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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. So you're backing away from your Cosmic Data Change example that simply was never possible. So that's a good sign.
  2. Not with the algorithm unraid uses for dual parity.
  3. And I will point you to the details of how hard drives work in reality, where the drives themselves will report CRC errors, and thus you know which drive is damaged.
  4. The answer to this is "From your backup(s)". unraid does not remove the need of backups. If you value your data, have a backup plan to follow.
  5. It's always running on behalf of "root" since that's the only user that exists for unRaid on the GUI or able to login.
  6. It might still work if she never upgrades the versions of unraid and doesn't connect to internet during startup. Its best if you can somehow work something out or simply steal it back.
  7. In the meantime, perhaps provide a LetMeGoogleThatForYou on the package name link?
  8. Others have already brought up this point (here or elsewhere), so why are you ignoring it for your cosmic example? The drive itself will know what data is wrong since the hardware supports checksums of sectors, so if a data bit is flipped and it doesn't change the checksum information, the drive will report it. In addition to that, you may know what's wrong if the filesystem used supports checksums or you use a 3rd party plugin for checksums. Mathematically it is impossible to know which disk is wrong with the algorithms used by single and dual parity protections.
  9. You should probably post in the dedicated thread for whatever plugin you're using for this purpose.
  10. I would go about scheduling a replacement for the 8 year old drive. Its far easier and better to be proactive in data health than be reactive and have to hope for recovery working 100%.
  11. All scripts should be well behaved and handle the spawning and reaping of child processes themselves. It is their own responsibility. I suggest serious scripters put together a template using best practices to make it easier for other scripters to not fall into the common pitfalls.
  12. You'll need to get a custom built unraid with DVB and Nvidia. It has it's own massive thread on the forums, just search for it.
  13. Dockers do not need BTRFS. In the next beta you have options as to how to setup Docker, either with loopback mounted image or raw folder path. If you select loopback mounted image (docker.img style) you can select what format to use on that image BTRFS or XFS. If you want to pool multiple drives together for cache, you will be forced down the path of BTRFS for the drives to be combined.
  14. I have 1 drive large enough for my CACHE needs, so I don't ever have to bother with BTRFS directly.
  15. If I was rebuilding I would skip having as many data drives locally and simply use the RCLONE Plugin setup with Google TeamDrives to stream all my data from the cloud. Regardless of that, I'd still avoid BTRFS like the plague.
  16. Enter in the following search phrase to search for, then click the Whale with text underneath it saying to "Click Here To Get More Results From DockerHub", atemu12/backblaze-personal-wine
  17. You can install this under Community Applications if you have advanced settings enabled for docker hub searching. CA will do it's best to parse and present what settings it thinks the docker app needs. You should try that approach first and see how it does.
  18. You'll probably have to lock every share down by user and ensure "camera" does not have access to any other shares. That means nothing setup as public. I don't know of Samba being Network/VLAN aware.
  19. Look at minfree settings for that share and for cache. Also is that VM image sparse, if so its size may report differently so it thinks it has room, but when copied may no longer be sparse.
  20. Or even Google Team Drive with encryption layer on top.
  21. It's not possible with any server where you have root/admin. He'd have to store his data encrypted.
  22. Quick questions related to this. What software do you run on the unit, normal Android or Android TV? Does it have all the DRM related hardware items needed to deal with Netflix / Prime HDR streams? This was an issue I was seeing with some of the cheaper tablet alternatives I looked at around a year ago. Or do you strictly use this as a Plex/Emby/JellyFin client box?
  23. It wouldn't be in unRaid per-se, it would be with the Linux Kernel Drivers for it. So try passing it through to a UNIX Flavor VM, maybe Ubuntu and see what that can do? Maybe some sort of CPU governor scaling issues with what you have set for unraid?
  24. You could buy a new license, so then you wouldn't have forced Limetech to blacklist the previous key you transferred or to now ask for them to transfer it over to a different key. Could you try a trial license? I don't remember all the restrictions involved. I do wonder how you are killing your boot drives. I'm still on my original from what I want to say is a decade ago.
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