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Everything posted by bonienl

  1. It needs to be done manually (no programming required though). You need to telnet into your system and locate file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.active.streams/ActiveStreams.page Easiest is to use Midnight Commander (mc) and navigate to the above folder, use F4 to edit the file. Change the first line Menu="SystemInformation" into Menu="SystemInformation Dashboard" Save and exit the file with F2 / F10 and Active Users will now show up on the dashboard page.
  2. Server layout Powerdown Package Community Applications Dynamix Zend OPcache Dynamix System Temperature Dynamix System Statistics Dynamix Auto Fan Control Dynamix S3 Sleep Dynamix Cache Directories Dynamix Active Streams
  3. The up/down symbols are (miniture) action buttons for an individual disk, like the Spin Down and Spin Up buttons on the Array Operation page. When hovering over them, it will show the message "Click to spin <action> device" ...
  4. Stop and start the Plex docker, it will automatically update (you can open the log to see its progress).
  5. Yeah a bug, thanks for reporting. The workaround: set tabbed mode -> change to advanced view (it will remember this state) -> optionally change back to non-tabbed mode
  6. This certainly looks promising, and perhaps a future version of unRAID can take advantage of this. Is anything of this shared on github, for example ?
  7. As a temporary measure you can disable notifications related to command timeout (188). Go to settings -> notification settings -> click advanced view -> uncheck 188
  8. When the number of reallocated sectors increments then it become a red thumb down. I'll have a look ...
  9. The reason the poll attribute time is set by default for 30 minutes is because it may impact the normal disk operation while reading the disk temperature using SMART. You can lower the value (I have mine set to 5 minutes), but be aware of the side effects like possible disk interruptions.
  10. The GUI refreshes in real-time (determined by the Page update frequency setting), the array counters however are updated once a minute in the background, hence not at the same frequency as the GUI. The temperature reading is a special case, the update frequency is set by the Tunable (poll_attributes) setting.
  11. I suppose quite some manhours went into development of these interfaces... @Kode, as a starting point for interaction with emhttp have a look at tempate.php. This file is called by emhttp each time the GUI view is build. Here the unRAID parameters are initialized and DefaultPageLayout.php is called to start building all pages. You may want to look at an alternative for DefaultPageLayout.php to do your GUI build. Rest assured - it took me also considerable effort and time to develop SF / Dynamix
  12. Can you show an example of a similar product which has a 'competitive' interface, curious to know what you are looking for ?
  13. One of the goodies to come in a next version is the possibility to drag-n-drop your own image onto the user picture. As a teaser the updated Edit User screen
  14. Perhaps it is just me ... thinking too complicated! It can be done with a very straightforward approach, just needed trurl to put me on the right track
  15. The first tab is about the array, I could rename Disk Stats into Array Stats, but then "Flash" would be out of place ... The second tab is about the system as a whole, hence System Stats.
  16. Made a modification and did a small test, indeed this is feasible -- it is working. Thanks trurl.
  17. Thanks for the input. Since I am currently away from the server I am not going to be able to boot in safe mode next couple of weeks. It is not a serious issue for me, just found out and decided to share. BR. Under Storage it simply counts the number hard disks (sd*) as reported by the system, these maybe inside or outside of the array. The disk activity as measured in the graph is over all disks present in the system.
  18. Not sure if this is feasible to do. With Reset all fields return to their value prior to the change and before Apply, but certain pages have fields/dropdowns enabled or disabled depending on the setting of another variable in the list. These are specific and individual cases which can not be captured in a single global action, which is required to make all pages work consistenly in the same manner.
  19. I believe you made the Done button change to Cancel when a setting is changed, right ? You could leave it in as an experiment, it can always be changed later - if needed.
  20. Certainly all these conditions need to be taken into consideration with these kind of changes. Most importantly for me is consistency: use everywhere the same labels and let them do the same type of action otherwise you end up with confused users. Actually the term "Done" is not badly chosen imho, we are not closing or exiting a window but simply finishing an action.
  21. When Apply and Done buttons are part of a form element then the housekeeping of these buttons is done by Dynamix. You don't need to do anything special (of course the Done/Cancel part isn't there yet).
  22. As you can see in the screenshots in the earlier post, by default Apply is disabled and Done is displayed. Making a change in a setting(s) will enable the Apply button and shows a Cancel button next to it. When the Apply is clicked to confirm the change(s) it will go back to the beginning with a disabled Apply and enabled Done button
  23. Thanks for that , merci beaucoup
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