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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. BRiT

    Memory Leaks?

    Not experienced anything remotely like that. My server only ever reboots for OS upgrades, typically going for 180+ days. I'm still running on 6.5.3, so uptime would have been since June 2018 if it weren't for power outage of 1 hour or longer. root@UNRAID:~# uptime 19:50:16 up 178 days, 5:14, 1 user, load average: 0.12, 0.08, 0.03
  2. Upgrade unRaid to latest RC 5. Early RC Kernels have large issues that can cause system stability issues. Try that first.
  3. Again, sorry to see such bugs affect anyone. The good parts of the discussion starts on page 5 of this thread, with some trying normal file and directory permissions before trying the immutable attribute (chattr +i). I have all my movies/shows/videos set as +i but leave the metadata info and pictures from scrapers left as modifiable since they can easily be recreated.
  4. You could take precautions as listed in the malware prevention topics, especially the "chattr +i" command.
  5. Pedantic nitpic on the help text, the default setting is "No" and not "OFF" looking at the UI.
  6. And that is why some folks no longer bother to reply to threads with varioous items to try.
  7. Fully specify the config location.
  8. Post in the emby forums. They likely have better support for that specific situation.
  9. Of course not. I'm a Lazy Dev. I forget that not many folks around this forum is aware of that knee-jerk reaction joke. It shows up all the time on the graphical/game related forums. Frankly, developers' time is better spent developing than it is documenting, unless it's a fundamental breaking change that requires manual steps to adjust.
  10. No. I did not forget that RC does not mean Release Candidate here. Other's have. That's why I asked why they don't ask for features.
  11. Why? It's not like RC(s) here mean feature freeze that goes along with Release Candidate.
  12. The pressure needs to be on Oracle (current owners of Sun Microsystems IP) to get them to change the license terms on ZFS. Not until the terms are adjusted will you see the attitude towards it from Linux Kernal developers change.
  13. The lines dealing with extraction, since bzroot has 2 sections you need to deal with first part and then skip that section to get to the last part: echo -e " ----- Extract BZROOT microcode" dd if=/boot/bzroot bs=512 count=$(cpio -ivt -H newc < /boot/bzroot 2>&1 > /dev/null | awk '{print $1}') of=bzrootmicrocode echo -e "----- Unpack BZROOT" dd if=/boot/bzroot bs=512 skip=$(cpio -ivt -H newc < /boot/bzroot 2>&1 > /dev/null | awk '{print $1}') | xzcat | cpio -i -d -H newc --no-absolute-filenames
  14. Maybe 6.7.0 addresses the issue of impossible updates.
  15. I suggest others re-read the above concern before handwaveing it away as a non-issue. (Copied it because it was well expressed)
  16. Sure ... just handwave away legitimate concerns especially ECC Ram that was mentioned earlier.
  17. Snippets of the syslog usually do not help, that is why the troubleshooting FAQ says to post full diagnostics zip file.
  18. The price of Pro is so cheap I'm surprised anyone purchases less.
  19. You'd have to escape out the space in the directory name somehow. Two choices are using double-quotes around entire name or use backslash-space sequence: "/mnt/user/Movies/Home Movies" /mnt/user/Movies/Home\ Movies
  20. First Unassigned Devices needs to be integrated into base unraid distribution since it currently limits by number of devices. Then the same handling can be standardized across assigned and unassigned drives by the core developers.
  21. Maybe retest with urandom as the source sync? dd if=/dev/urandom iflag=fullblock bs=1MB count=20000 of=20gbte The fullblock flag is needed otherwise you might not write the same amount of data when dealing with random syncs and entropy in linux systems.
  22. Interesting breakdown in the cause of the issues for those who like tech details. I suppose it's not worth the development and quality assurance time to have it be a user configurable behavior?
  23. I have no need to use commercial VPN services.
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