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Everything posted by spl147

  1. ok, so i have a Asrock Fatality x99M Killer. i am trying to reliably pass through a keyboard and mouse without having to hot plug them every time using the plugin. i found this article: https://sholland.org but it's a little over my head. but if i understand it correctly it will allow me to pass through certain ports to the VM using ONLY the chipset usb controller can someone break this down for me or perhaps a plugin to make this dummy proof?
  2. Use case would be where the drive is connected to a pc in a office, and the rack with unraid server is in the basement, it’s a pain to run up and down the stairs to insert/swap discs for ripping
  3. Or something else was assigned it’s ip Using dhcp reservations is better then static ips for this exact reason!
  4. Does your server have multiple nic’s? Try a different one if so. Surge might have took out you nic or switch port. Invest in a good sine wave ups
  5. yes that video does work, but it makes you run the VM is SATA mode, and no VNC support
  6. is the LibreELEC template ever going to be updated?
  7. im trying to install LibreELEC as a VM using the LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2.4.img, but unraid will only let me use a iso
  8. what is the command to ssh into this container? i tried : docker exec -it MakeMKV bash but it returns: OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "exec: \"bash\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown
  9. i switched to this repo long ago. maintainer is awesome. always up to date! https://github.com/jlesage/docker-mkvtoolnix
  10. It gets the post back to the top, for visibility
  11. Does this include the MarinaDB Docker?
  12. Now thats a constructive reply!
  13. Does that include the MarinaDB Docker?
  14. does this defect afect the MariaDB Docker as well?
  15. What are the issues it is fixing? Yea i agree it should be in the release notes
  16. Why are there no posts about the 6.7.3RC releases? release notes are vauge to say the least
  17. Has anyone got the LOG function in the HomeBridgeGUI Docker working? also The Restart Button Shuts down the Container, instead of restarting it
  18. my server has 3 built in eth interfaces, 1 for ipmi, and 2 for lan, im trying to seperate eth0 and eth1. i want to put all dockers and vms on eth1. i have eth0 on with bonding and bridging disabled, and eth1 on with bonding disabled and bridging enabled. how do i force docker to use eth1? for vm's i changed network bridge from virbr0 to br1 is that correct?
  19. im also waiting for this to be fixed properly! never worked for me
  20. nest is converting to google single signon crap....api is changing, plugin most likely needs updating
  21. Updated, works! Sent from my iPhone Xs Max using Tapatalk Pro
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