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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You are currently getting continual resets on your parity drive which is why it is running slowly. That is typically a cabling problem, but it could also be power related, or even a problem with the drive itself. It is probably worth running an extended SMART test on that drive to check its health.
  2. What sort of downloads are you talking about? As far as I know when downloading docker containers they are always done one at a time so there is no concurrency involved.
  3. I do not think that User Shares include a disk in the size they display until there is at least one file belonging to the share on the disk in question. BTW: I notice that all your drives are in ReiserFS format. This format is now deprecated (albeit it is still supported). Since this new drive appears to be empty at the moment why not take the opportunity to format it to X`fS (the current default for array drives). It is perfectly acceptable to have a mix of file system formats in the array.
  4. Sounds like you forgot to check the checkbox under Tools >> New Config confirming that you want to run the operation? Until you have done that the Apply button will not be active. however if you are intending to replace the drive why not simply use the normal procedure for Replacing a Disk Drive which does not involve you going via the Tools >> New Config route (although both options are viable).
  5. The parity disk appears to have dropped offline so there is no SMART information for it in the diagnostics to give a view of its health. Prior to that numerous read and write errors were showing up in the syslog with no obvious reason for their cause. You may need to power cycle the server to see if the disk comes back online. If it does then post new diagnostics to see what they then show.
  6. What is wrong with the current capability to run a web page based VNC session to a VM? This will work as long as you have enabled GUI mode in Unraid.
  7. You are correct - disk4 is looking a bit sick with that many reallocated and pending sectors.
  8. I know that for Seagate that is a bit dependent field so cannot be easily interpreted. Not sure about Toshiba drives. It is Western Digital drives where the raw value is normally of concern when none-Zero.
  9. You need to provide your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics) to get any sort of informed feedback.
  10. It is always possible he is running without parity in which case the speed WOULD be attainable?
  11. What brand of disks are these? The way that field is used varies by manufacturer.
  12. There is no reason that running the Docker Safe New Permissions should have broken anything Plex related. My suspicion is that there is some other problem that caused these symptoms. i would suggest that you post your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics) to see if anyone can spot a reason for the behaviour you describe.
  13. If you mean splitting a single vdisk into multiple files so that it could be spread across multiple physical drives then is definitely not supported as a standard feature on Unraid. I am not sure, however, if you created the vdisk on a different system (e.g. on VirtualBox or VMWare) and selected the option to split the vdisk into multiple files whether you could then move that file set to Unraid and then KVM on Unraid could be told somehow to use such a set operating as a single vdisk. I must admit this is not something I have ever tried or even looked into. It might be worth asking on KVM related forums as to whether KVM has such a capability in the first place as if it does then one could probably get it to work on Unraid with a bit of CLI work.
  14. The Unbalance plugin might be worth looking at as an easiy way to do this?
  15. You may find the Unbalance plugin to be of use when trying to empty the emulated drive.
  16. Unraid runs from RAM so setting a password via the CLI is not persistent (as you found) when you reboot Instead you should set it via the Users tab in the Unraid GUI and then it will be persistent.
  17. Yes, you can run with either (or both) parity drives missing. if later you want to add back a parity drive simply assign it and Unraid will start to build parity on that drive.
  18. This configuration has 7 attached devices which exceeds the limit on the Basic licence (of 6 devices).
  19. I would consider that it IS a bug if setting explicit reconstruct write in the Settings does not actually make it run exclusively in that mode. Like you I think this behaviour is not unreasonable if the (default) mode of Auto is selected, but I think it should not be the behaviour if a user has asked for an explicit behaviour.
  20. A much better (and easier) solution is to make a backup of your current USB at any point that you want to be able to revert to. You can then revert if wanted by copying the files back to the USB stick overwriting the files already there. You san make the backup by either plugging the USB stick into another machine and copying it's contents or by clicking on the flash drive on the Main tab in the Unraid GUI and selecting the option to back it up as a downloaded zip file
  21. Disk2 still does not look that good as it shows 156 pending sectors which will cause read error type problems if they do not end up being reallocated.
  22. Did you change the format of disks that had data on them and then used the format option on them (which it sounds might be the case from your description). If so you have erased the contents of those drives as you cannot change the format and keep their data intact. The format option would have put up a dialog you had to acknowledge warning that proceeding would erase all data from the drive(s) being formatted. if that is what happened, then all you can do is restore the data from your backups. if something else happened then you need to give a more detailed description of the exact steps you took. The diagnostics posted are from just after a reboot so we cannot see what happened earlier.
  23. Split Level is almost certainly your problem. In the case of Allocation Method, Minimum Free and Split level having contention in choosing a disk then Split Level always wins. This probably means that Unraid is still trying to put your files onto the disk that is running out of space. With your current settings once a Season folder has been created on a disk all the episodes will be constrained to that disk. You are going to need to either relax your Split Level criteria or else manually move some files/folders off the full disk (or both).
  24. I would not bother replacing the flash drive just because it is old! Now that transferring the licence to another flash drive is automated and quick it seems needless. what you might want to do as ‘just in case’ are: ensure that you have a backup of your current flash drive so that you can easily transfer all your current configuration to a new one. The backup would be done either by putting the flash drive into another machine to copy its contents, or by clicking on it on the Main tab of the Unraid GUI and selecting the option to download a backup as a zip file. This is the important thing to have and you should update such a backup any time you make a significant change. it might be a good idea to have a spare empty flash drive available. However if you could live with your server being down while you got a replacement delivered even that may be overkill.
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