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Everything posted by jmztaylor

  1. I'll let someone else chime in to verify. But one way to test without breakage is to stop the auto start of the array, swap the drive to a new spot and see if it shows up properly before starting array. If it doesn't show up properly just swap it back. As long as the array isn't started there isn't any risk of breaking the array Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  2. Unraid doesn't care which ports things are hooked up to. Unraid only cares about the identifier (model+serial?) that shows up in unraid. I have moved drives between controllers and unraid doesn't care. It still worked without issue. Not sure if that was what you are looking for or not.
  3. That server has an issue with the ethernet drivers. Read the release notes I will let someone else chime in but I am pretty sure your only option right now is to downgrade or disable VT-d. VMs will still work but you won't be able to pass through devices to the VMs
  4. My quick guess is that the ports aren't forwarded on your router. I think Windows apps would use uPnP to open the ports automatically. Try setting up port forwarding in your router for that port to see if that works
  5. Most likely will need to do a parity swap. Your data drive cannot be larger than the parity drive.
  6. In my experience with plex, only if the client needs a lower quality will transcoding happen. If it doesn't then it just uses direct stream. As for using CPU instead of GPU I am not sure about. If you check Plex dashboard when playing the local transcode what does the dashboard say. It should say transcode for video and audio and whether it is using cpu or gpu
  7. Does local need transcoding? Remote defaults to transcode typically. Have you tried forcing transcoding locally?
  8. Are you able to ping from the terminal?
  9. Yes that would be the best option. If you can access it from SSH then you can just run the diagnostics command and the file will be on your flash drive in the logs folder.
  10. So how would be the best way to use a unraid share inside of the LXC container. Would it be crazy to just symlink the folder to inside the rootfs folder somwhere?
  11. Whats the hardware? Are you able to access via SSH? Please post diagnostics.
  12. IIRC that IP address could possibly change so I wouldn't use that. Try using the 192 IP address in radarr
  13. have you tried running /usr/sbin/mcelog > mcelog.txt and checking out that file?
  14. Probably the ethernet driver issue referenced here
  15. Virtualization can be enabled but VT-d specifically needs to be disabled. If you don't have a VT-d option like I do not then add this to the syslinux config by clicking on the flash drive under Main. intel_iommu=off Then reboot. Screenshot shows where to put it. Virtualization will work if you need it in the future but you will not be able to passthrough devices to the VM
  16. Plugging it into another computer is always the easiest
  17. it will be in the logs folder on the flash drive
  18. Basically both are the same. But I would do A as it would allow the system to evenly write to all the disks. Then you won't have the issue of parity running and you are trying to copy stuff over. Or waiting for parity to complete to copy data over
  19. I've had issues restoring from backups with Plex. But for me to get it to work I had to delete multiple files and then only restore the 2 .db files and start plex again. Of course make backups of these files first. Shutdown plex Delete: com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db-shm com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db-wal com.plexapp.plugins.library.db com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-shm com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal Restore ONLY (copy from backup): com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db com.plexapp.plugins.library.db Start plex again. See if that works for you. If the other DB files in that directory are not corrupted you might be able to restore one of the dated ones that are in this folder. Also make sure the date stamps you restore are the same dates.
  20. The go file contents should be exactly like this with each option on new lines #!/bin/bash http_proxy=http://10.x.x.x:8080 https_proxy=http://10.x.x.x:8080 echo "export http_proxy=\"http://10.x.x.x:8080\"" >> /root/.bash_profile echo "export https_proxy=\"http://10.x.x.x:8080\"" >> /root/.bash_profile # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp &
  21. Bullseye works fine. I saw in the first post Ubuntu 19+ wont work. Im not familiar with systemd so thought 18 would work. But yes I can reproduce that. Thanks
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