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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. Realtek drivers are really hit and miss. You'll have an easier time ditching any network device using that company's chipsets. Every time Limetech tried different Realtek drivers in a release in the past, it proved to be nothing but headaches all around with the sort of "Solve one problem and create dozens more" scenario. I know it's not what you want to hear and doesn't help you, but that's the reality.
  2. Uninstall any S3 Sleep plugins you may have installed. Don't know if you have one or not since diagnostics are not posted, but check that out.
  3. Your difficulties are not because of the docker.img. Docker.img is mounted like a filesystem so just browse to where it's mounted. There is even an option to use a directory instead of a mounted image.
  4. Not an issue since the users can change the setting if needed.
  5. Yea there is: Speedtest Tracker from Selfhosters
  6. I think there was a version that had a secure wipe functionality setting.
  7. Maybe because a 'sync" is issued that forces a flush of all data? That's about the only way *nix systems provide to ensure data is written to devices such as the removable flash drive.
  8. Find the existing subject on this by searching for it using the same words you created this thread as.
  9. Uhm details to share so others have an idea of what to look out for???
  10. IPMI is the server management feature you're looking for to do remote BIOS access. If you didn't get a server motherboard then maybe a remote KVM (Keyboard/Video/Mouse) setup over IP would work.
  11. No. NerdPack is obsolete and all development and support has stopped. Look towards Nerd Tools.
  12. Specific examples would be useful for future development efforts and prioritization. Not everyone is a mind reader to know what's needed or wanted.
  13. This has come up in the past, and everything will be fine with unRaid. Use the search if you want the details.
  14. Article about power consumption: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/10/high-idle-power-use-on-intel-arc-gpus-requires-fiddling-with-bios-settings/ Users will need to go into their PC's BIOS and configure a pair of advanced PCI Express power management settings—the "Native ASPM" (or active-state power management) setting should be enabled, and the "PCI Express root port ASPM" setting should be enabled and set to "L1 Substates." You'll also need to set the PCI Express Link State Power Management setting to "maximum power savings" in Windows' advanced power options settings. ... Testing from Tom's Hardware shows that with the settings enabled, Arc A750 power consumption at idle dropped from 37.3 W to 15.5 W, a significant drop. The same settings didn't seem to have an effect on an Arc A770 card, though it's unclear whether this is a motherboard bug, a GPU hardware or firmware or driver problem, or something else. Intel may be able to address the issue in the long-term with driver or firmware updates for the Arc A-series GPUs, but the troubleshooting article doesn't make it sound very likely. Intel says that the company "will be looking at making optimizations in future generations," which makes it sound like we'll need new hardware to address the issue decisively.
  15. Ever thought to simply map full on /mnt/user/ to /mnt/user/ . That way the scripts shouldn't need changing and mounts shouldn't need adjusting.
  16. Easiest and Quickest to implement yet costliest is to buy a 10 GBit switch.
  17. Yes, more service accounts. No, not more costs since it's not more user accounts. Service accounts are different than user accounts.
  18. Have you tried any of the mediainfo dockers such as this one? https://hub.docker.com/r/jlesage/mediainfo/
  19. Any particular reason you don't want data protection? Seems odd to me to be using a system designed for one core thing but not wanting to use that thing.
  20. Everyone should be using "chattr +i" to protect the files that are not expected to be updated or written to.
  21. When people say to post diagnostics they mean you should post the full and entire zip file. Preferably to a new post since the forums do not notify when posts are edited.
  22. What are you talking about? Most of the initial Dynamix plugins are now included in the base unRaid release.
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