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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. There is this in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  2. At one time I think the default was to export the share to make it visible on the network, but as security has been tightened shares are no longer made visible on the network until you explicitly enable them go be exported
  3. It is worth pointing out that you have to have the array stopped if you want to change many network settings.
  4. The command is meant to be run by opening a Console session to get to the linux command line (started by the >_ icon at the top right of the GUI), not from the repair section of the GUI
  5. Parity checks are never automatically started by the system without a good reason or something configured to start them. You should try opening a new thread and posting your system's diagnostics zip file taken when this happens so we can try and work out what is going on.
  6. Unraid has the WireGuard VPN server built in and as long as the client machine you use can run a WireGuard client (e.g. Windows, iOS, iPadOS, Android) then you can use that to securely connect and operate as if you were connected directly to your local LAN. There are other similar options available but since WireGuard is built in I find that the most convenient. Whatever you do you must not try and expose an Unraid server to the internet directly by putting it into your router's DMZ as it is not hardened against the attacks you would then get.
  7. If you want a better remote desktop client then I would recommend noMachine. It performs much better than Windows Remote Desktop or VNC/Spice. However as was mentioned maybe a game specific streaming mechanism would be better if games is the main intended usage.
  8. You are not per se, but the trigger for switching to another drive will be the free space falling below the Minimum Free Space size you have set. At the point the file is created and the target disk is selected it has a size of 0 so is probably succeeding, then failing when the file grows to exceed the space available. The recommended value for the Minimum Free Space setting is at least the size of the largest file you expect to have and 2 x that if you can afford it to give some headroom.
  9. You have your system set to use the ‘docket’ share configured to store docker containers and currently that is stored on disk1 (which is not ideal from a performance perspective). You also have the Minimum Free Space set to 0 which can cause problems if the array disk gets really full (as is the case for disk1). Did you mean for that share to be on the array which is where it ends up if you have Use Cache=Yes set for it? If you really wanted it to end up on the ‘cache’ pool for better performance then you should have Use Cache=Prefer set for that share so that mover puts the files on the pool if space permits. Just a note that if that is what you want you will want the docker service disabled while mover is transferring files to the cache pool as mover will not transfer open files.
  10. If you are getting the system unexpectedly rebooting than I would think the most likely culprits are either a thermal problem or a PSU issue.
  11. Have you tried the Time Machine docker? Several people have reported that it works for them.
  12. NO! If you use New Config you are giving up the option to rebuild the existing contents and I do not think this is what you want? the process of rebuilding a disk onto itself is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  13. You will need to provide diagnostics that are taken after the error occurs. If the whole system is crashing enable the syslog server to get logs that survive a reboot
  14. You need to make sure that Secure Boot is not enabled in the BIOS as it is not supported by Unraid.
  15. It looks like you must have installed a plugin that is trying to download that file as it does not happen with the base Unraid build. You can check this by booting in Safe Mode as that would disable any plugins from running.
  16. The fact that mover is ‘finding’ a share means there IS a folder of the name on one of your drives. Simply having the shares .cfg file on the flash dtive would not be enough to make mover to try to use it.
  17. How were the drives sourced? It is possible hysterical they need the 3.3v pin of the SATA connector masked off.
  18. Plugins ARE Unraid specific, but docker containers are not. You can duplicate a docker container by simply giving the second copy another name (although you may need to check settings do not collide between the instances). Many docker containers DO have an Unraid specific template, but that is just to simplify installation.
  19. I guessed that - but you cannot duplicate a plugin but as I said you can duplicate a container.
  20. If you run Plex via a docker container rather a plugin then you CAN duplicate containers (although each instance needs its own settings).
  21. The xfs_repair output looks good Worth checking if you have a lost+found folder on the drive when you start in Normal mode as if not then I would think all data is intact.
  22. If you have the Dynamix File Manager plugin installed then you can simply get to its contents by going to the Boot Device on the Main tab. Easier than trying to do it via Krusader.
  23. It may not be making that many accesses. Perhaps just keeping the file open might be enough?
  24. With your TV share and a split level of 2 then a SeriesName can be split across drives (as that is at level 2) but a Season is constrained to the drive it is created on.
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