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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. Step 1) Read the forum announcement thread to be aware of any special steps needed.
  2. Summary: Shop for dedicated router with 2.5 GBit support. I like my EdgeRouter ER-4, but its a couple years old now and doesn't support beyond Gigabit. It does max out my Gigabit network. Faster than Gigabit seems to be teased with newer Cable Modems with 2.5 Gbit support. I hear good things about various Mikrotik routers and 2.5 Gbit SFP adapters being put to work. Some have it working with 5Gbit SFP modules too. Both have their own OS. I think both focus on wired lines. Though Mikrotik may have a model with Wifi support. I prefer to run WiFi AP separately so its easier to upgrade or setup Mesh systems. I use my old Router as dedicated WIFI AC Access Point, running DDWRT firmware with all the routing functions disabled.
  3. @optiman did you do the steps listed by another user who said it fixed things for him in the 6.9.0 thread?
  4. For those unawares, 6.9.1 is out
  5. /mnt/user/ is just an aggregate of /mnt/disk#/ and /mnt/cache/, so if those are covered you don't need to explicitly cover /mnt/user/.
  6. I find it boggling that anyone uses a system designed for data integrity to not want the data integrity portions to function.
  7. If the images get downloads then they are not unused. Right? So if you're using an image hosted from a free account, its in your best interest to re-download them periodically. Edit: They do not enforce image retention and have moved over to resource pull limits instead: https://www.docker.com/blog/docker-hub-image-retention-policy-delayed-and-subscription-updates/
  8. Fix the program configurations which are writing the new files to solve this issue going forward. Run Docker-Safe NewPermissions script to fix existing problems.
  9. Disabling WSDD prevents the problem 100% of the time...
  10. Wikipedia may have the info you're looking for.
  11. That all needs to be withing the virual environment, in that case th specific docker you're running. Nothing runs on the host, its all within the container.
  12. Looks to be an lm-sensor thing for fan control with that specific device driver? Advice from a post years ago that never saw any responses:
  13. Officially listed Apps require support, so who would take on the support of these apps?
  14. There is a patch for newer version of WSDD to remove infinite loop under certain conditions. It was mentioned in one of these threads. Limetech could release patches / updates for their stable 6.8 build but they seem to have forgone that for a long time now to put out 6.9 beta and RCs.
  15. The source of sending to the array also needs to have 10 GbE, otherwise that xfer would be bottlenecked to 1 Gbps. So what sources are you going to be copying from that exceed 1 Gbps?
  16. It would be bottlenecked unless they also have 10 GB Ethernet setup too.
  17. That's a pure Catch-22 if this card is the only one you're using for networking, right? You can't get networking working with it until the plugin is installed but can't get plugin installed until the card is working.
  18. I dont know why they reset/overwrote this behavior from what was set.
  19. BRiT

    1PB Array?

    Impossible. The Array drive limit is below that.
  20. If they could fix the forced to click on the itty bitty tiny ball or star to go to first new unread post instead of being able to click on the Thread Title, that would be great. When I read the forums on my tablet, I have less than a 1 in 1000 chance of ever actually being able to click on that tiny speck.
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