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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. On your server the relevant code will be at /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/FTP.Page in a running system. The GUI code is also available online at https://github.com/limetech/webgui/tree/master/plugins/dynamix so if you can make enhancements to FTP.Page that enhances it without breaking anything then you can submit a pull request to get it included in the standard Unraid release and I would expect the pull request is likely to be to be accepted. by Limetech.
  2. It is really your decision as to how long increments should be, and therefore what the elapsed time should be as the number of increments can be approximately derived from the time the check would take if no increments were involved and dividing by increment length. I say approximately as any other disk activity going on at the same time as a check can slow it down thus potentially increasing the number of increments. I see you are using the ‘custom’ option to get the increment schedule you want rather than the default of daily.. Would you see any good reason to add other repeat intervals to avoid using the ‘custom’ option? I had avoided doing this as I wanted to keep the GUI simple and daily seemed what the vast majority of users would want. I then and added the ‘custom’ option to cater for special needs (and it helps me with testing). The check will not reset to 0 as the plugin does not start the parity check itself, but merely pauses and resumes one started by the system. I am not sure what the behaviour will be if both pause and start time are identical as it will depend on exactly the order the pause and resume get executed as to whether a check is left running or paused. I think I will add a check to the GUI that the Pause and Resume times are not identical as it could mean that behaviour is unpredictable, and I cannot think offhand of a Use Case where it makes sense (but you are welcome to suggest one). I am not sure I tested this but it should be treated as a manual check because it was not initiated by a cron entry. I will add a check for that to my test checklist though to make sure it is. For reference Automatic checks are the sort that are started automatically by the system after an unclean shutdown is detected and if any other type of check gets flagged as Automatic this is a bug in the plugin that would need investigating and correcting.
  3. You have mover logging enabled, and according to the syslog files are steadily being moved off the cache (note that file names when mover logging is active are NOT anonymised). Not knowing how big the files in question are it is difficult to comment on the speed as no disk related problems show in the syslog.
  4. You are correct in that you need a licence upgrade to support the number of drives attached, but it is not clear why the GUI did not load and simply refuse to start the array without the upgrade.
  5. Your data should be intact as long as you do not make the mistake of assigning a data drive to a parity slot. You may find this section of the online documentation to be of use.
  6. Your symptoms suggest that that the flash drive was not correctly mounted at /boot during the later stages of the boot process so no settings were found and no network drivers were loaded. Without further investigation at your end it will be difficult to determine if this is really what happened, and if it is why it happened.
  7. I need to try and work out why I did not see the same message on my 6.9.2 system when testing. I have just gone back to that system and this time that message IS being displayed which is weird. In theory the code line that precedes the session_start() should mean that function should only be called if needed but that is obviously not always working as expected. I Will work on correcting it on my system, but I will also add some diagnostic logging around that bit of code to help me get more information about why my check on whether the function is needed is not always working.
  8. It could be caused by the cabling (or possibly even a port). 100Mb Ethernet needs less working connections in a cable than 1GB Ethernet.
  9. Exactly how are you doing the move? Ideally it should be a copy/delete. The problem comes that if you are using a move at the Linux level you are potentially bypassing the User Share system as Linux is not aware of User Shares. Linux implements move by first trying a rename and only if that fails does a copy delete. This can result in the file ending up in a new folder on the same drive corresponding to the target User Share.
  10. I can see where that message could originate from in the code - but I am not sure why. Where are you seeing this message (GUI, syslog etc) and if the GUI on what page. I did not see it when testing - but maybe I am not looking in the right place? I need to be able to replicate the issue to be able to work on it (and know if I have fixed it). Also if it is the GUI what browser are you using?
  11. There were various recent reports of error messages appearing in the GUI and/or syslog generated by recent plugin updates (although the functionality appeared to still work) as I tried to improve the multi-language support. I have just pushed an update that I think fixes all of these but please let me know if any still occur that need me to look at them.
  12. Do you have a recent backup of the Unraid flash? If you do then switching to a new flash drive with all settings is easy If not then this section of the online documentation has a process for getting back your dtive assignments Your data will be intact regardless, but if you have no backup you will probably have to set up plugins/docker containers/VMs again.
  13. Limetech have never pre-announced a release date so hoping to get one is optimistic.
  14. The way to clear the log is to reboot. More to the point what is causing your log to end up full - it could well indicate an underlying problem. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your NEXT post.
  15. Yes - Unraid can run on any hardware - server or desktop grade does not really matter.
  16. Not quite sure what you are asking? If you boot Unraid on any PC then it is the OS that will allow that machine to function as a NAS.
  17. If the disk is being emulated then it will show as this on the Main tab and the system will act as if it were still present. If it shows as mounted you can then examine its contents. Whatever shows up there is what you will end up with after a rebuild.
  18. That is optional as long as you end up with the correct assignments before starting the array I normally recommend using it to minimise the number of changes required when you return to the Main tab thus reducing the chances of making an error in the assignments.
  19. UnRaid is not multi-monitor aware so I suspect it is going to be a case of trial and error. when the GPU is passed through to a VM it will control all 3 monitors anyway - as far as I know you cannot have one used by Unraid and 2 by the VM if they are all on the same GPU.
  20. Currently looking at tidiest way to eliminate that happening without breaking the multi-language support.
  21. Had a report of this happening after the latest update of the plugin a few days ago. Currently looking at tidiest way to eliminate it.
  22. No. The CRC error count is stored internally in the drive and never resets. It typically indicates a connection issue (e.g. power and/or SATA cabling) rather than a problem with the drive, and if that is rectified the best you can do is make it stop increasing.
  23. Only 1 of the Sabrent devices is showing up in the SMART information so the other one is offline. There is no sign in the syslog that was ever seen at all as the system was booting so it may well have failed. It might be worth power-cycling the server to see if it comes back online, and if it does try starting the array and posting new diagnostics. FYI: the diagnostics includes the syslog so normally no need to post it separately.
  24. That would explain things as the parity drive has no file system on it
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