboard as what you're running Unraid on?
  10. You're running a custom theme. No idea if the coding will allow it to show since it's specifically set to only allow black or white EDIT: I tried it using Theme Engine, and it worked no problems for me. There was a bug in the original version where if you came from either the Plugins Tab or the Apps Tab where it wouldn't display anything. Fixed already
  11. I lowered the font size, and made the box smaller.
  12. Joking aside, the plugin is useful. But because the GUI isn't designed to handle that kind of extra space being taken up by it display aberrations can happen on low resolutions. I could've made it a button along with the rest in the area, but then that would bring up a dialog box to search from, but IMO this design is a better UX.
  13. When I set it to narrower, the autocomplete looks dumb as it don't fit on a single line. Hence my comment regarding Custom Tabs. Either that, or get a better screen on your laptop.
  14. A simple plugin that indexes most of the pages within the GUI and allows you to search for them directly from the menu bar without having to guess if they are within Settings - Utilities, Tools, System Profile, etc. Note that If you run Custom Tabs via the plugin, have a few of them, and your browser width is at the minimum 1280px you may see some display aberration where the buttons (switch language, log out etc) and search bar wind up below where they are supposed to be. (Don't we all have 1920px monitors minimum now?) It does not index any pages that are already available directly from the Task Bar. It will automatically adjust itself as plugins are installed or removed. After installing it via Apps, you will have to either reload the page, or navigate to a different page on the GUI for it to appear on the title bar. This does have a dependency of having Community Applications installed, but I don't think that would be a problem for anyone. Buy me a beer :)
  15. Must've been in an altered state when I wrote that
  16. You need to use the ZFS plugin and work from the command line
  17. Plex is the one using up the bulk of the CPU
  18. The key is that overclocking always introduces instability and errors into every system (whether you notice it or not). Try removing the overclock. After that, here's some suggestions
  19. Which one, and did you install it via Apps?
  20. It's not a bug, but rather how every OS include Unraid operates "beneath the scenes" If a rename operation is successful, then the file is simply renamed. If the rename is not successful, then a copy / delete operation takes place. ie: You're trying to move a file within the same mountpoint (in this case /mnt/user), so the rename succeeds. If you did it over SMB, then you'd be using two separate mount points (/mnt/user/shareA and /mnt/user/shareB) then the rename would fail (can't rename across mounts), so the copy / delete takes place. What you're doing by using Krusader is effectively bypassing the include / exclude / use cache settings since you're only passing through /mnt/user mapped to a single path in the template (/media?)
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