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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. strange, it still appears under my plugins! It might be worth trying re-installing it via the Community Applications plugin.
  2. itimpi

    Turbo write

    If you never spin down your disks, then this is likely to improve performance for writes.
  3. I am having no joy getting my unRAID server when running Controlr on my iPad Mini running iOS 10. I am running the current 6.2 stable unRAID release - should Controlr work with that?
  4. As far as I know the unRAID GUI can only be accessed using the root user. Note that shares are not allowed to use the root user for protected shares. For Public shares then the user is ignored.
  5. I assume you have never started the array (that file is normally created w=hen the array is first started). I think you can also get it created if you use the Tools->New Config option.
  6. that is because the author has deprecated it so it will not install on 6.2 final.
  7. Are there any plans to fix the version check do that the Bleeding-edge plugin installs on 6.2 final? I already miss the improved notifications handling
  8. the one (and there is now only one) available via Community Applications plugin.
  9. The /sbin/powerdown will still exist - it will just be the standard Limetech version rather than the one provided by the Powerdown plugin.
  10. More than willing to try these out if you are prepared to make the appropriate package.
  11. Note that you can also use VirtualBox .vdi files in a similar way (and this is also not a selectable option). I asked at some point for the full list of image file types supported by VirtualBox to be added, but this was turned down.
  12. all user shares reside under the /mnt/user mount point at the Linux level so that sounds like correct behaviour.
  13. it works fine in KVM. You are not offered .vmdk as a choice when assigning the disk, but as long as you type the full path (including the .vmdk extension) into the path box it works fine.
  14. I wrote that script originally to address exactly this issue when I was moving data around and managed to make mistakes and ended up with duplicates. I think I have seen that the "Fix Common Problems" plugin will also now show if you have duplicates.
  15. Yes, the file uses twice the space, even though you will only see it once at the User Share level. I think unRAID shows the one on the lowest number disk but I am not sure about that. You can get strange behaviour in that if you try to delete (or rename) the file from the share it still appears to remain as unRAID will now present the second copy.
  16. Just to clarify things, when you start the array after changing the format to XFS the disk will be shown as unmountable (at that point the configuration information is changed but the physical disk is unchanged). You will however be given the option to format the disk (which only takes a couple of minutes) which will create an empty XFS file system on the disk. You are then ready to copy data back to it.
  17. After installing the Nerd Pack plugin you have to go into its settings to select which of the available packages should be installed.
  18. It looks to me that you are simply running out of RAM to run the preclear processes. It is not unreasonable to assume that the system consumes more RAM with the array started than with it stopped thus leaving less free for the pre-clear processes.
  19. No - that is not how unRAID parity works. I believe SnapRaid uses a snapshot method (and thus its name), whereas unRAID parity is real-time. unRAID parity is file system agnostic and has no idea of what any particular sector on a disk is being used for. You should probably read up on the use of parity in the unRAID online documentation.
  20. Parity has no concept of files (or even data). All it can do is restore the bit pattern on a failed disk.
  21. My suspicion is that the disk has dropped offline. You should provide the diagnostics (Tools->Diagnostics) if you want better guidance.
  22. I have not tried it, but I wonder if the solution mentioned at http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/how-force-your-windows-file-and-folder-names-have-case-you-want.htm will work?
  23. in my experience this is a Windows issue, not an unRAID one!. With the latest Windows 10 it appears to lower case share names which are all uppercase. Mixed case seems to be respected.
  24. One feature I would like to see added (assuming it is possible) is the ability to set custom temperature warning levels for unassigned devices.
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