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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Edit the template, make a change (any change), revert it and hit Apply. The docker run command will appear and will have the error(s) as to why the container won't start
  2. If its the only SSD in the system, then simply uninstall Dynamix SSD trim
  3. Can't comment on your trouble, but this wouldn't have happened unless you clicked Update OS or hit the link in the banner that told you about an update. But, it is possible to downgrade if you can't sort everything out by going to Tools Upgrade OS and then downgrade from there.
  4. The flash is never unmounted by unRaid, or any plugin for that matter. Try a different USB port, ideally USB2
  5. This means that your server couldn't get to either the primary feed or the backup feed. Have you set DNS addresses in Network Settings as the message suggests?
  6. Because under certain circumstancea, a container won't be able to see any files stored within a path (those mounted by the unassigned devices plugin) without the slave mode being enabled Sent via telekinesis
  7. Then lets start it over again. Post your new docker run commands from Sonarr and NZBget, along with the actual error reported by Sonarr.
  8. I would expect it sometime, but the current implementation doesn't allow for additional cards without hacking the system (whereas how Custom Tab works isn't a hack and just leverages what the GUI already allows)
  9. I don't see that happening in the near future. As a stop gap however, you can install this to get closer EG:
  10. Actually, I can tell you the problem. You've got corruption on your USB stick. /config/plugins/dockerMan/images on the flash drive is a file somehow and not a folder I would shutdown, toss the stick into a bare metal machine and then run checkdisk on it. Worst case scneario, delete /config/plugins/dockerMan/images and everything should recover itself. Oh and congratulations: You're the first one to post an error returned by CA's new error reporting system. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do to eliminate the alert in your situation
  11. What's it show if you scroll to the top of the alert? Sent from my phone as I'm probably having a beer and enjoying a fire
  12. Show me the full error or a screen shot Sent from my phone as I'm probably having a beer and enjoying a fire
  13. There already is a defect report for it. (And I've had it happen to me also) It's not the stop / start that causes it. It's the reboot.
  14. Try it again. If the error happens again, then post your diagnostics in the Fix Common Problems support thread
  15. mitigations=off doesnt work with the current unraid kernel version Sent from my phone as I'm probably having a beer and enjoying a fire
  16. Can you post a screenshot of the error when you try and install CA
  17. Dealers choice Sent from my phone as I'm probably having a beer and enjoying a fire
  18. Curious what version of unraid. The solution though is a reboot if still not there then a reinstall Sent from my phone as I'm probably having a beer and enjoying a fire
  19. I don't have that. Only have a .tar within the dated folder. Opening it brings up all the files / folders
  20. ^^^ That's why. Regardless of the fact that the app itself changed its name to tautulli, the container itself is deprecated and no longer maintained. You can probably just point the /config entry to your existing appdata and the error will disappear and everything should be good to go.
  21. Today's Update to CA (2019.08.05) opens up a few more functions for plugin authors to use addBannerWarning and removeBannerWarning These functions allow a plugin author to add a warning across the unRaid banner to display any important warnings, etc (ie: something like "A reboot is required for changes to take effect") Usage is simple: if (typeof addBannerWarning === "function" ) { addBannerWarning("A Reboot Is Required For These Changes To Take Effect"); } This will automatically add a little warning symbol prior to the message and also allow the user to dismiss the warning by clicking a little "x" at the right If you want your plugin to be able to remove the banner if circumstances change, then you'll change the syntax slightly: if (typeof addBannerWarning === "function" ) { var myWarning = addBannerWarning("A Reboot Is Required For These Changes To Take Effect"); } . . . if (typeof removeBannerWarning === "function" ) { removeBannerWarning(myWarning); } You can also slightly customize slightly the options with the warnings: addBannerWarning(text,warning=true,noDismiss=false) warning = true|false will select whether or not to display the little warning icon prior to the warning text noDismiss = true|false will select whether or not the warning is dismiss-able or not A dismiss-able warning is handled via a cookie that expires at the end of the session. If the user has dismissed the warning, then so long as that session is active, the warning will not re-appear Any dismiss-able warning should be unique, as the cookie that determines whether or not the warning has been dismissed is the alphanumeric text of the warning (sans spaces, special characters, etc) If there are multiple warnings or upgrade notices, then the browser will cycle through them all with a delay of 10 seconds. * Note: All banner warnings take place in the banner itself. It is not possible to relocate them to a separate element. If you want to see this in action, go to settings - Docker and disable the docker service then go to the Apps Tab.
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