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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. From the command line or from the UI showing the usage. df -h /var/lib/docker
  2. Was that you using insmod directly? Use modprobe instead. And use lsmod to see what is loaded. That SFC module loaded fine for me using modprobe. Of course I dont have the hardware. Also, are you using unraid or unraid-nvidia or unraid-dvb (one of those custom community version)?
  3. Did you try manually loading those kernel modules, at least the SFC?
  4. The list of UnRaid 6.8.1 configuration for the kernel is located in /usr/src/linux-4.19.94-Unraid/.config and I attached it as a zip file to this post. unraid681.config.zip Maybe you need to load some modules? It has the following specified -- CONFIG_NET_VENDOR_SOLARFLARE=y CONFIG_SFC=m CONFIG_SFC_MCDI_MON=y CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV=y CONFIG_SFC_MCDI_LOGGING=y CONFIG_SFC_FALCON=m
  5. TLDR: It's complicated. It is impossible for any company to know the exact state of support for all hardware as it is possible for bugs to be introduced on newer versions of the Linux kernel that could break hardware support, or a hardware company could stop supporting Linux entirely or not bother to port their hardware drivers to newer kernels. So many things can happen that is outside the control of LimeTech. A solid positive and benefit is LimeTech supplies trial versions so if you have the hardware already and are uncertain about hardware support you can try it out before hand.
  6. Emby has DVR support included for some tuners (HDHomeRun ?) but dont know if that requires premium or not.
  7. If you want real fun, when you're done with the .bat version, port it over to powershell.
  8. Wonder if user mentions work at all... @jonp @SpencerJ @limetech @Squid @trurl ...
  9. Tapatalk is entirely a different set of problems, but this latest isn't one of them.
  10. And here I thought everyone just figured out how to solve their own issues and no one needed to reply or post new topics.
  11. /var/log/ is is RAM. It will all be removed on reboots. Since it's in memory, the more you store the more it uses. If you don't have enough memory it will lead to OOM - Out of Memory errors and the kernel will pick randomly what programs to kill.
  12. Not sure how this would be any faster than that. This: 1) reading entirely from disk to memory 2) writing from memory to cache 3) reading from cache to memory to be used That: 1) reading entirely from disk to memory to be used. Probably bigger speedup would come from increasing your server's memory.
  13. If I followed properly ... From the other thread about Nvidia, there are many extremely time consuming tasks still required to be sorted, like the OOT WireGuard drivers. Not to take anything away from the amazing efforts of CHMB and LSIO, but to appease those who need to be on latest and greatest ... I will once again suggest those who can to go ahead and replace your DVB hardware with ethernet based tuners or use your USB based Tuners on a RasPi device and expose them that way. This way you will be able to use mainline unRaid.
  14. Only thing shown in there was your 3 VMs using cpu. When you see spike CPU, run htop or top at the linux prompt to see what processes are using cpu. top - 22:04:15 up 14 days, 8:08, 0 users, load average: 2.95, 3.79, 5.87 Tasks: 634 total, 2 running, 630 sleeping, 0 stopped, 2 zombie %Cpu(s): 2.2 us, 2.8 sy, 0.0 ni, 95.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 32196.3 total, 2019.7 free, 26162.6 used, 4014.0 buff/cache MiB Swap: 0.0 total, 0.0 free, 0.0 used. 4918.6 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 8316 root 20 0 9354092 8.1g 19204 S 82.4 25.7 14356:40 qemu-syst+ 10128 root 20 0 9265796 8.2g 21072 R 76.5 26.2 12721:27 qemu-syst+ 8745 root 20 0 5066388 4.2g 21120 S 35.3 13.5 8788:36 qemu-syst+ 7679 root 20 0 6924 3264 2316 R 5.9 0.0 0:00.02 top
  15. I have not tried enabling it in 6.8.1 since none of the release line-items looks like anything changed related to this.
  16. This bug where WSDD for Samba Discovery pegs 1 CPU core at 100%:
  17. Because there will be some users on the forums who ask for it and / or demand it. The same way they need to have bleeding-edge docker versions, they will act the same way with these drivers. *shrug*
  18. Upgraded from 6.8.0 a few days back without issue -- still have WSDD disabled, have not tried to see if it's still a CPU HOG or not.
  19. And then be forced to update unraid releases whenever Nvidia puts out new drivers? Sounds like plenty of extra work for LT.
  20. Wouldn't it work if you schedule it to do increments with the pause time to be before your Duplicati Backup is scheduled to run? This was the only item related to parity I saw.
  21. Parity Check Tuning. Search for "parity" in the excellent Community Applications plugin "Apps" section. Support Thread: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/78394-parity-check-tuning/
  22. Direct consumer review from the 1-to-2 SATA Cable and the 4 SATA Cable variants of the product you linked:
  23. Be extremely careful when using power splitters. some models are very prone to being garbage and ruining your drives after catching fire. There's more details in a thread somewhere in this forum that goes into what exact style you want and what you need to avoid like the plague.
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