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Everything posted by Squid

  1. lol We all know who's going to have to fix this. I'll make backups of the existing file(s) first and then restore.
  2. Except that when you said that unRAIDServer.plg states "Next", that shouldn't happen, nor IIRC would an check for Updates using @bonienl's code change the .plg from Stable to Next. The fundamental thing the code does is simply download another .plg file (unRAIDServer-.plg) that has the branch set to be Next
  3. This actually has been on the todo list for quite awhile, but it introduces a complication because by design to make life easier for the end-user, all scripts are not executed in place, but rather from /tmp after having their line endings normalized for linux. Because of that, any scripts already existing that may have other dependencies within their own directory may or may not work properly. Plus, you can simply make a script to cd and then execute the required script anyways.
  4. If you checked UpdateAssistant against the "Next" release, then unRAIDServer-.plg may still exist. (I can't remember if I delete it after checking). But, I would think that when dynamix checks for updates it deletes everything in /tmp/plugins anyways (mobile so not in a position to also check). Either way, remind me to make sure that I delete the "next" version of the .plg in UA after I'm done with it.
  5. Doesn't matter if the setting is enabled or disabled, mover will always log the files being moved. servera-diagnostics-20180327-2040.zip
  6. chmod +x /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-sabnzbd/scripts/ComicRN.py
  7. Since you mapping is correct right now, check that sab is storing completed downloads in /data and not /downloads
  8. Squid

    VNC port for VMs?

    To edit the XML, switch to XML view at the top right. Not in front of the server at the moment, so can't easily comment on switching the port though via the form view (and I don't run VM's without passthrough)
  9. I'm hoping that people will eventually figure out that Update Assistant should be run before upgrading (and not after). LT can only do so much to protect the user from themselves, and there's a ton of other things (mainly plugin compatibility) that I can take responsibility for that LT can't at this point in time.
  10. Why when buddy originally posted his problem I asked for the diagnostics, as they also show (none), which automatically means invalid NetBIOS. He's not the first (I'm laying claim to that fame starting with 6.5.0-rc2), won't be the last I'm undecided though on whether it should automatically be changed at boot though. I think if anywhere if you're going to change it should be during install, in big bright letters to at least inform the user that this is being changed.
  11. Side Note, that the Upgrade Assistant (ideally run before upgrading) does catch this. It's more than just spaces. An underscore will do the same thing. NETBIOS should be max 15 Characters, only contain A-Za-z0-9, dashes and dots, and has to start and end IIRC with alphanumeric
  12. from the command prompt, ls -ail /mnt/user/...... should show you something there... if not, I'd need you to PM the output of that command ls -ail /mnt/user/.... > /boot/squidTest.txt
  13. lol I didn't see any red, so didn't notice that
  14. Its an issue for the odd person when doing somethings docker related from the webUI. Its a WIP by some other people.
  15. Does a check for updates fix it? You may just need to remove the app, then reinstall via Apps, Previous Apps
  16. Because later on in the .plg its referring to the filename. Leave the filename alone and update the URL and hope for the best
  17. An actual defect report for this: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/70381-unraid-650-built-in-gui-terminal-console-window/ Since the original is kinda vague, this issue doesn't affect the "Terminal" button on the dynamix webUI. Rather it's the terminal via the "Lime" start menu when booting in GUI mode. You can't move or resize (or close unless you type exit) the terminal, and it is also always on top of any other windows that happen to be open. Not the biggest priority to fix I'm sure, but very annoying when you do actually need it.
  18. loop2 is your docker.img Easiest, pain free solution is to stop the docker service (settings) delete the image (advanced view) re-enable the service, then check off all your apps via Apps - Previous Apps section and hit install. Couple of minutes later you're back in business Probably caused by unclean shutdowns.
  19. Because ruTorrent tells sonarr that the file exists in /downloads/completed, except that sonarr has no clue about the folder because it's not mapped in the sonarr container Add to sonarr a mapping of /downloads mapped to /mnt/user/Torrents and everything will begin to work. See here: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  20. Admittedly I don't use Plex, but the way that I see it is that you've got an environment variable (TRANS_DIR) with a setting of /mnt/disks/..... Plex returns an error saying that /mnt/disks/... doesn't exist. Because it doesn't as far as the container is concerned. The only paths you've mapped are /config mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/... and /media mapped to /mnt/user/Multimedia Doesn't matter about the variable setting or not. Plex can only see folders on the host if you have them mapped. Adding another path of /mnt mapped to /mnt should get rid of that error (assuming you typed in the path correctly in the environment variable)
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