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Everything posted by Squid

  1. One option would be to use Putty from your desktop instead of the built-in terminal which will allow you to adjust any given colour.
  2. Dec 31 16:23:46 UNRAID rc.docker: avahi: Error response from daemon: network 5716ed749b300cf862484f2d18f6c465268b989b997f4dcc8af9d56a4f72ad30 not found The network that it's looking for isn't available yet at boot.... Where is that network it's using being created?
  3. Keep the posts here where it's separated. Post your diagnostics
  4. For some reason that only the Gods know, certain hardware combinations issue an mce when initializing the processor's cores. Yours is one of them and can be ignored. Also, since you're running a Ryzen 1600, have disabled c-states or set something about idle power usage in the BIOS? Expect problems if you haven't
  5. Don't think that's the correct path, as thats in RAM, and a simple reboot would remove it. Assuming that the path is /mnt/user/... and you're getting read-only file system, are you sure the file system on the disk(s) aren't mounted read-only? I don't use BTRFS, but doesn't a simple chmod work?
  6. Looks like you're running a balance on the cache pool which is logging everything it's doing, and then some issues with the docker.img. Not sure if that's related to the ongoing balance or not though. If not, then you'd simply delete it and recreate it. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  7. Never thought of it. So, no... You'd have to do it via command line mv /path/to/file.ext /newPath/to/newFile.ext
  8. Yup. Is Chrome set to remember the password? (Or offer to save it?) Another possibility is that an addon to Chrome is messing that up.
  9. Pretty much. You can recreate the docker.img at anytime before 7 and after 4
  10. One minor issue. When uninstalling, the *dark files aren't being deleted
  11. Really out of their hands. iGPUs aren't handled the same way at a hardware level that GPUs are
  12. Just so that it's documented somewhere, today's update allows 3rd Party themes (ie: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86724-plugin-dark-theme-now-in-plugin-format/ ) to override CA's css and replace it or augment it with it's own, along with some minor other fixes. (Dark without this update had some display aberrations in CA - But, an update is also required for Dark to take advantage of this) For any theme developers, toss the appropriate css into /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/styles/community.applications-nameOfTheme.css
  13. Think you mean Intel there. AMD GPU's can be passed through, but not an iGPU
  14. Outside of the one change I pm'd you about, it looks good to me.
  15. And the next release of CA will also support css overrides so that a theme can adjust CA accordingly. (The dark theme actually needed this to handle a minor display aberration within CA when using Dark)
  16. Sorry, misquoted. but you've got dnsforge and the one you built yourself. Are they both valid, or it the original deprecated?
  17. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566095 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/36057-noobie-docker-setup-guide/#comment-345882
  18. Not exactly what you want, but in Main / Dashboard, anything in yellow is greater than the Warning threshhold, and red is greater than the critical threshhold (Set the % in Settings - Disk Settings)
  19. If its sdh, then the problem looks to be more that unRaid can't read the attributes and needs to smart controller type to be hp cciss. Since it appears to be an unassigned device, I'd try setting that globally in Disk settings, and then set all the normal disks to be ATA
  20. I really have no idea. If it crashed, then I'd have a clue, but since it was still running, the only thing that makes any sense is that it's going in an endless loop reiterating over things. The only thing I can think of is that there's a loop on symlinks or something where it just keeps going back and forth. I'll try and replicate, but if I can't, then there's not going to be much I'd be able to do.
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