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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Those are the monitored attributes. You really don't want to add POH as a monitored attribute as you'll get a notification every hour.
  2. This is a m2 PCIe x4 drive. They do not work as a m2 SATA drive.
  3. Don't worry about it. It doesn't work on 6.8.3 Fix coming.
  4. Probably best to post your diagnostics, as it doesn't appear to be anything CA related.
  5. If the symptoms are showing in the BIOS, then its definitely not anything to do with Unraid or anything else.
  6. Today's update introduces a number of new items (along with some refinements and bug fixes) Donate Links Donate links are now only listed on apps which you actually have installed. The cleans up the displays and prevents the wall of apps screaming "DONATE" on any given page within CA. Filters on searches When you enter in a search term, the Category listing down the side will instead become Filters against the search. This will allow you to narrow down the results for the search Favourite Repositories On every app's tile / popup, there is a new icon which will allow you to set the Repository the app is from (eg: Self Hosters / Hotio / Binhex) as a favourite repository. When you enter in a search, the results from the favourite repository will always appear first in the list. Additionally, a new menu item (Favourite Repository) will quickly show you every app from the repository Repository "Category" After a search, clicking the repository category will display only the repositories which are present within the search. If no search is active, then all repositories are listed. Note that the results listed here always give preference to authors who have filled out a profile for CA. Repository Popups Clicking within the App's popup there is a new link called "Profile". This will bring up the following, and also allow you to see some stats on the repository, visit any alternative support venues etc. I encourage ALL authors / developers to create a profile for CA by visiting this link: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38619-docker-template-xml-schema/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-919111 Additionally, support for these new features and something else soon(tm) necessitated some changes and additions to the application feed. The application feed will remain compatible with older versions of CA for the next few weeks, but will in the new year become incompatible with all older versions of CA.
  7. FCP has an option to avoid spinning up disks
  8. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-722789
  9. Security precaution in Unraid. use this /bin/bash /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/.....
  10. If by same error you mean Execution Error, then
  11. If nothing happens, you either have to start manually killing processes (pkill command in conjunction with ps command), or bite the bullet and hit the shiny red button.
  12. Your mce came up during processor initialization which is normal for certain combinations of hardware and/or the quality of your mask. It's ok to ignore (the mce at least)
  13. Not currently, but I believe that there are other feature requests for this currently
  14. Mine are here, since I also seem to have the same problem and am curious about it. unraida-diagnostics-20201211-1421.zip
  15. It doesn't hurt anything to delete it, and it was put there by Krusader.
  16. It appears the Plex has crashed, and crashed hard and is the root of all of this. The command that you're looking for to do a reboot is powerdown -r
  17. I reverted it. (It was originally put in in 2017)
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