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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. Was going to point out, what testdasi already said, that in Linux your drive letters can/will change between reboots, especially when changing controllers. You need to keep the drive serial number for accurate notes.
  2. I have no issues using Emby Docker on unRaid server with clients being Roku Ultras running the Emby App.
  3. If they're not that bright then they wouldnt be running custom Nvidia or DVB versions in the first place.
  4. Maybe because other Dockers use SQLite differently from other runtimes, like if Emby uses it then its through the dotNet Framework and not from C++ or PHP?
  5. Seemingly no issues with update from 6.7.1.
  6. Unraid also replaces the md device driver with it's own flavor so you wont be able to do any mdadmin commands directly on the unraid host.
  7. Latest unraid 6.7.1 does not include SQLLite. You will need to run that command from inside a Docker container or you can attempt to install SQLLite using NerdPack plugin. Some of the recent posts in this topic talk about it:
  8. If you dont post diagnostics no one can help you get to what your real problem is. It certainly isn't UD.
  9. I think it's more a matter of being inside your house and being targetted by satellites than being mounted by UD. When say say "died" what do you mean? Posting diagnostics would give us more information than the "it died" to work with.
  10. Given what Oracle is doing with the Java License and costs to corporations, I would not be willing to include anything that Oracle now owns in a commercial product.
  11. Wrong. It has more interesting feature than the free stuff. The ability to not loose all your data if multiple drives die. You lose two drives in RAID5 and you lost 100% data. You lose 3 drives in RAID6 and you lost 100% data. You lose 2 drives in a 10 drive unRaiid (1 parity) and you still retain the data on all 8 other drives, if your lucky and a lost drive is parity you then have data of all 9 other data drives.
  12. So what did you end up having to do?
  13. Are you looking to use any VLAN tagging? Are all the devices on the same wall? If I had all the RecRoom devices in the same area I'd rather have a 16 port switch than 2 8 Ports. In my rec-room I have 2 8 ports, first one on the end wall near the entertainment center for all the consoles and streaming devices, second one on the side wall for all the PCs at a desk. I still have spare ports so I have Switch B (Entertainment Center) plugged to Switch A (PCs) and Switch A plugged to communication nexus located elsewhere. The communication nexus is just a central Switch C that connects to the different rooms (Rec Room, Living Room, Bedroom A, B, and C) and the Router which then connects to the Cable modem.
  14. Docker Logs maybe? There is overhead in the docker image because of all the layers it has to do, so there is some space lost to that, think of it like file-system overhead. I have less than 3 GB used on my Docker Image of 15 GB from nearly 3 years of usage with usenet, torrents, and a media server included. If you have rapid docker usage growth without new installations, you have something misconfigured.
  15. Yes, please do whatever you can to deliver a Toronto win. 🦎
  16. Have you looked under here? https://github.com/linuxserver/Unraid-DVB/tree/master/build_scripts In particular https://github.com/linuxserver/Unraid-DVB/blob/master/build_scripts/kernel-compile-module.sh
  17. Change the default boot option to be MEMTEST. 👿
  18. If you value your own time and sanity, then all drives should be exercised and tested before you trust your data to them.
  19. Never underestimate the problems users can cause. 🤡
  20. Upgraded to 6.7.0 from 6.5.3 and so far so good with nothing standing out as an issue, personal preference for a friendly colorful UI instead of the monotone aside.
  21. I found this explanation: On unraid 6.3.5 there are options for the following, so I imagine they are still there in later versions: md_num_stripes md_sync_window md_sync_thresh What disappeared was md_write_limit. Here is explanation of the older tunables:
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