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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Look on the flash drive for an EFI folder. If it has a trailing ~ character then UEFI boot is not enabled, and simply removing the trailing ~ character enables it. I am not sure why the UEFI boot option is not always enabled I would have thought that is a motherboard did not support that mode it would simply ignore the folder, but I guess I could be missing something
  2. You. can’t for security reasons no files on the /boot are allowed to have execute permissions. there are 2 workarounds that I know off: copy the file elsewhere first and then try and change the permissions. invoke by starting with the relevant shell command (e.g. bash /boot/path_to_script)
  3. By far the commonest cause of file corruption is RAM related issues causing in-memory corruption before data is written out to the drives. An untidy shutdown (e.g. after a power loss) can also cause incomplete/bad writes to a drive although these are normally recoverable by the file system repair utilities. This is why a UPS is strongly recommended so you can avoid u tidy shutdowns after a power loss. The other thing is to have some way of detecting any corruption in individual files (such as using BTRFS for array disks) or have a way of generating checksums (such as Dynamix Fille Integrity plugin )so that when corruption is detected you know what files are affected so you can restore them from your backups. A key point is that you should always have backups of anything important that would be an issue if it was lost as whatever precautions you take there is always the potential of data loss if something unforeseen happens on the server.
  4. You should provide you system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) so we can get a better idea of your system’s setup and what is happening when you try and start the VM.
  5. UnRaid will not let you start an array where the drive assigned to parity is smaller than one or more data drives.
  6. Try running ls -al * in case there are any ‘hidden’ file starting with dot to explain the discrepancy.
  7. To avoid getting this error then you need to make sure that the Minimum Free Space setting for the cache drive is set to a value that is bigger than the largest file you want to go to the cache. When the free space falls below this value then Unraid will start to bypass the cache for any new files. you could also set the share in question to not even use the cache.
  8. My plugin is already multi-language support compatible so I’ve already tried putting the title into the translation file but the title does not seem to get translated which is why I was asking. I have all the prompts, etc on the page being translated correctly - just not managed to get it for the title.
  9. Have you put your old .key file into the 'config' folder? This is needed to initiate the licence transfer process.
  10. Did you install the virtio network driver off the virtio iso image? You would need this to connect to the network.
  11. It must be at least equal to the largest data drive - just cannot be smaller. Many people install a larger parity drive as part of future planning so at a later date they can install larger data drives.
  12. @SpencerJJust to let you know the French language file should work fine with the latest version of the plugin (although there are additional new strings that will need translating). I fixed it with changes to the plugin that (for some reason I have not identified) was meaning the translation file was not being picked up. I would have thought it would affect all languages so not sure why you only got a report for the French one!
  13. I don’t see how it could be. If it works over the network it should also work locally (I.e. using Krusader) as the same disk selection logic would get invoked.
  14. Glad to hear you ‘sort’ of got it working. No idea why it is not working for you from Krusader - lots of people use that without the problems you seem to be encountering.
  15. I would think that you are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your NEXT post.
  16. I notice that the built in options for Settings seem to be able to translate what shows on the Settings page and also what shows as the section header when you go into a particular settings page. Can a standard plugin do this - if so how?
  17. I suspect nobody has worked out why you are getting these warnings. I had a look at the diagnostics and could not spot any obvious problem unfortunately.
  18. I meant try running the copy from a machine that is not the Unraid server to try and eliminate any variables. Nothing obviously wrong with those Krusader settings though. I am sure the solution will eventually be something trivial - the problem is going to be spotting why it is not already working. it might be worth posting new Diagnostics so we can check your current settings.
  19. You can only keep parity valid if the drive you are removing is all zeroes. This would not be true if you had ever formatted the drive after adding it to the array.
  20. ReiserFS is known to perform very badly when disks start getting anywhere near full. One of the reasons it is now deprecated. Also it has an absolute maximum of 16TB supported on a drive and modern drives have started to be available that are larger than this.
  21. Does it work over the network? If so what are the settings for your Krusader volume mapping?
  22. Why not change Split Level to allow any number of levels? If any of the paths have more folder levels than was shown in your screen shot then split Level=3 would still be too restrictive.
  23. what are the share settings? Points to note are: The size of a file is not considered when selecting a drive for a new file. Unraid acts as if it is zero size for drive selection purposes. once a drive has been selected then you will get an ‘out of space’ error if it subsequently does not actually fit. The Minimum Free Space setting should be larger than the biggest file you intend to transfer as falling below that is a trigger for considering another drive for the next file. The Split Level setting wins any contention for selecting a drives. Therefore if it is too restrictive it can force Unraid to try and put the file on a specific drive even though the free space is below the Minimum Free Space setting.
  24. I think it will There is no explicit command to do a read-check as far as I know. You just ask for a check to be started and if you have no current redundancy then a read check is carried out.
  25. They DO if they are plugged in when starting the array. Drives plugged in later (i.e. removable drives) do not count as the check is only done on every array start.
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