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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Been on my todo list forever Sent from my NSA monitored device
  2. Not a variable, but in the extra parameters section. May need to switch to advanced view to see it Sent from my NSA monitored device
  3. Remind me tomorrow. Since I've already read the thread, I'll forget about it Sent from my NSA monitored device
  4. Just an FYI, but disk location will continue to be marked as incompatible with >6.7.1-rc2 even if you Install 6.7.2 until sometime tomorrow afternoon AFK Sent from my NSA monitored device
  5. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566088
  6. true, but it's never been a particularly intuitive process, and TBH, for what is basically an advanced procedure, I've hidden the icon to let you do it unless you enable it to make things less confusing for most people who do not need it.
  7. Thank you. Always appreciated
  8. The command actually should be permanent. If it reverts after a power-down, then you'll either have to add the commands to the "go" file or via user scripts (start at first power-on)
  9. It's on the to do list to rearrange FCP from being subject to unRaid's hard 120 second limit on certain operations. In the meantime, after 2 minutes, it will never close the pop up. Give it another couple minutes, then when you reload the tab, the issue(s) will be listed if any are found.
  10. Just be aware that setting it to very low and idle may significantly impact the amount of time it takes to move the files depending upon what else is going on in the system when mover runs Sent from my NSA monitored device
  11. ok. The UI has very significantly changed in the last 4 months since I last used this.
  12. Did you login as the admin or as the user you want the opvn for?
  13. Been quite awhile since I've used this app (have switched to a different method of connecting remotely), but after you set up the user etc via the admin login, don't you just login locally as the appropriate user and then download the .ovpn file there and then move it to the applicable device?
  14. Today's updates to the mover tuning plugin allows you to do that (CPU and I/O priority)
  15. You don't. All you can do is reload the page and see what happens. For all intents and purposes, the page is locked up waiting for a response that will never come. Although, it shouldn't take anywhere near 120 seconds to populate the list unless you're on dial-up or have DNS issues, or live somewhere like China
  16. If it takes longer than exactly 120 seconds, then it will never close the pop up. It's a hard limit throughout the GUI of unRaid, and the GUI / plugins are slowly (very slowly) transitioning away from the method of communication that is subject to that limit.
  17. Added in two more tunables: Priority of the mover process itself (Normal, Low, Very Low) and I/O priority of the process (Normal, Low, and Idle) Setting these *may* help with the odd user where the mover process interferes with the normal operation of the GUI / other apps. Note that if your system pauses all I/O streams if/when a disk is required to spin up that these tunables will not help out all (In which case, do what I did -> adjust Kodi's (eg) caching settings)
  18. If you're talking about the drop down when you click the app's icon on the docker/dashboard tab, then you need to (probably enable template authoring mode in settings, docker), edit the app, switch to advanced view, and adjust the WebUI entry accordingly.
  19. My wild guess is that they disabled SQL to try and alleviate the /mnt/user corruption issue a few users have with containers that utiize SQLite. Seriously doubt that it'll do anything though to help with that...
  20. Edit the app, and add another path mapping. Something like host path of /movies mapped to /mnt/user/movies You will then see your movies within Plex at /movies
  21. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  22. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/81169-unraid-os-version-671-available/?tab=comments#comment-753703
  23. Yes it did. Thank you. (I had the email flagged to respond on Monday)
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