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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. I would think that Plex is the most likely culprit! Do you have something like Plex transcode folder set so that it is internal to the docker.img file? What about the Plex tmp folder?
  2. Do you have the Connect plugin installed? It had a bug (cleared in the latest update) which did excessive logging and could cause this. After updating the plugin you need to reboot the server to clear the log space. If it is not that, then running du -h /var/log should show what is the likely culprit.
  3. That message does not explain why the system would stop responding. It means that the cache has fallen below the minimum free space value allowed to write a new file to the cache, so the file will be written directly to the array instead. You have 100GB set as the minimum free for the cache so that is the value probably triggering it. I see that you have macvlan networking enabled for docker, but have not disabled bridging on eth0 as is recommended in the Unraid release notes to get maximum stability when using macvlan. Any reason for this?
  4. If I remember correctly you need to have the array stopped to change it.
  5. It normally downloads as a zip file if done from the GUI. If you generated it via the command line it will have been put into the ‘logs’ folder on the flash drive.
  6. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread. it might help if you gave a clue about what type of errors? Perhaps a screenshot of the Main tab might clarify things?
  7. That card should definitely work with Unraid. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread. That would at least allow us to see if it is visible at the handware level. Do you have any alternative PCIe slots you can try the card in? Do you have another system you can try the card in to check it is not faulty?
  8. I do not think that setting makes any difference as for read purposes Unraid finds a file that logically belongs to a share even when it is on a drive that is not on the include list of drives.
  9. Not sure why you were getting the excessive usage, but at the very least you should set the Minimum Free Space setting on the cache to avoid it filling up completely as btrfs file systems tend to misbehave if they get too full.
  10. No idea why it will not reboot - that suggests something at the motherboard level. Is the BIOS battery flat as that can cause symptoms like this. In terms of working out why it is crashing you should enable the syslog server (probably with the option to Mirror to Flash set) to get a syslog that survives a reboot so we can see what leads up to a crash. The mirror to flash option is the easiest to set up, but if you are worried about excessive wear on the flash drive you can put your server's address into the remote server field.
  11. It could be the Cache Dirs plugin which would keep issuing 'find' commands to try and keep directory entries in RAM. It is a good idea to configure that plugin to only scan folders that need it as it does not work very well if there are too many files/folders in the ones it is scanning.
  12. You should set the Minimum Free Space on the cache to be larger than any file you expect to download so that when it drops below this new files overflow to the main array rather than filling the cache pool to the point of causing problems.
  13. That shows that the Connect plugin is the culprit. The most recent update to that plugin fixes the excessive logging issue, but you will still need to reboot the server to clear the log space used.
  14. The Release Notes mention that if you want to use macvlan then you should disable bridging on eth0 to avoid crashes that can eventually bring down the server. According to the diagnostics you still have it enabled.
  15. It would not pause it until the Pause time came up. This is a deliberate decision as it is easy to manually pause it just after starting it and more often than not if you start it manually you WANT to leave it running until the increments start kicking in.
  16. Not sure what question you are asking? There can be a delay (up to 15 minutes) before the plugin runs its idling monitor task and notices that a Manual check has been initiated. if you want it to only run the Manual check between the increment times specified then hit the Pause button and let the plugin take over Resume/Pause activity.
  17. Those typically happen if you have a docker container continually trying to start and failing. You can normally determine which one by looking at the uptime, but if not it is a case of trial and error by stopping/starting containers manually.
  18. All User Shares appear at the Linux level under /mnt/user. If all files for the share are on a pool then you can dispense with the secondary storage option and the share can then be an Exclusive share which gets the same performance as going directly using disk shares.
  19. Unraid starts disabling drives when they drop offline, but only disables the number equivalent to the number of parity drives. I think it was just that the parity drives were the first ones noticed.
  20. The default settings will achieve what you say you want. You might want to read the section on User Shares in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page to get a better understanding of how the settings work.
  21. The parity drives will remain disabled until you go through the process of rebuilding them. If you want to try rebuilding parity back to the same drives then the process is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page. The error you posted looks rather like a cabling or power issue so you should check that before attempting any rebuild. The system’s diagnostics might also give clues as to what was happening.
  22. I think that is a temporary name and the file should be renamed to its final game when the download successfully completes. If it is not getting renamed that suggests the download is not completing.
  23. For reference that is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page. The Unraid OS->Manual section in particular covers most features of the current Unraid release.
  24. I agree this is strange, particularly as the update process does not touch the contents of the ‘config’ folder which holds all your settings.
  25. 1. Yes 2. You can give the licence files different names to help you tell them apart. When transferring licences you put the licence file for the one you want to transfer into the ‘config’ folder on the new USB drive so it knows which one is being transferred.
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