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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Because I was looking for something specific along those lines. You were probably looking for something generic and repeating. 2 lines in the log are easy to miss.
  2. Feb 9 16:45:12 UnRaid kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdj1): corrupt leaf: root=5 block=3943559004160 slot=19, bad key order, prev (11455140 108 131072) current (11455012 108 139264) I'm not comfortable however helping where btrfs is concerned. Best wait to see if @johnnie.black responds
  3. Probably best to post your diagnostics
  4. Within Plex, you tell it that your libraries are located at say /media/TV and /media/Movies That's the /config mapping which you can see if you hit show more options.
  5. file has to be named applicationFeed.json when putting it there. But, I don't think it'll get that far to read it, as the awesomeplete section is running. Things to try. Different browser on the flash drive, rename (temporarily) the folder /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user to something else Bypass / remove the pfsense box to see if that is it. Failing that, do this rm -rf /tmp/community.applications The load the Apps tab After two minutes when it fails, post the output of ls -ail /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles and probably upload this file to me cp /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/templates.json /boot/templates.json
  6. The continuing evolution of CA now has a completely revamped UI thanks to @Mex's (UI designer extraordinaire) mock ups and incessant insistence on perfection. (Along with an expanded crew of alpha / beta testers) - This was a group effort by everyone involved 😁 Actual change log is far far too long to itemize, but the new UI is far easier to use and navigate around. This new UI matches the design of unRaid 6.7's redesigned dashboard, but CA still remains compatible with unRaid versions 6.4+ Updated screen shots can be seen in the OP
  7. I thought that pfsense might be involved. IIRC there have been other users who had similar issues with pfsense and CA and some setting or something. This is the main URL that it tries to grab (along with a few other small ones) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/AppFeed/master/applicationFeed.json
  8. That traffic is all normal traffic by unRaid (and the preclear plugin if you have it installed) What else has change recently? What do you mean by "times out". Do you get the "CA requires internet access blah blah blah" message show up?
  9. That *implies* that you're using the binhex containers. But, the concept is the same for both flavors. I would look at this post, as it gives some examples of what is wrong and what is right https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086 But generally, you will tell CP to move the files from your download share (possibly /data) over to your media share (probably /media from the sounds of it) When in doubt, post your docker run command https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  10. I always think of unRaid's built-in local GUI as an emergency access to the UI, and hence have never particularly cared about it's resolution / what not when it's on it. The primary method of accessing the GUI is through a browser running on another system or via a VM
  11. It's saved in your /config folder (ie: your appdata share). It you want it to be on a different disk than say your sql database for kodi, then you've got to install a second instance of the app and set it's /config accordingly
  12. From how you were talking, I thought you were already on 6.7
  13. Your plugins are not up to date then.
  14. You also need to install the dynamic schedules plugin Sent via telekinesis
  15. Not without seeing the generated docker run command, and the dockerHub page for the container
  16. this, or alternatively, upload the file to a cloud based server and have them serve it eg: GitHub has free hosting of an unlimited number of static web pages.
  17. Normal messages. They show up whenever an app is started / stopped
  18. I have the copyright on the term "Troubleshooting Mode" 😁
  19. Because you've got it trying to hardlink from /downloads to /movies, which are different mount points within the container. Doesn't matter that they are both on the same share
  20. Is there a little red note at the top of all the screens saying "docker isn't enabled?"
  21. Since I just happened to have noticed this post, your problem is that your version of CA is from the stone-age. You desperately need to update it, as that's why you aren't seeing Zoneminder, (or a ton of other apps for that matter)
  22. It's because @dmacias is using an icon (icon-ups) that only exists in 6.7 instead of a font-awesome icon
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