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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Nothing really obvious. I'd try deleting the docker.img and recreating https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309 Also, Dec 11 18:54:03 connollyserver root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: vfio.pci.plg Not Compatible with unRaid version 6.9.0-rc1 You should uninstall the plugin (a later and better version is included with the OS)
  2. The plugin rewrites the mover command, but in such a way that while it still works under 6.9 you will lose a key feature of 6.9 (multiple cache pools). Hence it is listed as being incompatible. Far easier to do that than to list it as "sort of incompatible"
  3. FCP won't alert on that message. It will alert on an MCE being logged (which is the only time that message arrives). If the mce happens during processor initialization, then it's nothing at all to worry about as that affects certain combinations of hardware from time to time.
  4. Try this: Delete /config/rsyslog.cfg and /config/rsyslog.conf from the flash drive then reboot (or alternatively, delete /config/rsyslog.cfg, stop the array and restart it) and set things back up again. If it works, then kudos to @limetech for figuring it out.
  5. Have you tried setting DNS addresses to something other than your pfSense?
  6. Reseat all the cabling to the drives, power and sata.
  7. IT's not entirely your fault. It's on a todo list to revamp the system to allow special characters in the names without crashing the software. It just takes a big rewrite though/
  8. They are normal unraid tabs. The behaviour is from the buttons. If there isn't room the OS won't display them. You can gain more space by not displaying the array usage bar.
  9. These are the only 3 that have ever come with the plugin. You've added it at some point. Removing and reinstalling the plugin doesn't ever clean up any other existing scripts
  10. Don't name the script (as you did) using special characters
  11. Just hit Add Container from the Docker Tab. Nothing says you have to select anything from the drop down
  12. Expected behaviour, and built into the OS itself. If there isn't space for them, it won't display them
  13. Reason being is that the traditional way of checking for a disk spundown is /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini color="...-blink" This attribute doesn't seem to be updated consistently anymore, and the appropriate way now of checking for a spundown disk is spundown="1"
  14. Unraid itself doesn't support WiFi. Are you looking to enable it for Unraid or for a VM?
  15. Close any/all other browser tabs (and devices) which may be pointed at the server.
  16. The problems nowadays are that you've got csrf tokens which have to be included in any request, and they change from boot to boot and also the login credentials via the login page and Unraid doesn't support tossing that within the GET line.
  17. Happened during processor initialization. Some combinations issue them at that point on occasion and is nothing to worry about at all.
  18. 2020-12-15 02:27:03.976+0000: 12323: error : qemuOpenFileAs:3136 : Failed to open file '/mnt/user/domains/Windows 10 VM/vdisk1.img': No such file or directory
  19. You are correct there. Post your diagnostics to see if there's anything else amiss
  20. Maximum theoretical is 110MB/s. Once you take into consideration how parity works, then 70-80 is good. You can speed it up by enabling Turbo Write (Reconstruct Write Mode) at the expense that every drive has to be spinning (ala a typical RAID environment)
  21. Did you try the HP cciss option?
  22. Dec 14 14:37:57 NASBOX root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Dynamix SSD Trim Plugin Not installed Installing this will definitely help to any cache enabled shares. Dec 14 00:00:01 NASBOX kernel: md: recovery thread: check P Q ... You're also currently running a parity check which will impact speed until its done (Many people use the parity tweak plugin to only have it run at night)
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