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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Regardless if your downloads and your movies / tv shows are in the same user share, if you are passing through multiple paths to Sonarr / Radarr (one for downloads (/mnt/user/media/downloads and /mnt/user/media/movies) and then are attempting to hard link from /downloads to /movies it won't work because at that point you are attempting to traverse a hardlink over two different mount points (/downloads and /movies) which isn't allowed, even though physically they both exist within the same user share.
  2. In admin, advanced settings, remove the reverse proxy prefix
  3. Sounds like a DNS / gateway error on your network and/or your router/modem needs to be reset.
  4. [v0.2.0.1217] NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.CorruptDatabaseException: Database file: /config/nzbdrone.db is corrupt, restore from backup if available. See: https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr/wiki/FAQ#i-am-getting-an-error-database-disk-image-is-malformed ---> System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: disk I/O error disk I/O error Probably wise to post your diagnostics
  5. Because file access isn't logged
  6. Just set limit docker log size in settings docker. Then install the app as is without any changes Sent via telekinesis
  7. You can either restart the library etc all over again, but I'd check out the Plex forums and see what the going advice is from there.
  8. If it's all local network access, then use Kodi / LibreElec directly. Personally, I think of Plex as a necessary evil, but I only use it (or even have it installed) for the times when I'm on the road for extended periods. Emby however is a viable alternative.
  9. Dec 22, 2018 13:54:12.185 [0x14d319dfc700] ERROR - SQLITE3:0x10, 11, database corruption at line 51210 of [fc49f556e4] What else is new. Plex is a P.O.S., and since this happened on Saturday after LSIO's weekly updates to the latest and greatest and bug-ridden Plex you've probably been hit with one of the numerous issues on Plex. I'd suggest reverting the Plex app to :158 (edit the container, and add :158 in the repository line), and also hit up the Plex forums for advice.
  10. Probably how the fuse filesystem works, whereas /mnt/diskX bypasses fuse and is handled directly from the kernel. But, as you've said it does work, simply returns the wrong inode and disk usage. @limetech would have to chime in for the explanation / if it's a bug
  11. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  12. The path to the script's log is shown when you click the show logs button. Or you can download them via the button also. You won't be able to hit them via krusader unless you've mapped / to / in its template
  13. Only real change on this release is that there is now a backup application feed server running (thank you @limetech @eschultz @jonp) In the event that the primary server cannot be reached, the feed will download instead from the secondary server, and failing that a USB stored feed (if present - ask for details) will be utilized instead. Oh yeah, happy ho-ho.
  14. Wouldn't be a bad idea to post your diagnostics 2018-12-21 17:45:00,067 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stderr output: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/user’: Permission denied
  15. On the flash drive, see if there is /config/dynamix.plg Delete it, and you're probably good to go after a reboot
  16. You don't need to restore via App Data Backup/Restore. That's only needed if the cache drive dies or is replaced. The Apps tab has a "Previous Apps" section on the hamburger icon. Then you can check off all of the appropriate applications and it'll be back up and running like nothing happened in a matter of minutes.
  17. Perfect. Thanks. I had been meaning to spend a weekend sometime and figure out Let'sEncrypt, but this took me a whopping 5 minutes to get a service reverse proxied. Downside though is that it still is 5 minutes that I'll never get back Now if the author will add in subfolder support, then everything will be rocking.
  18. Getting this when I try and add a user (and an internal error popup appears) [2018-12-19] [19:49:59] [Access ] › ✔ success Built Access file #8 for: Andrew [2018-12-19] [19:49:59] [Express ] › ⚠ warning Command failed: /usr/bin/htpasswd -b "/data/access/8" "Andrew" "123" /bin/sh: /usr/bin/htpasswd: not found Additionally, my external browser does ask for a user name and browser, but it won't accept it.
  19. I like the deprecated and a re-release of the template. Since it's a new repository, effectively it is a different app
  20. Once again, its exactly what it does. You set mover to run every hour. In the tuner settings, you tell it to only move at 90%. And you also tell it to do a force move (via a cron schedule) once per day.
  21. Just tried it and it works properly. Once you hit 8 windows open at a time (including any from docker containers) you hit that. Closing windows and it'll let you back in.
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