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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Just as a clarification, the only time you need to update apps in CA is if an update to the template occurs. And if an update occurred to the template, then dockerMan may or may not pick up the changes that CA saw. In that situation, its best to delete the existing references on the flash drive (/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates and templates-user) Yea I figured, I added some text in the change notes and the "volume" line was changed. (/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates and templates-user) Thinking this is the problem Hoopster is having, that his volume line is cached or something else or it´s somekind of permission issues. Does it looks like this Hoopster? //mace There are some issues with dockerMan (completely out of my control). Not 100% sure if it picks up changes with volumes correctly (unless you delete all existing traces of the templates out of templates and templates-user) I know that dockerMan will NOT pick up changes to the webUI line. There's a couple of feature requests / defect reports about this. The best course of action on template changes (excluding descriptions) is to have the users delete the references to the template in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/template-user (the my* template). Then delete the container (shouldn't have to delete the image) then re-add the container. Not really following this thread (no interest in these containers), but saw something that caught my eye and figured I'd pipe in. See here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41106.0 http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.msg380740#msg380740
  2. If your drives are overheating while they are spun down the system should probably email 911 because you've probably got more serious problems happening elsewhere.
  3. You'd be looking at a spin down followed by an immediate spin up (or a slight delay depending upon when the next read / write actually takes place. Odds are that the drive would never actually spin down long enough to let the temp drop, and repeated spin ups / downs / ups / downs can't at all be good for the drive.
  4. I was talking with Sparkly, and he had a decent enough idea (don't want to stroke his ego just yet and say good idea) about this. Since dockerMan is pretty much off limits to modifications, it is possible to modify Community Apps to alleviate some of this problem. I can have CA automatically fill out empty host volume paths as /mnt/user, and take a shot and fill out any container paths of /config to /mnt/cache/appdata/$APPNAME This would obviously be a selectable feature (disabled or enabled by default?), with huge warnings about the risks of passing /mnt/user and would only affect adding new containers or default settings. Edits it wouldn't touch. /config mappings should ideally have another xml tag that labels it as the appdata folder, but I'm not going to go and propose a new schema change for something like this just yet. Looking for the peanut gallery's input here.
  5. You mean something like this ? The only problem with spin down disk / spin down array is that the odds are extremely good that the drive in question is spun up because the system is actively using it (eg: my cache drive is an ancient drive. Consistently goes over my warnings set at 40C during high activity) So, it goes over temperature. We spin it down / spin down the array. First thing that's going to happen is the system spins it back up. But wait... Its over temperature. Lets spin it down again. Whoops... System accessing the drive. Spin it up. Ad Nauseum... And that situation is going to be far worse for the drive that merely running a little hot.
  6. Just let the system do it automatically if you're already on 6. Plugins/Check For Updates
  7. Just as a clarification, the only time you need to update apps in CA is if an update to the template occurs. And if an update occurred to the template, then dockerMan may or may not pick up the changes that CA saw. In that situation, its best to delete the existing references on the flash drive (/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates and templates-user)
  8. Any chance your flashdrive somehow is set to be read-only? Shut down the server and toss it into your desktop (it should automatically try and fix any errors on it)
  9. Or use the 6.01 Upgrade Plugin for V5 http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41061.0
  10. Since nobody else has piped in, I'll take my best shot. I would presume that the upgrade plg is updating the flash drive you have labelled UNRAID, but ESXI is actually booting unRaid through a VMDK or something of the like. In which case the plug will not work. Don't run ESXI, so this is just a shot in the dark
  11. Hence my asking if LT has picked one or the other. The choice of a base OS is pretty much immaterial. Some authors prefer one or the other. Doesn't make it right or wrong. The worst thing that happens is a little bit of extra resources used by having multiple containers using multiple base OS
  12. I think that it should be uninstalled. Uninstall should remove all traces of the plugin and not leave anything behind that could potentially interact with the rest of the system. Perhaps the best way of installing perl in the first place would be similar to how PhaZe handles his dependencies -> any additional dependencies are only installed for the plugin itself. Therefore a user could potentially have multiple versions of the same dependency installed concurrently (If I understand the way his plgs work properly)
  13. I would think that the best option for this is a more general one. Along with the notifications for browser, email, agents, add another one "user defined scripts". This would allow a script to respond to any particular notification and take action based upon it.
  14. You can also find all of the support links here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37958.0
  15. Go back into this plugin and hit the support link for those applications
  16. I would ask in the support threads for whichever sabnzbd and dropbox you have
  17. /extra - keep or delete * - delete all files and folders While I understand what you're trying to accomplish here, I can see how a new user might get confused by this... You've got one line saying to keep or delete the folder, and the next line saying to delete the files. (Just posted the one example line) IMHO, I would make it super simple and just have them delete the entire folder period.
  18. A ratings system of some sort is in the future plans. But not in the near term. There are a multitude of improvements to the entire docker system which should come first to make the system easier to use for the new users. That being said, as Brit said, the metrics could very easily be manipulated and or skewed as to make any such system meaningless. Myself, I would rather the docker authors use the tools already available to them to let users such as yourself know and understand what the differences are between similarly named containers. My feelings is that basically (except for auto updating) things like plex and sab are basically the same from one author to another. The differences are more of a "design philosophy". Which is the better way to accomplish the same thing. Reading through the threads should help you to decide which version by which author you are more comfortable dealing with.
  19. Then we need to figure out how to properly explain the concept. I took my best shot in the FAQ, and several attempts in various threads. Until that happens my time is worth more than the hour(s) it takes to walk people through a proper setup and hope that they just get it. Why I've been arguing both sides of the coin.
  20. Probably a good move relocating the posts that are comments / questions out of the FAQ thread. Should keep it a lot cleaner, although users looking at the FAQ should also read this thread for any differing opinions, comments, etc.
  21. oh ok... I'm still set up using the original instructions and have it in the repository line. Too lazy to move it I guess...
  22. There is feedback, but you have to remove the container (just the container) and then re-add it. You'll then see the command line and any warnings / errors. As you can tell, with Docker 1.6 --cpuset still works (although it is deprecated) root@localhost:# /usr/bin/docker run -d --name="MariaDB" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -p 3306:3306/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/mariadb/":"/db":rw --cpuset=2 needo/mariadb Warning: '--cpuset' is deprecated, it will be replaced by '--cpuset-cpus' soon. See usage. b39dd80519b78ee4b0cba5256b3fc6c4114e1f60bb56298a4d9375e255aba070 The command finished successfully! And if I purposely put in a cpu # that doesn't exist it tells me invalid argument on a simple stop / restart root@localhost:# /usr/bin/docker run -d --name="MariaDB" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -p 3306:3306/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/mariadb/":"/db":rw --cpuset=5 needo/mariadb Warning: '--cpuset' is deprecated, it will be replaced by '--cpuset-cpus' soon. See usage. 02097fc0aa1077f4eb1198481489574bed6387c635833283d64201db6b414551 time="2015-06-24T22:59:11-04:00" level=fatal msg="Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 02097fc0aa1077f4eb1198481489574bed6387c635833283d64201db6b414551: [8] System error: write /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/docker/02097fc0aa1077f4eb1198481489574bed6387c635833283d64201db6b414551/cpuset.cpus: invalid argument"
  23. Limetech. Although I suppose you *could* build a custom kernel if you really wanted to do it yourself.
  24. I think you should create a poll for this one. But I'd add "All of the above"
  25. The difference is permissions. EG On my system, plex only has RO permissions (it doesn't need to write) to the media, and it does NOT have access to any of those "special" pictures of my wife (wouldn't want someone to accidentally view them now would we). SAB only has RW access to downloads. CP has RO permissions to media on one server, and RW to the other. The thing is that I would think that most users have gone to the trouble of securing their shares. User A only has access to certain shares. User B can read some shares, write to others, User C we just don't trust at all and can only read and write his own personal share. Setting up /mnt with something like plex for instance will automatically grant the docker container (and by extension the user using plex at the HTPC) full RW access to all of your shares (including the "special" pictures folder). What sparkly and I are saying is that individual mappings with appropriate permissions is the correct way to do things (in my FAQ posting above I refer to this as "best-practice". However, I am in agreement with you that /mnt is the easiest way to accomplish this for new users. But I will always cringe when I see it -> even though lately I've been advocating it for the new user. But it is definitely not the "right" way to accomplish things. It may sound like I'm arguing both sides of the coin, and I guess that I am.
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