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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Did the old disk1 actually physically fail or simply get disabled and/or marked as unmountable?
  2. Sounds like you will need to Contact Support to sort out getting your licence transferred to a new flash drive.
  3. It seems that it would be a good idea to introduce buttons on the Main tab against individual drive for File System check and Format? The file system check button would probably just bring up same page you get when clicking on the drive name. Ideally the File System Check button would be omitted for a new disk that is all zeroes just added as in that case it does not make sense. i feel this would be helpful to users in giving guidance on what options make sense and reduce the chance of errors. Anyone see any downsides?
  4. Is the system actually shutting down rather than crashing and becoming unresponsive? If so this is almost certainly a hardware error with the most likely candidates being thermal (e.g. CPU overheating) or PSU struggling to provide sufficient power.
  5. Just a thought - if you install the Parity Check Tuning plugin then even if you do not use any of its features then new Parity History entries gets enhanced to say whether a check was correcting or not. This might help with troubleshooting?
  6. It is also worth noting that if you click on the orange icon for a drive on the Dashboard tab and select the Acknowledge option from the menu displayed Unraid will then only notify you again if the attribute changes. i suspect the reason you ‘think’ this is only an Unraid issue is that the other systems are not reporting CRC errors.
  7. Are you scheduled checks correcting or non-correcting? If correcting then you would expect no errors the next time you run a check. We do, however, recommend that scheduled checks are set non-correcting so that hardware playing up does not corrupt parity. That gives you a chance to correct any hardware issues while parity remains valid.
  8. The only reasons I can think of are: The system is having problems reading at least one of the drives do resets are slowing things down. the Disk controller is limiting throughput when all drives are active.
  9. Not sure why you want this as 0000 new drives it a lot less stress on the system. If you do it via the UD plugin then when you get around to adding it to the array it adds immediately so downtime is minimal. you might want to read this section of the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page. The Unraid OS->Manual section in particular covers most features of the current Unraid release.. The process for handling drive failures is described here in the documentation. This handles both replacing failed drives and upgrading to larger drives. The only times New Config should come into play are: Completely resetting the array back to defaults Reducing the number of drives in the array. recovering from certain types of error scenario. This would normally be done after getting advice in the forum.
  10. There appear to be macvlan related crashes. As mentioned in the releases notes if you want to continue using macvlan for docker networking then you should disable bridging on eth0. The alternative is to switch docker to using ipvlan networking instead.
  11. The drive had dropped offline when the diagnostics were taken do there is no SMART report for it included.
  12. Quick SMART test does not test most of the disk - you need the extended version for that. Not sure why it is disconnecting though as the test runs internally to the drive and does not involve the host.
  13. I am sure that if only a way could be found that reliably reproduces it then it would quickly be fixed.
  14. We normally say reboot as that is easier for most users, but no reason you should not manually delete the old log.
  15. What release are you currently running? There was definitely an issue around this in the early 6.12.x releases but they have largely been fixed now I believe. Having said that I have seen some suggestions that there might be more improvements around this area in the 6.12.7 release.
  16. Why use New Config to add a drive. That is not the normal way of doing it. New Config should only be used in extreme circumstances.
  17. If you look in the config/shares folder on the flash drive there will be .cfg files for every current share and shares that might have existed in the past. You can safely delete any that do not correspond to shares you currently have.
  18. I interpret that phase as meaning that any settings that refer to drives in any way get reset to their defaults.
  19. I think that is by design. Using New Config is not something that is done in normal running.
  20. It should always show something! were you using the Mirror to flash option, or the alternative of putting you servers address into the Remote Server field?
  21. That means that you almost certainly feel foul of the behaviour described in the Caution in this of the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI. If you had used something like Dynamix File Manager plugin to do this it would have protected you from this problem as it always uses a copy/delete strategy for moving files. You can use Dynamix File Manager to delete the empty folders.
  22. I think there is something missing from your list of events but not sure. the problem almost certainly arose from you mixing disk shares and user shares. The /data location is a user share and applies regardless of what array drive or pool the files are on. The cache_large for instance is a physical device and any files you delete from there that are also deleted from the user share. did you by any chance us a move rather than a copy when you tried to move files? This can have unexpected effects.
  23. No idea. You should ask in the support thread for the container you are using.
  24. It definitely would as it stops you being able to remove a drive keeping data intact.
  25. I do not use Plex so I am guessing. You might be ale to correlate the timing with specific Plex activity. I think that the paths inside the container is set at the Plex level. You then need to match those to the volume mappings you have for the Plex container. Note that I also mentioned the Plex temp folder - I believe that can get large while Plex is scanning.
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