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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Multiple arrays, no. Multiple cache pools are however coming with the next rev of unRaid.
  2. unRaid is not RAID. There is a performance hit when running in read / modify / write. In a nutshell, the system reads the sectors which are about to be written from both the parity drive and the data drive, waits for the sector to spin around again to the rw heads, and then writes the new information. The upshot is that only the drives involved in the writes need to be spun up when this takes place. To speed up writes, you can switch to reconstruct write which will read and recalculate parity info from all the drives simultaneously, increasing the speed ~2x
  3. Looks to be more of poor cabling. Reseat / replace the sata cable
  4. Have you tried changing the SMART controller type yet? (Main, click on the disk) Smartctl open device: /dev/sde failed: DELL or MegaRaid controller, please try adding '-d megaraid,N'
  5. Personally, I would set any isos share to be use cache "no" The install ISO is only used once at install time, and no real need for it to be on the cache drive Default location for the vdisks is in the domains share, which should be set to be use cache prefer or only.
  6. You need to create a custom docker network bridge via the command line, which I cannot help you with to be able to map ports if you're using separate IP addresses.
  7. Port mapping works (and always has). The OP's problem is that he's running on a custom IP address so port mapping is irrelevant and doesn't make sense in the first place.
  8. Delete them via the Krusader app (or mc at the command prompt) or try the AppData cleanup plugin
  9. via the docker exec command docker exec nextcloud sudo -u abc php7 /config/www/nextcloud/occ preview:generate-all -vvv
  10. Flash drives are treated by the manufacturers as disposable, one-time use devices. They hope and pray that you lose them. (How many flash drives have you actually lost?). Part of the reason why the vast majority of them only include a very small hole to allow you to attach them somehow to something, and that hole is easily broken. They want you to lose them. Since they are considered a disposable single use item, every millionth of a cent that they can save on manufacturing amounts to a significant increase in their profits. USB3 due to its faster bandwidth presumably has higher tolerances that makes them inherently unreliable if the manufacturer chooses a capacitor that costs them slightly less. On USB2 the tolerances are larger, and less noticeable. But, this isn't to say that USB3 drives do not work. One of my servers has a USB3 flash and it runs no problems. As an aside, the problems aren't limited to unRaid / Linux. Ever notice that every once in a while a barebones Windows box will "bing" that a device has been unplugged and then plugged back in? As a humorous aside, I ran across this listing on ebay a while ago, and bought one for the hell of it. I fully realized that I was throwing away my money, but wanted to see it for myself 2TB Flash Drive Windows dutifully reports it as a 2TB drive Neat thing is that it's actually only an 32GB drive (as the listing does state in its fine print - All writes after 32GB are ignored by the device, and Windows doesn't report any error) Also, caveat emptor. Flash Drives are very widely counterfeited in China. I have a counterfeit 64GB Kingston DTSE9 I ordered via China that is by far the flakiest device I've ever had (confirmed counterfeit from Kingston based upon the GUID). Only buy a flash from a reputable supplier, never directly from China.
  11. Plex & nzbhydra are the main consumers of memory on your system. You can limit your memory usage on the containers if you want. Look in the Docker FAQ
  12. Now that you're on a recent version, CA will always let you know if it's out of date.
  13. Are you talking "Apps -> Installed Apps"? What does the docker tab show? Also, if you version of CA is way way way out of date, then it is using the appfeed that was hosted by LinuxServer that is long defunct There used to be a "Favourite Repository" setting in CA, but that was removed a long time ago.
  14. the go file (/boot/config/go)
  15. Worst comes to worst, you do a New Config, keep the parity slots and when starting the array state that Parity is already valid
  16. Generally if the serial numbers it's reporting on the Main tab looks basically the same as what the LSI shows
  17. Yes. No worries there. Only caveat is if you happen to be using a RAID card still set to IR mode and if you move from a SATA port to the raid card's port. Then the serial number of the drive will most likely change which will break the array.
  18. What's the error? Don't copy / paste from the forum. Type it in instead
  19. It is similar to what Fix Common Problems already does, but far more limited in scope. There are currently only 2 tests. Basically what it allows us to do is easily alert the user if the conditions its looking for are found. The difference though is that further tests do not require an update to CA if in the future another circumstance requires a test (and also remove tests if they also become irrelevant). The system looks for new tests once a month.
  20. You probably don't have a mapping added for the unassigned device in the template. You have to map something like /UNASSIGNED to /mnt/disks
  21. Tools - Diagnostics. Post the entire file here
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