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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. Run second instance of unRAID inside a VM with drives 31 to 60 mapped.
  2. BRiT

    A proper login page

    /me awaits the inevitable question "Do you have anything less Orange?"
  3. To put things into a more realistic perspective ... If people have physical access to my server, I'm more concerned about being kidnapped, shot, or killed than my data drives being taken.
  4. And you're not talking about the false Docker Update problem already discussed in this thread, right? (Claims to update but it's the same version)
  5. I forgot about it being a new month, and having a new automatic parity check. The first tweak was fairly close performance wise to the last regularly scheduled run, but better than the earlier normal scheduled runs. The last tweak using the latest version with a long run has shaved a little over 3 minutes off! Last Tweak: 15 hr, 10 min, 52 secs @ 146.4 MB/s. First Tweak: 15 hr, 14 min, 7 sec @ 145.9 MB/s Most Recent Historicals (before tweaking): 15 hr, 14 min, 53 sec @ 145.8 MB/s 15 hr, 20 min, 12 sec @ 144.9 MB/s 15 hr, 21 min, 5 sec @ 144.8 MB/s 15 hr, 17 min, 56 sec @ 145.3 MB/s
  6. https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/how-to-install-prereleases-and-report-bugs-r8/
  7. Probably a timing issue, you're trying to run cmds in mariadb before its fully started after it was stopped then started? Try putting docker exec before you stop the containers?
  8. After making the change and doing a [Check for Updates] all containers correctly report 'up-to-date'.
  9. Out of curiosity, are the writes also increasing on the parity drives along with Disk 5 and Disk 6?
  10. Your SMART reports has one of the files named as if the disk was disabled. From what I know, only Write errors will cause a disk to be disabled. The filename is: WDC_WD40EFRX-68N32N0_WD-WCC7K2YZHFFE-20190831-2011 disk1 (sdd) - DISK_DSBL.txt
  11. Maybe it should be phrased as "Using Cache?", so then when the answer is NO its more applicable to expect Mover to not look at Cache... Maybe provide warnings when it's set to NO and it detects files still on Cache. *shrug*
  12. A lot of repeating items in your syslogs... Cache being full, CronTab Parsing, and Router Discovery. Aug 29 12:04:38 WadeWilson shfs: share cache full ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 1 TIMES] ### Aug 29 12:04:39 WadeWilson kernel: vfio_ecap_init: 0000:26:00.0 hiding ecap 0x19@0x280 Aug 29 12:04:40 WadeWilson unassigned.devices: Error: Remote SMB/NFS server 'UNRAID-GAMESERV' is off-line and share '//UNRAID-GAMESERV/PlexLogs' cannot be mounted. Aug 29 12:04:50 WadeWilson shfs: share cache full ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 5 TIMES] ### Aug 29 12:05:03 WadeWilson crond[1896]: failed parsing crontab for user root: ? * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.turbo/scripts/turboSchedule.php enable 60 > /dev/null 2>&1 Aug 29 12:05:03 WadeWilson crond[1896]: failed parsing crontab for user root: ? * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.turbo/scripts/turboSchedule.php disable 300 > /dev/null 2>&1 Aug 29 12:05:03 WadeWilson crond[1896]: failed parsing crontab for user root: ? * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.turbo/scripts/turboSchedule.php enable 60 > /dev/null 2>&1 Aug 29 12:05:03 WadeWilson crond[1896]: failed parsing crontab for user root: ? * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.turbo/scripts/turboSchedule.php disable 300 > /dev/null 2>&1 Aug 29 12:05:03 WadeWilson crond[1896]: failed parsing crontab for user root: ? * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.turbo/scripts/turboSchedule.php enable 60 > /dev/null 2>&1 Aug 29 12:05:03 WadeWilson crond[1896]: failed parsing crontab for user root: ? * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.turbo/scripts/turboSchedule.php disable 300 > /dev/null 2>&1 Aug 29 12:05:05 WadeWilson shfs: share cache full ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 11 TIMES] ### Aug 29 12:10:04 WadeWilson ntpd[1876]: kernel reports TIME_ERROR: 0x41: Clock Unsynchronized Aug 29 12:14:00 WadeWilson root: Fix Common Problems Version 2019.06.30a Aug 29 12:14:08 WadeWilson root: Fix Common Problems: Other Warning: CPU possibly will not throttle down frequency at idle ** Ignored Aug 29 12:20:51 WadeWilson kernel: ICMPv6: RA: ndisc_router_discovery failed to add default route ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 1 TIMES] ### Aug 29 12:25:01 WadeWilson crond[1896]: failed parsing crontab for user root: ? * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.turbo/scripts/turboSchedule.php enable 60 > /dev/null 2>&1 Aug 29 12:25:01 WadeWilson crond[1896]: failed parsing crontab for user root: ? * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.turbo/scripts/turboSchedule.php disable 300 > /dev/null 2>&1 Aug 29 13:00:02 WadeWilson shfs: share cache full ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 1561 TIMES] ### Aug 29 13:00:30 WadeWilson kernel: ICMPv6: RA: ndisc_router_discovery failed to add default route Aug 29 13:00:30 WadeWilson shfs: share cache full ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 20543 TIMES] ### Aug 29 13:06:52 WadeWilson kernel: ICMPv6: RA: ndisc_router_discovery failed to add default route
  13. For myself, I fill one disk then move onto the next when it's full and I have to expand the array. The only time I care about which disks movies are on is when I replace multiple smaller drives with a larger drive, like 5 2TB to 3 4TB, or 4 4TB to 3 8TB. That's when I take the opportunity to group Collections together then attempt to split by movie Year or movie Letter/Name. I did this differently between those 2 moves, where it seems Release Year is the more natural split, it enables all but the newest drive can slow-down as majority of the time users watch newer movies. But I can understand someone's CDO and not wanting to have to manually manage this all the time.
  14. Possible workarounds today... Use sub directories and split levels appropriately, simply create the A, B, etc directories only on the drives you want them to be on. /mmt/user/Movies/A/ /mnt/user/Movies/B/ ... /mnt/user/Movies/Z/ Other way is to use cache drive and replace mover script with your own script using your regex pattern matching logic or what have you.
  15. Quick searches show Green Geek for web-hosting ($2.95 a month) and offers unlimited email accounts. https://www.greengeeks.com/web-hosting Other search shows your mentioned BlueHost for $2.95 a month with unlimited email accounts per domain. But you have to prepay for 3 years. https://www.techradar.com/news/best-email-hosting-providers If you are a small business with a small headcount and don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on email accounts, then consider this. From EIG-owned Bluehost comes an exclusive business email package for TechRadar readers where you get unlimited email accounts and email storage for as little as $2.95 when paying for three years; that’s a mere $106.20 for the duration of the term. Is it truly unlimited though?
  16. I had signed up for Google hosted email for my own domains hosted elsewhere during the first month they originally offered it in 2006. They provided me with upto 1000 accounts per domain for free. For people signing up now, I think Google charges. Not sure what provider I would use today for new domains.
  17. Sorry if I don't agree with your explanation/example using Docker but it's because You can't fix Stupid. If people are going to do Stupid things, they'll always find a way. The same Stupid will have the LUKS password/phrase written down on a Sticky Note by the Keyboard. They probably have it backed up to the cloud in a publicly readable container too.
  18. Conversation is taking place over here: and here
  19. You have a Zombie process (State Z) that's prob preventing a graceful shutdiwn. 10664 nobody 20 0 0 0 0 Z 0.0 0.0 1:56.54 Plex Medi+
  20. This was 4 years ago. People didn't know any better back then.
  21. It does look like it's in an 8x Slot. Well your system does seem a bit of a mystery as to why your Parity Check speeds are limited, unless it's truly limited by the speed of the smaller capacity drives. So the thought was no harm trying to switch to the other slot and see if it impact benchmarks at all. If it's put into a lesser capable slot, then the impacts should be shown immediately, but there's a slight chance it might be put into a more capable slot or at least one that might behave differently. It's more of a this doesn't make much sense, so try something idea.
  22. If it isn't an issue, any chance you can switch PCIExpress ports for the controller? Just to rule out any inaccuracies in the motherboard manual on which port is wired to which?
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