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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. Unraid runs from RAM. Changes do not persist across reboots unless additional steps have been taken to persistent to the flash drive and reloaded on startup. Most users use the plugin "User Scripts" to run and manage customizations like that.
  2. No sound card drivers on the host server (unraid) so doubtful if getting an audio device to work with Docker especially if its a plug-in card like PCI / PCI Express. Probably easier to get it passed through to a VM and use it that way.
  3. I suggest you READ the previous post.
  4. I never update packages inside of a Docker container as that defeats the entire purpose of Dockers. That purpose is that Docker Creators manage the entire internal contents to ensure an exact and known working experience.
  5. I thought you can already get this by using BTRFS as your filesystem in your data drives. That way your array drives are parity protected and the contents of your files have Metadata checksums for the file contents.
  6. It doesn't work on the user filesystems, at least it didn't when I tried it 5 years ago. So use it on the actual filesystems such as /mnt/disk#/share/directory/file
  7. If you're still curious enough have a look at what exactly it stores. It's mounted so you can see everything that's inside of it.
  8. No need for all those complicated steps at all. As already posted, support for this is built into unraid since 6.9.2. I suggest reading and comprehending the following post:
  9. Everything I have seen with networking is to run both IPV4 and IPV6 at the same time, which is called dual stacked, or to run only IPV4. The attempts at only running IPV6 currently results in not being able to reach huge portions of the internet. The rest of the network world simply isn't ready yet.
  10. For files that are never supposed to change, look into marking them as immutable with, chattr +i filename . The only way the file can be changed is through removing the immutable attribute first with, chattr -i filename.
  11. Isn't there enough hardware level support in hard drives where they detect and correct bitrot from a sector perspective? I vaguely recall a post by Limetech (maybe?) that went into all the various levels of protection that is actually built into the storage hardware systems.
  12. Post your parity check history so one knows when it faltered. You do have it scheduled to run regularly, like monthly right? You can see this on the Web UI by looking at parity history and posting a screenshot of the window captured. I dint know where that info might be inside the diag file, otherwise I'd look there.
  13. Love to see these quick release series. Hope all goes smoothly.
  14. That's not the installed to directory. Look under /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ hierarchy, that will have plugins installed.
  15. Run and finish Parity check at all of the following times: 1. before any server maintenance. 2. after any server maintenance 3. before moving a server 4. after moving a server But its your data and your server so feel free to take whatever risks you're comfortable with.
  16. I would not want to put any of my servers on the internet with DNS records pointing to them, so using CloudFlare as a security firewall proxy makes sense. But its your server and your data so take whatever highstakes risks that you are comfortable with.
  17. Are you sure it's not from one of your Windows VM?
  18. If you already have it installed you can look at the php files itself.
  19. Hate to be that guy, but ... You should attach diagnostics to your next post in the thread. That will provide comprehensive set of actual information that others can use to possibly assist you.
  20. And you removed any and all your array drives from off the controller card mentioned? (Because it uses port multipliers which provides slower performance when all drives are in use)
  21. Are you located in Canada or trying to pull anything from there? If so, it's likely because Rogers has royally fraked their network. It's been a major outage across the country since 5am Friday. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/08/rogers-network-outage-across-canada-hit-banks-businesses-and-consumers.html
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