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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Ok I thought there was also an option to simply write the sig. But I'm the first to admit that I'm ignorant (even without my wife's prodding) Ashamed to admit that I no longer live up to my teenage ethos of "it's better to burn out than fade away"
  2. TBH, I don't use the plugin. But, IIRC a zero pass does nothing but write the signature to the drive. Seeing as how at that point there is no guarantee that the drive isn't actually cleared, then if you add a drive to an array that all you've done is write the signature to it then by definition you have invalidated parity.
  3. Remove whatever line you've added in the "go" file or in user.scripts that is installing the replacement, and then reboot
  4. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  5. Yeah. Catch-22. Non ascii characters will be removed. Personally, I doubt that any given script would ever have them in it. If any problems happen because of this, then I will re-address. In the meantime, this is the solution to copy / paste scripts from the forum.
  6. Because of the error listed, maybe post your diagnostics and the docker run command
  7. Probably tons. But the traditional way of showing the help lines is to hit the "?" in the top right of the menu bar
  8. To elaborate, use a VPN to connect to your server. Unless you are a network security expert, you don't have the qualifications to properly secure your network without using a VPN Sent from my phone as I'm probably having a beer and enjoying a fire
  9. Because when using a custom bridge there is no port mapping at all. Stupid question though: Can you just set the web UI instead of http://[IP]:[PORT32400] to instead be http://192.168.x.x:32400
  10. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    Not a general FAQ, but since it'll get lost very quickly, How do I fix permission issues on file(s) created by Plex DVR? See here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/39303-docker-faq-feedback/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-767480
  11. I truly hope not. It would remove a very key feature of unRaid vs snapraid where unRaid can emulate missing / dead drives seamlessly. snapraid cannot do that at all
  12. Because of ongoing issues from the IPS forum software which on occasion adds non-printable characters when copying code from the forum into user scripts' editing window, the editing window will now remove all characters over 0x7F when saving an edited script. This solves the problem of copying and then pasting code from the forum directly to the edit window on user scripts. This change will not affect the "code" itself, but may (or may not) affect the use of non-printable characters used in your echo statements. If this does happen your script will still run, but the characters used in the echos will be removed. If this happens, edit the script (/boot/config/plugin/user.scripts/.....) manually with your favourite text editor. This update will not affect any existing scripts. It will only affect the script when editing it.
  13. Script works perfectly fine. What you were doing though is copying and pasting the script via the forum which occasionally adds some hidden characters, resulting in a broken script. Changing the plugin to remove the unprintable characters when pasting into the edit box
  14. Thank you. Always appreciated Sent from my phone as I'm probably having a beer and enjoying a fire
  15. To fix the appdata config, Settings - Docker - Stop the service. Advanced View, enable template authoring mode Re-start the service Then you can edit the container again, and there will be an EDIT button next the the /config mapping.
  16. Yup, you never added any paths for your media https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564306
  17. Quick google search suggests that the database is still corrupted.
  18. Then the docker itself is stopping. Might be an answer in the logs for it
  19. In preparation for the next release of unRaid, all users who have CA installed should make sure that it is up to date (any version after 2019.08.11b). There *may* be an issue with unRaid's update available banner displaying if older versions of CA (ie: 2019.08.05) are installed in conjunction with the next rev of unRaid.
  20. And you'd probably want to do something like echo wget -q0 .... | at NOW +5 min instead. That's off top of my head. You'll have to check the syntax of the at command
  21. Sometimes depending upon NIC / router it is delayed
  22. Sent from my phone as I'm probably having a beer and enjoying a fire
  23. 2nd. Your library is stored in the appdata share
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