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Everything posted by Squid

  1. https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems
  2. You should post your diagnostics
  3. Without even looking at anything, the only reason for your symptoms (ie: Tower vs Winterfell) is that the flash drive dropped offline. Use a different port, ideally USB2.0 as USB3+ sucks for reliability and consistency
  4. Bad memory Mar 31 07:41:19 Tower kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: HANDLING MCE MEMORY ERROR Mar 31 07:41:19 Tower kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: CPU 3: Machine Check Event: 0 Bank 5: 8c00004000010091 Mar 31 07:41:19 Tower kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: TSC 0 Mar 31 07:41:19 Tower kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: ADDR c2e078bc0 Mar 31 07:41:19 Tower kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: MISC 20400a0a86 Mar 31 07:41:19 Tower kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: PROCESSOR 0:206d7 TIME 1585636879 SOCKET 0 APIC 6 Mar 31 07:41:19 Tower kernel: EDAC MC0: 1 CE memory read error on CPU_SrcID#0_Ha#0_Chan#1_DIMM#0 (channel:1 slot:0 page:0xc2e078 offset:0xbc0 grain:32 syndrome:0x0 - area:DRAM err_code:0001:0091 socket:0 ha:0 channel_mask:2 rank:0) Mar 31 07:41:19 Tower kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged Your event log may have more information on determining which stick is going bad.
  5. So long as it's not a share that uses the cache drive. Strictly array only. That's up to you. When the plugin was introduced, there was no method to backup the flash drive at all (now there is via the GUI albeit a manual process), and maybe soon(tm) another way to do this will happen. To make life really easy for you on the flash drive, you would back it up to another flash drive you've got mounted via the Unassigned Devices plugin.
  6. The ideal way to access the server (gui / ssh etc) is via a vpn of some sort (wireguard / openvpn). The millisecond after any port is opened on your router, script kiddies will try and access looking to see if they can log in. All quite automatic and scripted to continually scan the internet looking for stuff like this. Opening up a port for Plex et al to communicate via however is OK.
  7. NginxProxyManager is an app (available in apps) that is an easy to use replacement for Let'sEncrypt (also in apps). NO-IP allows you to get an address on the internet ( xxxx.dyndns.com ) that whenever something outside the network hits that address it forwards the request to your server (in conjunction with another app "noip", and then NginxProxyManager forwards it to the appropriate app running on your server. Ixxx.dyndns.com is basically a requirement for anything because your ISP (unless your paying for a static IP) will assign your modem a different IP address either whenever it boots up, or occasionally whenever they feel like it. All that being said, I switched over to simply using wireguard (nice how to guide here) as it was a ton simpler to set up and have working properly in 5 minutes versus the other options (vpn / reverse proxy)
  8. Where are you seeing this? The Parity disk has no filesystem on it. It does have 32 pending sectors on it which is within my comfort zone, but may be outside of many other persons.
  9. When I was using nextcloud, I just used NginxProxyManager and a free dns service (NO-IP) and forwarded the applicable ports
  10. Windows has a feature (more like a flaw) where it always caches credentials, so if you've accessed a share previously when it was public and then switch the share to private, Windows will keep sending the original credentials (ie: none) and be denied access. Clear the credentials in Windows. Also, a wealth of common problems affecting windows and all NAS systems is here Try the Tips & Tweaks plugin What parts of it? If you need to access the GUI remotely, then a VPN (wireguard or openvpn) or a reverse-proxy (Let's Encrypt) is what you want. If you need to access the GUI of certain applications running, then once again the above If you simply want to expose the ports for Plex, then go ahead and do that on your router. Expose the minimum required for the app to operate (ie: 32400). If you want to expose your entire server by tossing it into a DMZ on the router, then don't do that unless you know and understand and can properly secure your network SpaceInvader One's youtube channel is usually pretty good.
  11. All of mine. All of @bonienl Build files (copy_to_git.sh and pkg_build) are on my GitHub https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications which can be used as a basis for yours are also there. You probably already found this which is the closest to "documentation" https://forums.unraid.net/topic/33322-how-does-the-plugin-system-work-documentation-added-wip/ Beyond that, what every one around here did when starting is look at @bonienl's plugins as a basis But it's coming soon(tm) 😁
  12. Squid


    Certain combinations of cpus / motherboards / poltergeists deciding to just hang out issue an MCE when initializing the processor during boot up. This is what's happening to you, and is normal (assuming the poltergeists weren't involved) and can be safely ignored.
  13. I didn't notice that (and you won't have an edit button for them). Only that the icon was messed. In that case, what's going on is your flash drive probably dropped offline (best guess). Assuming that the apps with icons do have an edit button, then at the time of install something happened. *Maybe* a reboot will fix it up, and barring that remove them and then reinstall.
  14. That is basically that the icon failed to download. Did you install those apps yesterday? GitHub was having some trouble, and could account for that. If reloading the dashboard page doesn't fix it up (ie: if the download got interrupted and the file is corrupted), then to force a redownload of the icon, edit the containers, switch to Advanced View in the top right There's an field now called IconURL. Make a note of what it was. Change it to something else (anything). Hit apply Edit the container again, and change the IconURL back to what it was and hit apply. Should fix you up.
  15. Probably not the issue, and no way of knowing at this point what it was without the diagnostics, but one of your plugins installed has been deprecated and superseded by another. (Which FCP is telling you about) Apr 3 07:59:02 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Deprecated plugin dark.theme.plg
  16. If anyone has problems with using CA and requiring a proxy to access their internet, drop me a PM.
  17. Sounds like something just isn't quite finished initializing hardware wise on a cold boot. On rare occasions, I have the same issue
  18. The parity check error is a long standing issue with the parity check plugin. Only does that error on boot up of the server, and nothing to worry about. ntpd error is that your server's time that it is setting is out by approximately ~45 seconds per day.
  19. Try changing your go file (/config/go) on the flash drive back to defaults (its not default right now) and then reboot. It should be: #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp &
  20. Always attach the files directly here. Many people do not like hitting random websites to view the files
  21. Docker applications may have their own unique requirements for permissions and ownership etc. Changing them may impact your ability to run the application. Your mileage may vary on this. If you've got a backup of the appdata, I'd restore that. But, your easiest method to have gotten that file to the appdata share would have been to copy it to the flash drive and then move it to the appdata share via the command line mv /boot/somefile.jar /mnt/user/appdata/minecraft/somefile.jar chmod +x /mnt/user/appdata/minecraft/somefile.jar
  22. Is update applications set to run at the time this happened?
  23. Part of fix common problems actually. Message is 100% correct (explanation below). Fix is to uninstall cache dirs and then reinstall from Apps (NOT from Apps - Previous Apps) Due to a template error, Cache Dirs was automatically blacklisted for a couple of days from the application feed because the XML template and the PluginURL referenced different plugins, and the plugin you have currently installed on your system is not technically the official dynamix cache folders. Or put another way, the .plg file for cache folders for a couple of days referenced arberg's fork, and when you updated your installed plugin it installed that fork. That fork is NOT known to CA hence the issue.
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