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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. Officially listed Apps require support, so who would take on the support of these apps?
  2. There is a patch for newer version of WSDD to remove infinite loop under certain conditions. It was mentioned in one of these threads. Limetech could release patches / updates for their stable 6.8 build but they seem to have forgone that for a long time now to put out 6.9 beta and RCs.
  3. The source of sending to the array also needs to have 10 GbE, otherwise that xfer would be bottlenecked to 1 Gbps. So what sources are you going to be copying from that exceed 1 Gbps?
  4. It would be bottlenecked unless they also have 10 GB Ethernet setup too.
  5. That's a pure Catch-22 if this card is the only one you're using for networking, right? You can't get networking working with it until the plugin is installed but can't get plugin installed until the card is working.
  6. I dont know why they reset/overwrote this behavior from what was set.
  7. BRiT

    1PB Array?

    Impossible. The Array drive limit is below that.
  8. If they could fix the forced to click on the itty bitty tiny ball or star to go to first new unread post instead of being able to click on the Thread Title, that would be great. When I read the forums on my tablet, I have less than a 1 in 1000 chance of ever actually being able to click on that tiny speck.
  9. Any word on them fixing the other aspects they utterly broke?
  10. Nope, its entirely tied to Enable WSD. If you have WSD disabled, restarted, and are seeing high usage it is entirely a different issue.
  11. You don't find that as an improvement, along with all the other brokenness?
  12. It looks too bold for my eyes too, on Android Tablet using Chrome browser.
  13. @SpencerJ How do I fix whats broken in the Unread Activity? It used to display a thread only once, but now its utterly messed up and displays the thread multiple times. Notice how the thread "Neuer Server... würde mich über Beratung/Tipps freuen..." shows up so many time.
  14. Forums unread activity is broken. Instead of showing only 1 listing for the entire Thread it is showing every reply as a new activity. So this thread showed up 7 times. This makes the "unread" worthless and impossibly difficult to follow.
  15. Check out the rclone plugin and rclone threads. It already supports s3 according to their page @ https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_mount/
  16. Should we start a new thread for Unraid 2021 Feature Request Wishlist?
  17. FWIU, You should be using Service Accounts so you have no upload quota.
  18. You know, the only version of unraid, though unofficial, to support Nvidia GPUs for dockers for years until just the past month.
  19. This entire thread is full of examples and explainations.
  20. The point is with DRAT the data could vary per block, so you need to do a followup Read for every block after the TRIM to figure out WTF the value is. With ZRAT you know its zeros.
  21. My thoughts are... Any block device needs to listen for the TRIM commands and then act appropriately regardless of what the mode is, so no benefit on any of the different settings. However, with RZAT/DZ_TRIM unraid would know that the block is now ZERO after the command is submitted. With DRAT/DX_TRIM it is unknown what the new block value would be.
  22. I would think RZAT is better. Then unRaid knows the data for that block of that drive should be set to 0 in its new parity calculation. The verbiage of DRAT gives me moment to pause and ask WTF do they mean by "or become determinate". Does it return the original data, where unraid would do nothing to parity? Does it flip it to some other data like 255, where unraid would need to figure out what it does and then mirror the behavior to Parity? Or does it become a larger more complex pattern?
  23. Ah yeah, though I wonder if it'll be any different considering many stations only broadcast in 720p. I'm expecting some ATSC 3 features to be used but the picture still being no better than 720p or 1080i for the next 3 years.
  24. Simple question, why do you need to transcode? Can your clients not handle direct play? It may be far simpler to upgrade your client hardware than your server. That can enable direct play and eliminate the need for transcoding completely. But it depends on the circumstances.
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