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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Even though it is empty just the presence of the domains folder could cause that warning so delete the empty folder.
  2. T Not sure which pool takes precedence if the file is in both locations. It may be in pool alphabetical order - but that is just a guess. You might be able to work it out with some experimentation.
  3. Possibly it is a new check - not sure The majority of the folders are NOT duplicated - for those you could simply move the folder across to the correct location (with the Docker sub-system stopped) and check the mapping is correct for those containers (either to /mnt/apps/appdata or to /mnt/user/appdata which are effectively the same).
  4. Not a problem - it is exactly what I do to get Unraid development environments without prejudicing the host. Way to do it is documented here in the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI.
  5. You do just leave the drive plugged in - no need to mount it. I would avoid running a preclear until the rebuild is finished just in case the rebuild goes wrong and you need to try and get something off the old drive. The SMART test can be run at any time as it is non-destructive.
  6. Theoretically the errors shown are not fatal, but they are never a good sign. You could try running the extended SMART test to see if that completes successfully. That is what I would recommend. In addition to the extended SMART test once the drive is out of the array you could also try running a pre-clear cycle against it. The results would give you an idea if the drive is still usable.
  7. You cannot change the file system type without reformatting (which effectively wipes the current data). The only way to achieve this is to first copy the data elsewhere before reformatting the drive and then (if wanted) copy it back. Parity is maintained when you reformat so will not need rebuilding.
  8. I am virtually certain that the step you missed the first time around was to make sure that disk6 was not assigned after New Config was run as restricting which disks a share can use should have no effect. Regardless at least it appears you are now in the state you want
  9. Almost certainly this where the router is probing Unraid.
  10. Not quite - you have missed out the UD mount point under /mnt/disks (so it should be something like "/mnt/disks/UDmountpoint/appdata/Plex-Media-Server" )
  11. Unraid will not automatically move existing files when you change the pool associated with a share. The easiest (and most efficient) thing to do is to move them manually to the correct location. Alternatively you can exploit mover as described here in the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the GUI
  12. If you have started with a clean system then the default shares should be automatically created when you enable the docker and VM services. Any other shares will require Manual action from you.
  13. Does it work if you omit the ‘login’ part? It should not be necessary.
  14. The initial boot process is controlled by the BIOS so it is up to the BIOS to decide to boot off the Unraid USB and there is nothing that Unraid can do if the BIOS won’t select the Unraid flash drive as its boot device.
  15. According to the screenshot the SSD WAS left as assigned so Unraid now thinks it is missing.
  16. Level 2 would be correct for your example as you only want to allow the Ozark level to exist on multiple drives. Note that there is a bug if you are running 6.10.0 rc2 where changes to share settings do not seem to take effect until you restart the array. The change only applies to new files. It would take Manual action to sort out any files that are already on the wrong disk.
  17. When you ran the New Config tool did you make sure that you no longer had the SSD assigned to the array before you tried to start the array (committing the assignments).
  18. It is also worth doing a full power-cycle of the server as If a drive dropped offline this can sometime bring it back. If it does then the diagnostics with the array started will help with identifying the issue.
  19. You would also need to reformat the drives as described here in the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI. By default Unraid will leave intact data on drives previously used by Unraid.
  20. You can do this via the User Scripts plugin using the ‘reboot’ command. This is equivalent to hitting the Reboot button on the Main tab, so you should test that you actually DO get a graceful reboot (in case there is something running that is preventing a graceful reboot).
  21. Do you know how you got into this situation? It looks like a copy or move was done manually at some point that went wrong?
  22. It all depends on what you mean by ‘root’ in in an earlier post. The Share name counts as one level, so if you meant root to refer to the Share name then you would need a value of 4 to allow folder3 to be on multiple drives. If you meant folder1 to be the share name then you would need a value of 3.
  23. With a Split level of 2 anything starting at folder2 will be constrained to the disk where any folder at the folder2 level is first created. In other words only the share/folder1 can exist on multiple drives.
  24. You have a share anonymised as S—f with a Split Level setting of 2. It is possible that this is constraining which disks can be used by this share depending on the full path of the files you are trying to put into it. it is always worth remembering that Split Level always wins any contention between share settings for which drives to use, so it is always one to check out first. if it is not that perhaps you can give the exact path of files that are not being distributed across drives as expected.
  25. Probably due to the settings on your shares. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file.
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